Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

The Lies of Embodiment: What Having a Body Is and What it Isn’t on Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret



What if you choosing to have a body isn't what you think it is? What if it isn't the limitation and separation that you have created it as? How much do we separate from the energies, entities and people around us because we believe in the solidity of the body and that when you have a body you are "contained" there? Did you know that you can be aware of, receive from and contribute to people, classes, businesses, countries, entities, etc. and the all from where you are NOW? Where are you? Are you your body? Is your body you? Are you in your body or is your body in you? The only thing that stops our ability to BE everywhere is our decisions, conclusions, judgments that that it is not possible. That connection, participation, and contribution is only possible if you are "there in person". This call was inspired by an energy that I have been aware of that was from an Access class being held right now in New Zealand. I have been looking at this wonky energy and when I finally came to the awareness (after asking a