Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 202 Bob Levy, entrepreneur and consultant



On this week’s episode, my guest Bob Levy, entrepreneur and consultant, takes time to reflect and envision a new chapter in his life. How do we actually make the golden years golden? Crediting his mother, Bob has had the courage to embrace change throughout his life, be it change in careers, relationships, homes and communities. Averse to the finality in the word retirement, Bob prefers the words re-imagining and re-engaging for this new chapter. He is eager to take his life and work experiences, his skills and passions and find a fun, satisfying way to give back.   Bob’s non-traditional approach to life, his intellectual curiosity, meaningful connections with his wife, sons and grandchildren, and his search for new ways to contribute to important causes, may inspire you to contemplate your own legacy.  Check out the show notes for links to Bob’s email and website. Enjoy the podcast! Links: Bob's Web Site Bob's Email NYT: Trump Place Sign Comes Down