Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 201 Thawing



On this week’s episode, as nature transitions from winter to spring, I share some wonder and wisdom I discovered in watching the natural world thaw. When I paused and paid attention to the sights and sounds of snow and ice melting, I was inspired to look at what needs to soften within me. There are certainly concepts, emotions and behaviors that need to melt in our world. How can we transform our internal fog into mist and mystery, hope and healing?     May we be guided by nature’s lead to melt anger and blame, dissolve disconnection and cutting ourselves off, soften our overwhelm. Engaged spirituality during times of suffering invites us to thaw, melt, soften that which is rigid in our hearts. Thaw duality, thaw harsh judgement, thaw perceptions of enemies, thaw closed mindedness, thaw hatred, thaw war. Melt into compassion, forgiveness, and healing as we align with a vision of love and transformative possibility. Enjoy the podcast! Links: YouTube: Ukrainian girl singing “Let It Go” in bomb shelter IG: A