Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 179:38:14
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Dr. Deborah Adamy has conversations with everyday people who inspire, uplift and who are living their lives with vitality and joy. She admires people who can weather adversity and hardship without becoming cynical and bitter; who actually choose to learn, grow and find meaning and purpose in what they have experienced.There are countless ordinary people living pretty extraordinary lives and Deborah wants to shine light on them! Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire includes conversations with a wide variety of people: activists, musicians, shiatsu therapists, circus arts performers, playwrights, directors, psychotherapists, dancers, film makers, yoga teachers, educators, actors and photographers, just to name a few. May you feel inspired and uplifted listening to this podcast. Visit www.enlighten.nyc for more. Enjoy!!


  • Episode 202 Bob Levy, entrepreneur and consultant

    21/03/2022 Duration: 54min

    On this week’s episode, my guest Bob Levy, entrepreneur and consultant, takes time to reflect and envision a new chapter in his life. How do we actually make the golden years golden? Crediting his mother, Bob has had the courage to embrace change throughout his life, be it change in careers, relationships, homes and communities. Averse to the finality in the word retirement, Bob prefers the words re-imagining and re-engaging for this new chapter. He is eager to take his life and work experiences, his skills and passions and find a fun, satisfying way to give back.   Bob’s non-traditional approach to life, his intellectual curiosity, meaningful connections with his wife, sons and grandchildren, and his search for new ways to contribute to important causes, may inspire you to contemplate your own legacy.  Check out the show notes for links to Bob’s email and website. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Bob's Web Site Bob's Email NYT: Trump Place Sign Comes Down

  • Episode 201 Thawing

    14/03/2022 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode, as nature transitions from winter to spring, I share some wonder and wisdom I discovered in watching the natural world thaw. When I paused and paid attention to the sights and sounds of snow and ice melting, I was inspired to look at what needs to soften within me. There are certainly concepts, emotions and behaviors that need to melt in our world. How can we transform our internal fog into mist and mystery, hope and healing?     May we be guided by nature’s lead to melt anger and blame, dissolve disconnection and cutting ourselves off, soften our overwhelm. Engaged spirituality during times of suffering invites us to thaw, melt, soften that which is rigid in our hearts. Thaw duality, thaw harsh judgement, thaw perceptions of enemies, thaw closed mindedness, thaw hatred, thaw war. Melt into compassion, forgiveness, and healing as we align with a vision of love and transformative possibility. Enjoy the podcast! Links: YouTube: Ukrainian girl singing “Let It Go” in bomb shelter IG: A

  • Episode 200 "Celebrating 200!"

    07/03/2022 Duration: 13min

    Today marks the 200th episode of our podcast! We launched our podcast in January 2018, just over 4 years ago. Looking back over these 4 years, I am deeply grateful for this podcast, all my guest and all my listeners. It began as my heart’s desire to shine light on everyday people who inspire me. We’ve had a wide range of guests: musicians, social justice activists, artists, yoga teachers, educators, actors, dancers, writers, photographers, filmmakers, researchers, students, formerly incarcerated people, politicians, entrepreneurs and humanitarians. These 150 guests had a quality, a life story, or an experience that inspired me. Be it creativity, courage, humor, overcoming adversity, learning spiritual lessons from difficult challenges, perseverance, resilience, gratitude, grace and humility. Thank you for celebrating our 200th episode with me! May each episode moving forward enrich your journey of living a little more mindfully, a little more authentically, a little more joyfully. Honored to partner

  • Episode 199 Cluttered Drawers

    28/02/2022 Duration: 06min

    On this week’s episode, we look at cluttered drawers, how they become dumping grounds for random odds and ends and how they call us to action! Every once in a while, our cluttered drawers need our attention, need us to empty, sort and organize. Not always easy to acknowledge, but important to address.   I think of a cluttered drawer as metaphor for life. How much personal clutter do we ignore, let build up until it shouts at us to attend it? How much collective clutter do we dismiss, in hopes it will go away… if we simply forget about it? As we end the month of February, “Black History Month”, “Black Futures Month”, how much racism clutter remains in our personal and collective drawers? How can we individually and as a country, steeped in systemic racism, unpack our clutter, sort through the items we prefer to ignore, minimize or pretend don’t exist? Hoping this inspires you to take the time to empty out your cluttered drawers, physically and metaphysically, personally and collectively. May we have a

