Connect With Rodney Cundiff

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 98:09:45
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CONNECT with Rodney Cundiff is a free audio broadcast from the Sunday Talks delivered by Lead Pastor, Rodney Cundiff at the weekly gatherings of New Vision Church in San Antonio, Texas.Our vision is to CONNECT you to a GROWING RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST.We hope this teaching resource equips and empowers you to fulfill the plan God has for your life.


  • THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS - pt3 - The Joy Of Christmas

    19/12/2021 Duration: 58min

    In “The Joy Of Christmas”, Rodney shares that while Christmas is a celebration of Jesus and should be a joyful experience, many experience bouts with depression and sadness during this time of year. A life filled with the hope and peace of Christ will experience joy. The message of Christmas is one of hope, peace, and joy in Christ Jesus. Joy can seep out from our life when religious ritual and routine, and times of difficulty or sorrow dominate our days and thoughts. Happiness is fleeting and based on your present circumstances. However, joy is everlasting and remains in good or bad times, because it is not based on circumstances, it is based on the promises of God. The Christmas story about Jesus is good news of great joy, for all people. You have been invited to experience real everlasting joy. Because of Jesus the Savior, Messiah, and Lord you can have real hope, peace, and joy.

  • THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS - pt2 - The Peace Of Christmas

    15/12/2021 Duration: 44min

    In “The Peace Of Christmas”, Rodney shares that so much of life is turmoil. Scripture talks about us being in a real battle. The world wants peace. The solution is Jesus. Jesus is the peace of Christmas. He is actually declared by the angels of heaven as the Prince of Peace. Jesus reigns with power and humility. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. The titles that Jesus holds are numerous, but maybe none more power and needed at such as time as this as the Prince of Peace.

  • THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS - pt1 - The Hope Of Christmas

    06/12/2021 Duration: 55min

    In “The Hope Of Christmas”, Rodney shares that Thanksgiving and Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year, or it can be the most miserable time of the year, especially if you have lost hope. But, the scriptures teach us in I Timothy that it is, “…God our Savior and Christ Jesus, who gives us hope. Jesus Christ is the Hope of Christmas. The world grieves with no hope. Yet, the Christian grieves with hope - Jesus. This causes to live with a spirit of expectation. Jesus is the promise of hope. He is the hope of God with us. We are assured of the hope of being with God forever. This motivates us to share the hope of Christ with others, and have an answer and be ready to explain the hope in our hearts because of the promise and immanent return of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the Hope of Christmas.

  • REALLY RICH - pt4 - Enriched In Every Way

    06/12/2021 Duration: 01h00s

    In “Enriched In Every Way”, Rodney shares that both enthusiasm and generosity are contagious. Our generosity can spur others onto personal acts of generosity. Placing God and others ahead or ourselves is not natural. So, in that sense, giving and extravagant generosity is supernatural. Giving is like sowing seed. The amount of the harvest is determined by the amount of the seed sown. Do you need love, forgiveness, or hope? Be generous with your love, forgiveness, and hope with others. So decide in your heart what you should give and do it cheerfully. The value of your giving depends on what and how much is in your heart. Generosity is based on a heart exchange. The good news is God generously provides for those who give so that they can continue giving. God is rich with you, so, you don’t have to be stingy with others. Ultimately, your generosity will allow others to be able to celebrate “Thanksgiving” to God.

  • REALLY RICH - pt3 - Finish What You Started

    29/11/2021 Duration: 47min

    In “Finish What You Started”, Rodney shares that Jesus became poor so you could be really rich. In light of the fact that Jesus has made us really rich, what should be our response? You should finish what you started. Our performance needs to match our desire. Our actions need to reflect our values. Give out of which you have, and don’t be manipulated or coerced beyond your ability. Give with the right heart. God knows the intentions of our hearts related to giving. Do what you can, whenever you can, wherever you can, for who you can, with a joyful heart. When you do, you will become really rich.

  • REALLY RICH - pt2- Rags To Riches

    09/11/2021 Duration: 59min

    In “Rags to Riches”, Rodney shares that Titus, a companion of the Apostle Paul, invited the Corinthians to join him in experiencing what it means to be “Really Rich”. Have you ever let a personal hurt keep you from being generous? You are not alone, but there is a better way. Gratitude will produce generosity. God is rich with you, so, you don’t have to be stingy with others. We should desire to excel in the grace of generosity. This is a gift not exclusively for the rich. Everyone can be generous, no matter what condition one is in. One’s gratitude is not based on present circumstances, or abundance of riches; and neither should one’s generosity. Generosity is the natural result of sincere love. It reveals the disposition your heart. Because of Jesus you are not poor anymore. Jesus became poor so you could be really rich. So, act rich. Be generous on every occasion.

