Earth Ancients



Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed medicine and unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many cases, surpass our own. Join us and discover our lost history.Armed with the thousands of anomalous archeological discoveries which have not been covered by conventional science and the media, we can no longer deny our ancient cultural inheritance. Our written history is wrong and weve been led to believe that humanity is just a few hundred thousand years old. In fact, the Hindu Yugas advance the notion that Homo Sapiens are millions of years old, and have lived on planet Earth through a series of rebirths.Its now a fact that we are the survivors of a series of cataclysmic events that took place approximately 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. Our ancestors may have been aware of these impending disasters and fled underground shelter, or survived in caves; others may have left the planet, but a huge number perished. Though Earth Ancients does explore some of the popular theories that ancient aliens have visited ourplanet, our philosophy and research paradigm is decidedly Earth-centric, elevating the historical discourseabout human brilliance and ingenuity found in the archaeological evidence. For example, many of the lostcultures were able to: Harness natural electromagnetic field and channel them to build pyramids and colossal buildings Power tools and machines to shape sculptures and cut water channels Execute superior scientific and technical abilities lost to modern society


  • Graham Phillips: The Mystery of Doggerland

    29/07/2023 Duration: 01h38min

    A scientific exploration of the advanced ancient civilization known as Doggerland or Fairland that disappeared 5,000 years ago• Looks at the latest archaeological and scientific evidence preserved beneath the North Sea and on the tiny island of Fair Isle• Examines Doggerland’s sophisticated technology, including how its people were able to melt solid rock to create vitrified structures far stronger than concrete• Shows how the survivors of the destruction of Doggerland sailed to the British Isles and established the megalithic culture that built StonehengeNew marine archaeological evidence has revealed the remains of a large landmass to the north of Britain that hosted an advanced civilization 1,000 years before the recognized “first” civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, or India. Remembered in Celtic legends as Tu-lay, and referred to by geologists as Doggerland or Fairland, this civilization began at least as early as 4000 BCE but was ultimately destroyed by rising sea levels, huge tsunamis, and a t

  • Garret Yount: Why Vibes Matter

    26/07/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    We've all had 'that' feeling: when our mood suddenly changes or we sense an 'atmosphere' on entering a room. There is a distinct quality that connects these experiences – it's a shift in how we sense a person or a place, often referred to as a 'vibe'. Vibes matter because they have the power to change the way we feel and behave.Garret Yount PhD has been researching the science of 'energy vibes' for over 20 years. In Why Vibes Matter he explains what can lead us to experience a 'vibe' or a shift in energy and how to harness their power.Looking at where vibes come from and how they affect us Garret reviews the research and explains the science behind our reactions. Practical tools and techniques will help you attune to your own vibes and learn how to influence them in the wisest possible way.Garret Yount, PhD, is a Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Dr. Yount’s primary interest is bridging molecular neurobiology with aspects of consciousness and the nonmaterial mind. He began his formal studies in c

  • Marco Vigato: Forgotten Civilizations of Mexico

    22/07/2023 Duration: 01h53min

    MARCO M. VIGATOAuthor, Researcher and ExplorerMarco M. Vigato is an Italian born author, researcher and explorer who has dedicated the last 15 years to uncovering the truth about the origins of civilization. Educated at Harvard and Milan’s Bocconi University, he lives in Mexico City. He is the author of The Empires of Atlantis, published by Inner Traditions, and has appeared on numerous documentaries, podcasts and TV shows as an expert in ancient Mesoamerica and the worldwide megalithic phenomenon.​In 2020 he founded the ARX Project with the objective of uncovering more evidence of what he believes was once a global sea-faring culture that vanished at the end of the last Ice Age. show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