  • Episode 198 Yin Wisdom

    14/02/2022 Duration: 10min

    On this week’s episode, I share some wisdom I learned from Yin Yoga that can easily be applied off the yoga mat. The philosophical foundation of Yin Yoga is to practice having awareness of what is, with acceptance. That so resonates with all of life. Awareness of what is with acceptance, in my body, in my mental state, my emotional state, would only enrich my spiritual state of being. Three principals of Yin Yoga are: 1. Meet your edge; 2. Stay in stillness; and 3. Hold it for time. So in a Yin Yoga class, we get into a posture, meet the edge of discomfort (not pain), stay in that posture in stillness and hold it for time. We can stay in a posture for  3-7 minutes. In Yin Yoga, we are targeting the Yin tissues of the body: the fascia, joints and ligaments. In Yin Yoga we move slowly, gently, staying present to what is, with acceptance. Yin invites us to let go of any doing, to yield, to receive. We all have both sides, both Yin and Yang. In our fast paced world of productivity, competition, and over-doing,

  • Episode 197 Black Futures Month

    07/02/2022 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode, I explore my desire to acknowledge, honor and celebrate Black History Month in a meaningful way. An inspiring article from Shaun King’s newsletter “The North Star”, written by Kendi, a student at NYU, introduced me to a new term “Black Futures Month” which integrates past, present and a hopeful future. May we, as Kendi states: “reflect on the tumultuous journey of Black people in America and the community’s triumphs against all odds.” Let’s celebrate and support today’s activists, authors, and freedom fighters, while embracing a Black Futures Month that highlights progress, active activism and an investment into a better Black future, that only ensures a healthier future for all of us. I am also excited about a future that reflects what white people have examined themselves, their guilt, their silence, their courage and vulnerability. What am I doing as a privileged white woman to combat racism, change the world and become a good ancestor? What are you doing? May this month: “Black H

  • Episode 196 Honoring Thich Nhat Hanh

    31/01/2022 Duration: 20min

    On this week’s episode I honor the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, peace activist, author and spiritual leader, Thich Nhat Hanh, who recently died at age 95. He was the embodiment of his inspiring values: engaged Buddhism, peace activism and mindful living. My own meditation and spiritual practices have been enriched by this gentle, wise soul for 4 decades. Since his death, I’ve immersed myself in reading more about Thich Nhat Hanh’s extraordinary life. What a tremendous supply we can access of videos, audios and articles along with over 100 published books written by Thich Nhat Hanh that include his memoirs, journals, children’s books and poetry. I read aloud an article posted on Fellowship of Reconciliation's (FOR) online magazine that illuminated for me a comprehensive, broad stroke of Thich Nhat Hanh’s life. May you also fill your senses, thoughts and hearts with the inspiring wisdom and compassion of Thich Nhat Hanh, for I believe he was and will continue to be one of the most influential spiritual leaders t

  • Episode 195 Sidney & Martin

    24/01/2022 Duration: 10min

    On this week’s episode I reflect on the legacy of Sidney Poitier and Martin Luther King, Jr. The gifted actor, director and activist, Sidney Poitier died on January 6th, 2022. The following week we honored MLK Day, a hard-fought national holiday to pay tribute to the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Both these men had such a significant impact on me, from early childhood, through my formative years in the 60s and 70s. These 2 incredible men of courage and leadership each found their unique way to access their gifts, live in integrity, and challenge the humiliating, oppressive ways Black people in the United States are treated. Both these men were articulate, dignified and implemented mindful ways to reach into the heart and conscience of Americans, particularly white Americans. It is no surprise that they knew each other, supported each other and had a great respect for one another. The motto of MLK Day is “Remember, Celebrate, Act” and “A Day On, Not a Day Off!” Let’s do what we can throughout the ye

  • Episode 194 Ripple Effect

    17/01/2022 Duration: 08min

    On this week’s episode I explore some of the ripple effects of Covid-19. Seems like everyone has been directly or indirectly impacted by the recent Covid surge! The virus has spread exponentially. And whether you’ve had the virus or someone in your close circle has had it, most of us have been up close and personal with Covid. With our personal Covid stories, the ripple effect of Covid continues. I humbly acknowledge the devastating loss and grief that Covid has created for hundreds of thousands of people. Covid, like life, entails both devastation, heartache and loss alongside gratitude, heart connection and blessings. And as I sit with the ripple effects I have experienced with Covid, my soul is nourished by the tender gifts, the heart openings, the ah-ha moments of what came into focus for me.   My big epiphany is that the most important ripple effect of Covid has been LOVE. LOVE for ourselves, LOVE for one another, LOVE for those hurting, struggling, suffering, forgiving, grieving, helping, supporting.

