Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia



Inspired Choices Network Talk to the Entities is a holistic guide to all the information you should have been given at birth. It is pragmatic, easy and accessible to anyone who would like to create more awareness and knowledge with the subject of entities. Are entities real? Are you communicating with them each and every day but not acknowledging that that is what your doing? Do ALL of us have this ability? What do you know about this subject? What else could you know, if you had the tools to build this muscle?  Cara Wright, Bret Rushia  


  • “Do your loved ones ever truly go away?” With Special Guest Donnielle Carter! Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret


    What if there is a different possibility with the connection you can sustain with loved ones as they transition..or die as some call it? Is death, in the way it is presented here, even real? When people die are they really beyond our ability to stay connected with them? Is communication with loved ones who have passed possible? Would you like to have practical tools that even you can use to do this? Did you know that death is a choice we make? Do most people in this society even know how to honor someone's choice for death? What would it look like to function beyond this reality with death and move into what is truly possible that very few choose but all could? These questions and more will be explored this week on our show! We have a treat this week!!! Special guest Donielle Carter, with her first hand account of what she has created with her mother, who by the way "died" a year ago... This show promises to open the door for so many... We can't wait for you to play with us! P.S. If you know someone who would

  • The Lies of Embodiment: What Having a Body Is and What it Isn’t on Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret


    What if you choosing to have a body isn't what you think it is? What if it isn't the limitation and separation that you have created it as? How much do we separate from the energies, entities and people around us because we believe in the solidity of the body and that when you have a body you are "contained" there? Did you know that you can be aware of, receive from and contribute to people, classes, businesses, countries, entities, etc. and the all from where you are NOW? Where are you? Are you your body? Is your body you? Are you in your body or is your body in you? The only thing that stops our ability to BE everywhere is our decisions, conclusions, judgments that that it is not possible. That connection, participation, and contribution is only possible if you are "there in person". This call was inspired by an energy that I have been aware of that was from an Access class being held right now in New Zealand. I have been looking at this wonky energy and when I finally came to the awareness (after asking a

  • Lifting the Veils of Judgment – Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret


    When you speak with people, have you ever noticed that they tend not to really hear or get what you’re saying? Unfortunately how most people on the planet listen, is through the filters of their they believe things are and aren’t, and how they should or shouldn’t be. Judgments, decisions, conclusions, and computations only serve to limit what it is they can hear and receive from you. When you begin to lift the veils of your own judgments you then become capable of listening to a degree that is rare on the planet. You begin to hear what people are really telling you that they aren’t saying out loud, you hear the trees, you hear the planet gently asking for your contribution, and you hear the entities. When you are open to hearing beyond the veil, beyond judgment, then you begin to become aware of possibilities that other people aren’t aware of. You become capable of things that other people aren’t capable of, and you become the source of a different possibility that others thirst for. On this e

  • The Butterfly Effect of Choice: How Your Choice to Be Aware of Entities Changes the World


    What is the butterfly effect? "It is the scientific theory that a single occurrence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever" Where have you been playing small because you have decided that "little ole you" can't create something MORE for you and this planet's future? What if your willingness to acknowledge the spirit world and what you KNOW about it, is the CHANGE and GIFT that you be that could create a totally different possibility for us ALL? This week we have the special treat of inviting a fellow Talk to the Entity facilitator! Gosia Lorenz is brilliant and fun! She has opened doors for many people who are looking to develop their own psychic awareness and change the way they see the spirit world. Gosia will be joining us in the lively conversation about what happens when we honor our abilities to communicate with the spirit world and choose to BE MORE not matter what! What choice are you willing to have that will create the "BUTTERFLY EFFECT" of consciousness?? I wonder.... F

  • Holding Hands with the Beings of Light – with Special Guest Shannon Ohara


    We are very excited to be welcoming Shannon O'hara, founder and author of Talk to the Entities, to our show this week. Her invitation to the show says it all.... "Many people know it is important to clear entities as well as communicate with them if needed. And how many of you know the importance of receiving from the being of light who desire to contribute to all of us and support the growth of consciousness? Do you ever allow your self to receive from them and be supported or does the idea freak you out??? Join us in opening up to receiving from beings of light as a very real possibility, beyond fear, beyond expectation and beyond belief.", Shannon O'hara Don't miss this amazing opportunity to step into MORE receiving, MORE ease, and MORE possibility...

