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MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt9 - Faith Earns A Good Reputation



In “Faith Earns You A Good Reputation”, Rodney shares that scriptural faith is placing your trust, hopes, dreams, and confidence in the person, will, and words of Jesus Christ. The writer of Hebrews states, “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” It is the guarantee or “title-deed” for that which we hope for and anticipate with a fixed assurance. By acting on our faith and trust in God we can earn a good reputation and testimony, just like the Old Testament patriarchs of old. By obeying and following the will of God everyday, even in the small things of life, we are building legacy, and our reputation is being cemented. Our acts of everyday business done in faith will leave a legacy that will allow our own stories to be told. One day you may be invited into the Hall of Faith along with the great cloud of witnesses, and what a glorious day that will be. Faith isn’t fake it, ‘till you make it. It is if you believe it, you can receive it. What you do to