  • Destiny: Bruce Scofield, Mayan Astrology

    19/07/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    A contemporary and practical guide to Mayan astrological techniques• Discusses the logic and meaning of the 20 day-signs of the Mayan calendar• Explains the many cycles of Mayan astrology, such as the 9-day cycle of the Night Lords and the 13-day trecena• Contains extensive tables of Mayan astrological data, allowing readers to cast their own Mayan horoscopesHow to Practice Mayan Astrology presents a contemporary guide to one of the most sophisticated astrological systems ever developed. Like other ancient peoples, the Maya looked to the cycles of the planets as markers of time and designators of order. The predictable cycles they observed became codified in the Mayan calendar and astrological system as a way of organizing the seeming chaos of human life.Mayan astrology is based on 20 named days that are cycled 13 times to create a 260-day calendar, the Tzolkin. The authors explain the symbolism, logic, and meaning of the 20 day-signs; how these signs reflect 260 possible personality types; and how they can b

  • Robert Temple: The Sirius Mystery, Revisited

    15/07/2023 Duration: 02h04min

    Convincing evidence that the Egyptian, Sumerian, and Dogon civilizations were founded by aliens from the Sirius star system who are now ready to return• Updated with 140 pages of new scientific evidence that solidifies the hypothesis that the KGB, CIA, and NASA attempted to suppress• An awe-inspiring work of research that calls for a profound reappraisal of our role in the universe• Over 10,000 copies sold in its first two months of release in BritainPublication of The Sirius Mystery in 1976 set the world abuzz with talk of an extraterrestrial origin to human civilization and triggered a 15-year persecution campaign against Robert Temple by the KGB, CIA, NASA, and other government agencies. Undaunted, however, Temple is back, with 140 pages of new scientific evidence that makes his hypothesis more compelling than ever.Many authors have speculated on the subject of extraterrestrial contact, but never before has such detailed evidence been presented. Temple applies his in-depth knowledge of ancient history, myt

  • Destiny: Suzanne Worthley, Confident Empath

    12/07/2023 Duration: 01h34min

    Practices for empaths to protect themselves, heal energetically, and discover self-empowerment• Explores different types of empaths and empathing, including sensitive empaths, psychic empaths, and quantum and paranormal empathing• Offers advanced strategies for energetically protecting yourself and your loved ones• Looks at the connection between limiting beliefs and empathic behaviors, including how to release limiting beliefs and how empathic behaviors are connected to the health of your energy fieldThere is no doubt we are living in a time of significant global upheaval and change. Yet psychic empath Suzanne Worthley, a highly skilled professional intuitive energy practitioner, shares how as an empath you can still live an empowered life, energetically protect yourself and your loved ones, and contribute in a meaningful way to creating a more positive, life-affirming reality on every level of dimension.Starting with the basics of human energy systems, Suzanne explores different types of empaths, the three

  • Steve Kallman: The Secret Code of the Step Pyramid

    08/07/2023 Duration: 01h45min

    We know little about the famous great sage, Imhotep, who was the Vizier, or Prime Minister, of Egypt under the Pharaoh Netjerikhet Djoser of Egypt's Third Dynasty. As well as being the Royal Architect and Royal Physician among his many titles, the man himself is somewhat of an enigma. This book is, perhaps, the most complete account of Imhotep's architectural and medical careers as revealed in the grandeur and graceful beauty of Egypt's oldest pyramid, and challenges the reader to look beyond the obvious and see the hidden Sacred Wisdom that Imhotep embedded within its architecture. In this book is the proof of Imhotep's status of Royal Physician, even though none had existed before.His skill as an architect is clearly visible in his innovative, extensive use of stone in the Step Pyramid and its surrounding buildings. However, this book goes beyond admiring the results of Imhotep's endeavors. Rather, it goes into detail concerning the methods and hidden history of its design and construction. Gleaned from boo

  • Destiny: Connie Zweig, Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path

