Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 199 Cluttered Drawers



On this week’s episode, we look at cluttered drawers, how they become dumping grounds for random odds and ends and how they call us to action! Every once in a while, our cluttered drawers need our attention, need us to empty, sort and organize. Not always easy to acknowledge, but important to address.   I think of a cluttered drawer as metaphor for life. How much personal clutter do we ignore, let build up until it shouts at us to attend it? How much collective clutter do we dismiss, in hopes it will go away… if we simply forget about it? As we end the month of February, “Black History Month”, “Black Futures Month”, how much racism clutter remains in our personal and collective drawers? How can we individually and as a country, steeped in systemic racism, unpack our clutter, sort through the items we prefer to ignore, minimize or pretend don’t exist? Hoping this inspires you to take the time to empty out your cluttered drawers, physically and metaphysically, personally and collectively. May we have a