  • REALLY RICH - pt1 - Overflowing Rich Generosity

    01/11/2021 Duration: 01h01s

    In “Overflowing Rich Generosity”, Rodney shares that when we give and are generous we are acting like Jesus. Generosity is a natural response to gratitude. In the heart of a Christian, times of reflection should produce gratitude that naturally leads to acts of extravagant generosity – “Thanks – Giving”. Affliction, poverty, or pain doesn’t prevent us from being generous. In fact, it becomes the stage from on which our generosity preaches about the goodness of God. Never let the depth and lowliness of your need exceed the height and greatness of your generosity. Some people give out of their abundance, while others give sacrificially out of their need. Once you give yourself over to the Lord, giving to others becomes easy. Your first step towards generosity is giving yourself over to the Lord.

  • LET"S GO TEAM - pt3 - Reproducing Productivity

    26/10/2021 Duration: 59min

    In “Reproducing Productivity”, Rodney shares that, “Productivity is good, but ‘Reproducing Productivity’ is better.” The ability of a leader to reproduce themselves in others is necessary; otherwise, it puts at risk your vision, legacy, and others dreams. It has been said, “We teach what we know, but we reproduce what we are.” Some people have natural leadership gifts. Sometimes a crisis can draw leadership out of someone. Sometimes a leader puts you under their wing and mentors you. Don’t underestimate your influence on others. You can change the world because of your influence. Who are you intentionally developing a relationship with; so that, you can reproduce yourself in them? If you are going to reach your goals you will need to bring people with you that will help you achieve the dream. God has placed people in your life to help you, and lift you up by, bearing the burden with you, so you are not alone. Reproducing productivity requires intentionally developing a relationship with someone; so

  • LET''S GO TEAM - pt2 - Give Yourself A Lift - Lighten Your Load

    18/10/2021 Duration: 55min

    In “Give Yourself A Lift – Lighten Your Load”, Rodney shares that if you are going to reach your goals you will need to bring people with you that will help you achieve the dream. You are not designed to carry the work load alone. You won’t accomplish the most important tasks of fulfilling the mission, if you can’t do what is necessary, because you are bogged down with what is important. Activity doesn’t necessarily translate to progress. God-sized dreams are bigger than any one person. The example we see in Moses’ life gives us insight to how we should respond when overwhelmed by the task God has called us to accomplish. God has placed people in your life to help you, and lift you up by, bearing the burden with you, so you are not alone.

  • LET''S GO TEAM - pt1 - Who's In? Who's Out?

    10/10/2021 Duration: 58min

    In “Who’s In? Who’s Out?”, Rodney shares that your potential as a leader or reaching your personal goals is greatly impacted by those that are closest to you. Who have you allowed into your inner circle? If you are going to reach your goals you will need to bring people with you that will help you achieve the dream. Your inner circle will make you or break you. Make a commitment for team leadership. Shared leadership leads to shared success. Good Leaders don’t have to make every decision on their own, but they need to own the decision once it has been made. Good Leaders own their failures, but share their success. It is time to evaluate your present inner circle. A lack of evaluation doesn’t help your organization, church, the team member, or the leader. In the Bible, 2 Chronicles 10:1-19 shows us king Rehoboam is completely let down by his inner circle. We often underestimate the influence of those in our inner circle. Do you have some goals you want to reach this year? Then make development of

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt10 - Faith Made Complete

    26/09/2021 Duration: 58min

    In “Faith Made Complete”, Rodney shares that your faith is made compete when it is accompanied by action. In other words, faith without works is dead. Honest questions about the genuineness of our faith come when there are no observable outward displays of faith. Faith without action leaves us feeling incomplete and leaves others still in need. Faith is not merely internal. Internal faith is actualized externally. Faith on the inside is seen on the outside. To become part of God’s family all you have to do is believe, but every family member has assigned chores to do. God saves you by his grace, but his grace should produce good actions and deeds. Unless your faith is producing good deeds, the grace of God has not taken a hold of you and is without effect. Faith that is never acted on has never seen a miracle. Your actions motivated by your love reveals your faith. We aren’t made right by what we do, but we are “shown to be right with God” by what we do. Your faith in Jesus is made complete when

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt9 - Faith Earns A Good Reputation

    13/09/2021 Duration: 52min

    In “Faith Earns You A Good Reputation”, Rodney shares that scriptural faith is placing your trust, hopes, dreams, and confidence in the person, will, and words of Jesus Christ. The writer of Hebrews states, “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” It is the guarantee or “title-deed” for that which we hope for and anticipate with a fixed assurance. By acting on our faith and trust in God we can earn a good reputation and testimony, just like the Old Testament patriarchs of old. By obeying and following the will of God everyday, even in the small things of life, we are building legacy, and our reputation is being cemented. Our acts of everyday business done in faith will leave a legacy that will allow our own stories to be told. One day you may be invited into the Hall of Faith along with the great cloud of witnesses, and what a glorious day that will be. Faith isn’t fake it, ‘till you make it. It is if you believe it, you can receive it. What you do to

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt8 - Say The Word

    07/09/2021 Duration: 57min

    In "Say The Word", Rodney shares some confuse faith with the power of “positive thinking” or a “positive confession”. Positive thinking is certainly good for you, and better than the alternative. A positive confession is better than negative words and can build your faith. But, scriptural faith is placing your trust, hopes, dreams, and confidence in the person, will, and words of Jesus Christ. The words of Jesus have authority and power because of who He is. All he has to do is "say the word", and miracles happen. You can move mountains when you speak with authority, and with power vested within you by the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ.