  • Episode 193 Reflections of 2021

    10/01/2022 Duration: 07min

    Last week, for the first episode of 2022, I shared my personal experience with Covid. On this week’s episode, I reflect on this past year, thanking my guests from 2021 and acknowledging that 2022 marks the beginning of our 5th year of the podcast. In the year 2021, we had a total of 19 guests, plus 2 tributes to dear friends, previous guests who died this year: re-releasing my conversations with Peter Fish and Tony Falco. We recorded 12 of our 19 guests via Zoom, with only 7 being able to be here in person. This past year, I shared 24 stories or guided meditations. I told personal stories, reflected on “whiteness”, communed with angels, and deepened my reverence for mystics and mystery. I became more curious to actively learn more about the Native people of where I live - the Lenni Lenape people. I dropped into more intimacy with nature and welcomed the everyday miracles that surround us. I hope that my guests and stories this past year have helped to uplift and inspire you along your journey. Thank you, 2

  • Episode 192 Covid: Up Close and Personal

    03/01/2022 Duration: 09min

    I typically begin the new year by reflecting on the past year and expressing gratitude for all my podcast guests. Instead however, on this week’s episode I’m going to bring Covid up close and personal, because in fact, Covid has been up close and personal for me this past week. My husband Paul and I had scratchy throats on the day after Christmas that quickly developed into all the Covid symptoms: sore throat, cough, chills, congestion, low-grade fever, headaches, and sure enough 3 days later we both tested positive for Covid. As our symptoms intensified in the middle of the week, I was brought to tears a few times by the thoughtfulness and kindness of others. My tears would flow each time a friend went out of their way to leave, on our door step, a test kit, a bag of groceries, Chinese herbs and cough syrup. I was challenged to receive the love, take it in, absorb it and let the power of love be as medicinal as the Chinese herbs were. Covid, up close and personal, reminded me of what it feels to tap into w

  • Episode 191 Alison Heller, author

    13/12/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    My guest today is Alison Heller. Alison is a lawyer who left her law practice to become a writer.  Alison has published 3 books, and her most recent novel “The Neighbor’s Secret” just came out this year. We discuss her book, her writing practice, what it took for her to leave her 14-year NYC law career, and how we treat ourselves in the process of writing, working and living. I am just as fascinated with the relevant themes she weaves into her novel, as I am with Alison as a person. Alison’s gracious, honest, open, curious exuberance will inspire you to read her books, too. Check out the Show Notes for links to Alison’s website, Instagram & Twitter, along with links to the comedian Gary Gulman, and Jon Kabat-Zinn, the author we reference. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Alison's Web Site Alison/IG Alison/Twitter Gary Gulman/IG “Wherever You Go, There You Are” by Jon Kabat-Zinn Video clip of State Abbreviations - Gary Gulman The Great Depresh - HBO Madeleine L’Engle

  • Episode 190 Stop The Noise

    06/12/2021 Duration: 07min

    On this week’s podcast, I acknowledge how noisy our world and own minds can be. I invite us to explore ways that we can stop the noise and drop into quiet and stillness. Whether it is through meditation or journaling or other avenues, may we open up opportunities to stop the noise and dive deep into our inner sanctuary. I read from the wise soul, poet and philosopher, Mark Nepo who has provided such intimate companionship on my journey. I highly recommend his book “Things That Join the Sea and the Sky: Field Notes on Living” to inspire you to stop the noise. May you explore, play with, be nourished by the different ways that you stop the noise, that you create silence in your world. May you trust that stopping the noise, from time to time, helps you not retreat from the world, but helps you to live more fully in it. As Rumi said “When I am silent, I fall into the place where everything is music.”  What do you hear, learn, experience when you stop the noise of your mind? Links: Mark Nepo IG: Mark Nep

  • Episode 189 Giving Thanks

    29/11/2021 Duration: 11min

    On this week’s episode, I share a simple ritual we created this Thanksgiving, inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants”. My desire was to honor the Lenni Lenape people who’s land we live on, to honor Mother Earth and to acknowledge what Debra Beal, my guest from last week uncovered for me about the origins of Thanksgiving from the indigenous perspective. She said that the original Thanksgiving feast was a celebration by the colonizers once they had massacred a substantial number of Indians. I wanted to take that information and incorporate it into the way my family celebrates Thanksgiving. I think it is critical to be aware and conscious of our history and do what I can to weave it into how we celebrate this holiday. The 12 of us gathered in my home, took turns reading the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address. This translation of the Mohawk version of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address was developed and published in 199

  • Episode 188 Debra Beal, Woman of the Ramapough Lenape Nation

    22/11/2021 Duration: 01h14min

    My guest today is Debra Beal. Debra was one of the women featured in Lisa Levart’s photography exhibit “Women of the Ramapough Lenape Nation”. Debra shares her own assimilation experience of how her parents initially downplayed their Native American culture when she was a child, only to pursue and embrace a relationship with her Lenape tribe when she was a young teenager. As her father’s bumper sticker read “I was Indian before it was cool to be Indian”. Debra has recently retired from her 33 year career in NY State’s Office of Mental Health and is exploring the ongoing delicate balance to integrate the fullness of who she truly is.  Her Indian name “Walela” translates as Hummingbird, which symbolizes Debra’s desire to create harmony in the world, by building genuine, compassionate relationships, helping people and being a conduit for healing. Check out the show notes for links to see Debra featured in Lisa’s photography exhibit at Bergen Community College, opened through November 24th, as well as in Myles