  • Am I Making this Shit Up? on TTTE with Cara and Bret


    One of the most effective and common ways of creating ourselves unaware of entities and energies is by buying the idea of, "I am just making this shit up." that really true?? There is a pragmatic and simple tool we use in Access Consciousness and Talk to the Entities called question. What does that mean?....Here is an example...say these two phrases out loud to yourself... I am making this shit up. Am I making this shit up? So you know the difference in the energy each of these sentences create? Does the first statement create any space and curiosity in you world, or does it feel like a conclusion that stops the energy? Does the second QUESTION create a sense of wonder and possibility? Do you feel how curious you become? One of the greatest side benefits of "talking" to the entities is that it is a choice you make to TRUST what you know, even if you can't prove it, noone sees it, or agrees with you. Being in the questions and acknowledging the that you KNOW something different, in this case with e

  • Your Body..the GREAT Entity and Energy Translator


    What does you BODY know about the spirit world? Did you know that the sensations in our body can by you body giving you information about the entities and energies around you? What have you misidentified as a problem in your body that is its awareness of entities? Did you know that entities can affect your body? If you were willing to be in communion with your body would your awareness of entities increase? Can your willingness to receive what your body knows and is communicating to you increase your communion with your body?? For many people they resist their awareness of entities believing that is they choose to be aware it would create more dis-ease in their bodies...what if that was just not true?? What if the way to more ease with your body is claiming, owning and acknowledging what you know of entities and energies? We will be chatting about this subject and so much sure to bring your bodies with you!!

  • Making Light of the Dark Side – with Cara & Bret


    What does the dark side mean to you?? What does this phrase conjure for you in your mind? What thoughts, feelings, and conclusions do you have about what the dark side is... Did you learn to discriminate between the two? Were you taught to revere the light and avoid the dark? Where did these polarized points of view originate for you? One of the things Bret and I realized is how much the media has shaped our views here. For Bret it brought up images from Star know "Luke, I am your Father". For me it brought up all the cartoons/shows that I saw as a child like "the Dark Crystal". What the media, as well as many others sources, do is create light and dark from a place of polarity...good/bad...right/ or the other... What if all of that is just an interesting point of view??? What makes something dark for you? Is it when you judge it as scary, wrong or evil? Do you ignore or avoid those things you have judged as dark? What else could be created if we removed the idea of either/or with light

  • Entities and Addiction: The Heaviest Subject on Earth!


    When we started to look at what we would like to create with this show about entities and addiction we realized how much heaviness, doom and gloom people functioned from with these topics...As if entities wasn't one of the most judgeable now let's throw in addiction....ha! Here is the thing....what if everything is the opposite of what it appears to be? What if looking at these two subjects combined could give people the keys to more freedom...from judgment, from wrongness, from being a victim. What if it lead to people's freedom to choose differently, to be empowered, to be potent, and to know they can change anything. Here are some questions for you to play with before the show so you can explore what you know: What have you made so wrong about entities and addiction that you won't even let yourself be aware of them? What if your willingness to be aware of entities could bring more ease with addiction...your own or loved ones? What if adding awareness of entities can dynamically change your abil

  • Animals and Ghosts…Animals as Ghosts… What do they know?


    What if the connection you have with your animal could transcend death? Do you ever get the feeling that a pet that has passed away still roams your home? Have you ever had multiple pets over time that you would swear were the same being? Have you ever noticed that your pets are aware of things you can't see and are not aware of? What if they are more willing to be aware of entities than you are? Ever wonder why for centuries even til the present cats were considered familiars? What do cats really know of entities? What are animals points of view about death and the spirit world? We are super excited to have our lovely guest Jenn Possick, fellow TTTE facilitator, on with us this week. She has a keen sense of awareness with this subject and will be contributing to our fun exploration of what our animals know of ghosts...and more.... What ways can you develop and deepen the ways in which you interact with your animals and the animals of the world to create more ease, awareness, and knowing about this wacky worl

  • “What Can Entities DO for YOU?”