    05/07/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    A guide to rekindling spiritual inspiration after betrayal and disillusionment• Explains why we are drawn to charismatic leaders, what we unconsciously give away to them, and how to reclaim our inner spiritual authority• Explores how to recover from spiritual abuse or betrayal by a teacher or group, including breaking free of denial, projection, and dependency using psychology and shadow-work• Extends #MeToo into the spiritual domain and tells the stories of contemporary clergy and spiritual leaders who acted out their shadows in destructive ways, leaving their followers traumatized and lostWithin each of us is a spiritual longing that prompts us to unite with something greater than ourselves, to awaken to our unity with all of life. Yet, no matter the spiritual path we choose, we inevitably encounter our own shadow, those unconscious aspects of ourselves that we suppress or deny, or the shadows of our teachers and their secret desires about money, sex, and power. Meeting the shadow can derail the journey, bu

  • Marc Seifer: Tesla: Wizard at War, the Particle Beam Weapon, and the Pursuit of Power

    01/07/2023 Duration: 01h45min

    In this insightful and revelatory new book, the author of the highly acclaimed, award-winning international bestseller Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla delves deeper into the groundbreaking ideas and astonishing mind of one of the greatest geniuses of modern times. The culmination of more than four decades of research, Tesla: Wizard at War explores the historical impact of Tesla’s particle beam weapon and other brilliant work—and how it continues to shape global military technology and diplomatic strategies even today."In a few years hence, it will be possible for nations to fight without armies, ships or guns, by weapons far more terrible to the destructive action and range of which there is virtually no limit. Any city at any distance whatsoever from the enemy can be destroyed by him and no power on Earth can stop him from doing so." —Nikola Tesla, circa 1925Drawing on forty years of research and a treasure trove of new information, Tesla: Wizard at War provides a comprehensive view of Tesla's dis

  • Destiny: Salicrow, Spirit Speaker, A Medium's Guide to Death & Dying

    28/06/2023 Duration: 01h51min

    A compassionate and straightforward guide to the spiritual process of death and spirit communication• Answers the most common questions asked by the author’s clients over her decades of work as a spirit speaker and psychic medium• Presents simple techniques for helping loved ones cross over and shares practices to honor our beloved dead and connect with ancestral spirits• Shares thought-provoking stories of spirit contact and synchronicities that occurred for those who had a loved one in the dying processWe are all curious about the mystery of death. Whether facing our own, assisting a loved one in their last days, or grieving the loss of someone dear to us, we all have questions about dying and what happens to our soul after we depart physical form.In this compassionate and straightforward guide to the spiritual process of dying and what happens after death, psychic medium Salicrow answers the most common questions asked by her clients over her decades of work as a spirit speaker. Seeking to normalize the sp

  • SPECIAL EDITION: Kara Yamaguchi, Japan's Megalithic Cultures

    26/06/2023 Duration: 01h22min

    In recent years the increasing number of books and programs on television discussing the mysteries of ancient Japan, reflect a renewed interest in this area, highlighting the many unanswered questions which still hover over the pages of Japan's history books. Many theories and hypothesis have been put forward over the years, and while conflicting at times, they all insist on one common point - somewhere in the pages of Japan's ancient history certain crucial chapters are missing. With new discoveries of ancient ruins both on land and underwater are being brought to light, the possibility of an advanced civilization which existed during the Jomon Period ( approx.10,000 BC - 300 BC) or earlier, is gaining creasing credibility. As extraordinary as this sounds on first hearing, until any other official explanation can be offered about the many unidentified ruins existing across all of Japan, the startling and exciting possibility of a lost civilization cannot be ruled out.Join us as we discover Japan ancient supe

  • CITD Series: Sarah Breskman Cosme, A Hypnotherapist Journey to the Secrets of the Sphinx

