Connect With Rodney Cundiff

REALLY RICH - pt1 - Overflowing Rich Generosity



In “Overflowing Rich Generosity”, Rodney shares that when we give and are generous we are acting like Jesus. Generosity is a natural response to gratitude. In the heart of a Christian, times of reflection should produce gratitude that naturally leads to acts of extravagant generosity – “Thanks – Giving”. Affliction, poverty, or pain doesn’t prevent us from being generous. In fact, it becomes the stage from on which our generosity preaches about the goodness of God. Never let the depth and lowliness of your need exceed the height and greatness of your generosity. Some people give out of their abundance, while others give sacrificially out of their need. Once you give yourself over to the Lord, giving to others becomes easy. Your first step towards generosity is giving yourself over to the Lord.