Connect With Rodney Cundiff

LET''S GO TEAM - pt1 - Who's In? Who's Out?



In “Who’s In? Who’s Out?”, Rodney shares that your potential as a leader or reaching your personal goals is greatly impacted by those that are closest to you. Who have you allowed into your inner circle? If you are going to reach your goals you will need to bring people with you that will help you achieve the dream. Your inner circle will make you or break you. Make a commitment for team leadership. Shared leadership leads to shared success. Good Leaders don’t have to make every decision on their own, but they need to own the decision once it has been made. Good Leaders own their failures, but share their success. It is time to evaluate your present inner circle. A lack of evaluation doesn’t help your organization, church, the team member, or the leader. In the Bible, 2 Chronicles 10:1-19 shows us king Rehoboam is completely let down by his inner circle. We often underestimate the influence of those in our inner circle. Do you have some goals you want to reach this year? Then make development of