    24/06/2023 Duration: 01h25min

    Her hands were strapped down at her sides so she couldn’t fight, but she had no more fight left inside her. It was the 1970’s, here in America, and Christie was about to endure one of many electric shock treatments the doctors hoped would “cure” this young woman of her strange fantasies involving extraterrestrial life and worlds long lost and forgotten. Fast forward to present day, and Christie has finally found her voice, surfacing through past-life regression hypnosis to tell these truths, and reveal the secrets of the ancient Sphinx. Included in this book are fascinating accounts of life on Mars and how this colonization came to a tragic end. Also included are accounts of other clients who have never met, sharing similar stories about the Sphinx and its role in the upcoming Ascension.“If you want to understand the information within the Sphinx, understand that life is just a game, and that this game has been going on for longer than human beings can fully comprehend in the aspect of time. We have consisten

  • Destiny: Dr. Andrew Gallimore, Alien Information Theory

    21/06/2023 Duration: 01h25min

    Since prehistory, humans have used a range of psychedelic drugs for communion with the gods, connection with nature, or for the pure pleasure and wonder they generate as they transform the mind and the world. But one natural psychedelic in particular towers above the rest in its astonishing power to replace the normal waking world with a bizarre alternate reality replete with a diverse panoply of intelligent alien beings. As well as being the most powerful, N,N-dimethyltryptamine, more commonly known as DMT, is also the most common naturally-occurring psychedelic and can be found in countless plant species scattered across the Earth. DMT carries a profound message embedded in our reality, a message that we are now beginning to decode.In Alien Information Theory, neurobiologist, chemist, and pharmacologist, Dr. Andrew R. Gallimore, explains how DMT provides the secret to the very structure of our reality, and how our Universe can be likened to a cosmic game that we now find ourselves playing. Gallimore explain

  • CITD Series: Adam Apollo, Our Pathway to the Stars

    17/06/2023 Duration: 01h37min

    Adam Apollo has offered insights on global transitions, physics, technology, human spirituality and the future as a leadership ambassador at the White House, in multiple summits at the United Nations, and at conferences and festivals around the world. After having a vision of the Universe as a fractal hologram at the age of 15, he extensively studied a wide variety of branches in theoretical astrophysics, completing major research papers on the potential interface between consciousness and the physics of space-time by the time he graduated High School.His work on the “Unified Harmonic Matrix” integrates mathematics, physics, biology, sociology, and spirituality, and forms an integrative framework for approaching scaling law, quantum geometry, and other principles in Unified Physics. In 2012, he released an informal layman’s presentation on the subject matter, which has been viewed over 90,000 times. Also that year, he gave talks at several Universities on the future of human technology and realistic approache

  • Destiny: Nick Pope, First Contact

    14/06/2023 Duration: 01h29min

    Nick Pope used to run the British Government's UFO project. From 1991 to 1994 he researched and investigated UFOs, alien abductions, crop circles and other strange phenomena, leading the media to call him the real Fox Mulder. His government background and his level-headed views have made him the media, film and TV industry's go-to guy when it comes to UFOs, the unexplained and conspiracy theories.As the world's leading expert on UFOs, Nick Pope has consulted on, and helped to promote a number of alien-themed movies, TV shows and video games. He has presented, consulted on and contributed to numerous TV shows, has written five best-selling books, and lectures all around the world.Nick Pope lives in America. show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

  • CITD Series: Manu Seyfzadeh, New Satellite Technology Reveals Lost Pyramid Science

    10/06/2023 Duration: 01h26min

    Manu Seyfzadeh, MD, PhDManu Seyfzadeh is of Persian and German descent. He is a medical doctor and scientist by academic training having obtained his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of California, Irvine. After an internship at Baylor University in Houston, Texas, he completed the S.T.A.R. program at UCLA, combining a residency in dermatology, and a post-doctoral fellowship program in molecular immunology. He currently works as a practicing physician for a single-specialty group practice in Southern California. Originally inspired by Robert Bauval's The Orion Mystery, Manu entered the field of ancient history mysteries as an independent researcher in 2016 with the publication of his first book about the architecture of the Great Pyramid. Since then, he has published several articles about Egypt's pyramids, the Great Sphinx, and Goebekli Tepe, some together with co-authors Robert Bauval, Robert Schoch, and Robert Neyland. His most recent investigations have led to a major book publication in 2021 call