  • Episode 187 Liz Moyer Benferhat, Change-Maker, Facilitator and Coach

    15/11/2021 Duration: 56min

    My guest today is Liz Moyer Benferhat. Liz is a Change-Maker, Facilitator, and Coach who has taken her experience in social impact/sustainable development and international development to a new level. As the founder of We Heal For All, Liz facilitates Circles, Circle Training, and One-on-One Coaching, acknowledging that we are in a great transition, politically, culturally and environmentally. We Heal For All programs focus on co-creating what it means to collectively heal in the 21st century. We live in complex times and Liz explores healing as both a tool to thrive and an opportunity to impact deeper culture and consciousness shifts.  Through meditation, storytelling and resonance practice, Liz addresses the interconnectedness of climate justice, social justice, sustainability, and mental health. Liz’s holistic approach, understanding of how our internal world reflects our external world, respect for the ancestors, and her courage to shake up whole paradigm systems definitely excites me. Liz is manifestin

  • Episode 186 Tony Falco, In Memoriam

    08/11/2021 Duration: 01h23s

    With a heavy heart and tears in his eyes, my husband, Paul informed me last week that our dear friend, Tony Falco had died. We knew Tony had been struggling with complications with Covid-19 for the past 6 months, but the news of Tony’s passing hit us hard. We, among countless others, are heartbroken over the news of Tony’s passing. We have been deeply touched by Tony and the generous, humble integrity he lived by. Tony created and ran the incredible music venue “The Falcon”, in Marlboro, NY and for the past 10 years, Paul has been playing there regularly with the Ed Palermo Big Band. It was only fitting that Tony’s wife, Julie and their children: Julian, Lana, Adrianne and Lee hosted a Memorial Celebration for Tony at “The Falcon” this past weekend. A long, diverse list of musicians performed throughout the weekend on the outside deck, with the gorgeous waterfall flowing behind them. Hundreds of people showed up on Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the music, connect with his family and celebrate Tony’s extraord

  • Episode 185, Reda Rackley, Diviner, Storyteller, Mythologist

    01/11/2021 Duration: 57min

    My guest today is Reda Rackley. Reda is a Diviner, Storyteller and Mythologist. I personally was deeply impacted by a Divination session I recently had with Reda and am so excited to have my listeners learn about the magical, mystical gifts that Reda offers. Learn the difference between the term ‘shaman’ and ‘diviner’, the healing power of ritual and the significance of connecting with our ancestral line. Reda was initiated into the indigenous medicine of the Dagara tribe in Burkina Faso, West Africa and teaches ancient shamanic traditions through storytelling, ritual, art and divination. Her women’s retreats and courses integrate mythology, depth psychology and spirituality. Reda is also a certified expressive artist and wisely infuses painting, sculpture, dance, music and writing in her transformative work. Check out the Show Notes for links to Reda’s website, and her social media platforms as well as links to her Master Diviner, African Elder, Malidoma Somé and her inspiring art teacher, Chris Zydel (Cr

  • Episode 184 Healing Energy

    25/10/2021 Duration: 09min

    On this week’s episode, I offer a simple meditation to remind us of the healing energy that flows through our bodies. Find a comfortable position to relax so you can breathe in the vibration of healing energy coursing through every organ, joint and cell of your body. Say it for yourself and say it for those who are struggling physically, emotionally or spiritually. May healing energy flow through all of us.

  • Episode 183 Lisa Levart, photographer

    18/10/2021 Duration: 42min

    My guest today is the innovative Lisa Levart. As a photographer, Lisa has devoted the past 20 years to witnessing, evoking and capturing the essence of everyday women, their goddess archetypes, stories and myths, as she admits “I am a photographer on a mission!” Her gorgeous coffee table book “Goddess on Earth: Portraits of the Divine Feminine”eloquently reflects Lisa’s passion and gifts. She has also published a beautiful “Goddess on Earth Oracle Deck” with 45 portraits structured around the five elements. Both of these are fabulous, meaningful gifts for the holidays! I encourage you to go see and be moved by her current exhibit at Bergen Community College, in Paramus, NJ “The Ramapough Lunaape Nation: Excavating Identity”, there through November 24th. On October 25th, my husband and I plan to attend the screening of Lisa’s husband, Miles Aronowitz’s documentary “Women of the Lenape Nation”. I hope you’ll join us. Check out the show notes for links to all of these books, exhibits and events. Enjoy the podc

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