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt7 - Anything Is Possible

    30/08/2021 Duration: 58min

    In “Anything Is Possible”, Rodney shares that it is normal to have feelings of doubt and unbelief regarding receiving a miracle. But, know this, doubt and unbelief are enemies to faith. When your circumstances are telling you a miracle is not possible, At that point, you don’t need a “How to” in five steps lecture, a well-crafted sermon, or a week well-worded impotent prayer. You need a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. You need a mountain moving miracle. The Lord will work with whatever you bring to him, no matter how small or feeble your faith may be. Because, when Jesus is present, “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Your faith can contribute to the timing and experiencing of the miracle you are asking for. So, have faith. Jesus is able. Jesus is willing. Jesus is here!

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt6 - Got Faith?

    23/08/2021 Duration: 01h01s

    In “Got Faith”, Rodney shares that there is a lesson to be learned from the story of the persistent widow and unjust judge, told by Jesus. An important factor to receiving a miracle is to have a spirit that always prays and never gives up. A spirit of perseverance and tenacity in our prayer life is required if we want to experience a breakthrough. God, the righteous judge, who is Lord of all, is just and he will do right by you, and his chosen people. When God finally decides to act on your behalf and perform a miracle his action is swift, deliberate, and intentional. Nothing can stop his word and will from accomplishing what it is sent to do. So, got faith? Get ready to see your miracle. God is looking to strengthen the hearts of his chosen people, who have faith in him. Will the Lord find you with faith? Got faith?

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt5 - Shameless Persistence

    18/08/2021 Duration: 59min

    In “Shameless Persistence”, Rodney shares that an important aspect of receiving a miracle is asking God for it. James 4:12, says, “Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.” God may be waiting on you to simply ask him. Miracles happen, and mountains move when we pray with faith. Sometimes unexpected emergencies happen in your life, where you needed help immediately. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. How many times have you settled for an unanswered prayer after only praying one time? How many of us have missed a miracle because we are not shamelessly persistent? If you need a miracle, come to God and be shamelessly persistent. In Luke 11:9, Jesus said, “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt4 - God Is Willing

    09/08/2021 Duration: 53min

    In “God Is Willing”, Rodney shares that God is not only able but willing to do the miraculous in your life. Miracles confirm the message and ministry of Jesus, and God’s greatness. When God’s will and our faith in God connect miracles can happen, and mountains move. When God is moved with compassion, mountains move. You may not fully understand how and what God does. We don’t know why sometimes God performs miracles or heals immediately, why sometimes he performs miracles or heals gradually, or why sometimes he performs the miraculous and heals eventually in eternity, but we do know this, God is willing.

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt3 - God Is Able

    02/08/2021 Duration: 59min

    In “God Is Able” Rodney shares that your belief and trust that God is able to perform a miracle will determine the amount and degree that miracles happen in your life. Remember your identity in Christ – You are a child of God. The God whom we serve is able to save us. Faith can and will sustain you through problems and pain in this life, but if you only believe in the miracle of sustaining faith then you may miss the experience of deliverance and saving faith. It is time for you to step out of the fire you are currently experiencing. The Lord is calling you to come out of your fiery furnace. God is able. Have faith. Believe for it, and receive it. It is time to move that mountain.

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt2 - Because God Exists

    27/07/2021 Duration: 59min

    In “Because God Exists” Rodney shares that if you are to please God, having faith is essential. Yet, tragedy, times of difficulty, and evil can make you question your faith in God. Hebrews 11:6 states, “And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” There is a difference between “belief that” and “belief in” God. You must “believe that” before you can “believe in”. Believing in one God the creator and sustainer of all things, and that He is involved with his creation is essential if you want to see God perform a miracle and move mountains in your life. The good news is, if you in need a miracle? God exists, and miracles happen.

  • MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt1 - Believe For It

    20/07/2021 Duration: 56min

    In “Believe For It” Rodney shares that when you face obstacles that seem insurmountable, if you have faith, you can MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN. After inspecting a barren fig tree, Jesus speaks to it and commands it to wither. Instantly, it began to die. The disciples were amazed at the results and quick response to Jesus’ words. We are often amazed when the descriptions of the work of Jesus and results go beyond our expectations. How can our prayers and words have this kind of effect? “Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.” Faith does not just believe, faith is believing and acting on God’s Word. Are you ready to move that mountain – believe for it.

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