  • Destiny: Yvonne Smith, Alien Abductions

    07/06/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    Yvonne Smith became concerned with victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] in 1990. Upon graduation from the California Hypnosis Motivation Institute as a certified hypnotherapist, she immediately began to work with PTSD victims. She observed through hypnotherapy what many of her subjects described as a pattern of alien abduction or other close encounter experiences. Since group therapy would assist in their trauma recovery, Yvonne founded CERO [Close Encounter Resource Organization] in 1991, which conducts monthly meetings to this day. In addition to maintaining personal contact with her subjects, she has traveled extensively, lecturing about the recollections of her subjects close encounters described during hypnotherapy at M.I.T. and other American universities and conferences as well as several international conferences from Europe to South America . In the 1990 s, Yvonne traveled extensively with her abduction research colleagues Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, Ph.D., John Carpenter, and the late Jo

  • CITD Series: Matthew James Bailey, The Promise of Artificial Intelligence

    03/06/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Inventing World 3.0 is a thrilling guide on how humankind can advance beyond the limitations it faces today. In a world-first disclosure and in an easy to understand narrative, this book reveals how humanity can enter into a New Golden Age with Artificial Intelligence. To be successful, a revolutionary approach to artificial intelligence is needed. This book explains how to ethically liberate this powerful ally and the incredible benefits of placing a digital intelligence within centre stage of the human story.World 3.0 is an exhilarating experience for humans. It is a time of balance and harmony, one where the digital world, society, and the environment have aligned in profound purpose and meaning. It is a Golden Age, a Singularity, founded on ethics and equity enabled by a mindset that understands the destiny of the human experiment. The digital mindset of Artificial Intelligence has been awakened to align with the purpose of our world, our nations, our cultures, and our planet. In this future, artificial i

  • Destiny: Rev. Jim Willis, American Cults, Cabal, Corruptions and Charismatic Leaders

    31/05/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    America has spawned hundreds of cults. Charismatic leaders periodically burst into the news for the most awful of reasons. We are awash with stories of brainwashed members’ struggles to leave. Meet the messianic leaders, see the indoctrination and manipulation, look at their beliefs, and read the stories of some of America’s most notorious, eccentric, and unusual cults!From false religions and offshoots of traditional religions to political, financial, sexual, and hate groups, American Cults: Cabals, Corruption, and Charismatic Leaders looks at 40 groups and leaders, including their histories, deceits, manipulations, and twisted ideologies. Some rely on systems of obedience, submission, and dependency. More than a few have mystifying beliefs. Others are dark and murderous. You’ll encounter curious, bizarre, and sometimes upsetting stories of …Charming, manipulative, and exploitative leaders—Jim Jones, Jim Baker, David Berg, David Koresh, and many, many others.The breakaways from traditional religions—Father D

  • James Canton: Grounded: A Journey into the Landscape of our Ancestors

    27/05/2023 Duration: 01h17min

    From the author of The Oak Papers comes a beautiful meditation on how to foster a profound and healing spiritual communion with the natural world, exploring how the sacred can be accessed by looking to the past, to our ancestors and how they tread through their worlds.“Canton's writing has an exquisite, somewhat dreamlike quality.”—Peter Wohlleben, author of The Hidden Life of TreesWhen James Canton walked into Suffolk’s Lindsey Chapel, it was the beginning of what would become a new journey in his life—hours away from the bustling city of London and distant from the years in his early twenties when he traveled from Egypt to Argentina. Standing inside the quaint chapel, Canton realized that his past cosmopolitan desires had been replaced by an intense yearning to understand the history of the place he called home, a burning curiosity about the past and the spiritual ways and beliefs of the people who came before us.In Grounded, Canton retraces his steps into the places where our ancestors have experienced pro

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