Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

“Do your loved ones ever truly go away?” With Special Guest Donnielle Carter! Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret



What if there is a different possibility with the connection you can sustain with loved ones as they transition..or die as some call it? Is death, in the way it is presented here, even real? When people die are they really beyond our ability to stay connected with them? Is communication with loved ones who have passed possible? Would you like to have practical tools that even you can use to do this? Did you know that death is a choice we make? Do most people in this society even know how to honor someone's choice for death? What would it look like to function beyond this reality with death and move into what is truly possible that very few choose but all could? These questions and more will be explored this week on our show! We have a treat this week!!! Special guest Donielle Carter, with her first hand account of what she has created with her mother, who by the way "died" a year ago... This show promises to open the door for so many... We can't wait for you to play with us! P.S. If you know someone who would