    Did you know that your willingness to be aware of the entities and energies around you can contribute to your life in magical ways? How much energy do you use in order to not be aware of whats really going on around you? If you didn't, how much of that energy could you use for you to create MORE in your life? What if the entities that you are aware of actually would like to contribute to gift to assist you to create more? More ease in relationships... More ease with your body... More ease with your awareness... More ease with your business and your money flows.. More ease with trusting yourself and knowing what you know... anndddd...this list goes on and on and on... Would you be willing to BE MORE, TO RECEIVE MORE, and to HAVE MORE? We invite you to explore with us the infinite possibilities of a different reality where you can receive from EVERYTHING around... and who knows..maybe just maybe...something amazing will show up in your world that you never thought possible!!

  • Coming out of the ‘Weirdo Closet’!


    If you're going around telling people you talk to entities, some people are gonna think that's really cool. Others….not so much. In this episode Cara and Bret share their experiences of coming out of the 'weirdo closet' and give you some tools to make it easier to be around the people who think you're a total weirdo! Fortunately this doesn't only apply to entities. Many of the amazing capacities you have are seen as 'totally weird' by the rest of the world. Have you ever noticed? Kindness, caring, vulnerability, and getting everything you want are just a couple of examples of things that are unfortunately seen as totally weird in this reality. What if you had the freedom to be as totally weird as you truly be wherever you were and whomever you were around??

  • “How to tell when you’re talking to entities” – Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret


    How do we perceive entities and energies? Let us count the million and one?? Actually many people don't catch a lot of the ways in which they are aware of these things because they don't match how or what other people expereince. I know this was true for me, I literally thought I wasn't aware of entities before I learned the amazing information Talk to the Entities gives you. What I have since realized is for as many different people in the world there are that many different ways in which enitity awareness and communitation can look What is your way? What is the way in which YOU are aware? Do you see things out of the corner of your eyes? Do you ever feel like there is somebody there with you? Ever get pounding headaches for no reason? Irritable for no reason? Depressed for no reason? This weeks show will be a lively exploration of what is truly possible for all of us when we allow oursleves to know what we know, and trust it completely... Are you ready to find out??

  • “I Ain’t Afraid of no Ghosts!”: Functioning Beyond Fear with Entities with Cara Wright and Bret Rushia


    For centuries, the subject of entities has been taboo and laden with fear. What if fear wasn't real? What if fear were only a lie designed to cover up the potency you have? What potency have you been refusing with entities that you truly could be choosing? Wanna take the leap? Wanna explore your world without fear? In this episode we will begin unlocking the door to fearlessness with entities. Will you step through that door? Do you want to know how potent you truly be?

  • Boo! Who…or What are you??


    When you hear the word entity what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Most of us have not been given any sort of an education about entities and what they are. Would you like to have more information and greater clarity in this area? What if everything you have been taught about entities is a lie? Did you receive most your education about what entities are through religion or the movies? What if being aware of entities and communicating with them is not a science but an art? What if there is no right or wrong way to do it...just your way?? Would you like to discover what you know and what your way is?? Join us this Wednesday at 6pm Eastern time to explore and play with us! To find out the time in your part of the world click here:

  • Shannon O’Hara on the Radio!: Talk to Entities


    We invite you to the premier episode of a brand new radio show...."Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret " where we explore the world of spirits with ease, joy, and fun (something not seen very often here!). Our first guest is the phenomenal founder of Talk to the Entities, Shannon O'Hara. Have you ever done one of Shannon's classes or heard her interviewed? She is amazing, and just listening to her speak is dynamically transformational. For more information and to listen in visit And on Wednesday at 6pm Eastern time click on the huge yellow button on the right that says "Listen" and you'll be able to hear us live.

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