Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

“How to tell when you’re talking to entities” – Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret



How do we perceive entities and energies? Let us count the million and one?? Actually many people don't catch a lot of the ways in which they are aware of these things because they don't match how or what other people expereince. I know this was true for me, I literally thought I wasn't aware of entities before I learned the amazing information Talk to the Entities gives you. What I have since realized is for as many different people in the world there are that many different ways in which enitity awareness and communitation can look What is your way? What is the way in which YOU are aware? Do you see things out of the corner of your eyes? Do you ever feel like there is somebody there with you? Ever get pounding headaches for no reason? Irritable for no reason? Depressed for no reason? This weeks show will be a lively exploration of what is truly possible for all of us when we allow oursleves to know what we know, and trust it completely... Are you ready to find out??