Earth Ancients



Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed medicine and unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many cases, surpass our own. Join us and discover our lost history.Armed with the thousands of anomalous archeological discoveries which have not been covered by conventional science and the media, we can no longer deny our ancient cultural inheritance. Our written history is wrong and weve been led to believe that humanity is just a few hundred thousand years old. In fact, the Hindu Yugas advance the notion that Homo Sapiens are millions of years old, and have lived on planet Earth through a series of rebirths.Its now a fact that we are the survivors of a series of cataclysmic events that took place approximately 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. Our ancestors may have been aware of these impending disasters and fled underground shelter, or survived in caves; others may have left the planet, but a huge number perished. Though Earth Ancients does explore some of the popular theories that ancient aliens have visited ourplanet, our philosophy and research paradigm is decidedly Earth-centric, elevating the historical discourseabout human brilliance and ingenuity found in the archaeological evidence. For example, many of the lostcultures were able to: Harness natural electromagnetic field and channel them to build pyramids and colossal buildings Power tools and machines to shape sculptures and cut water channels Execute superior scientific and technical abilities lost to modern society


  • Julie Ryder: The Megaliths of Montana

    30/09/2023 Duration: 01h32min

    The Montana Megaliths, a captivating collection of towering dolmens, intricate polygonal block granite walls, awe-inspiring pyramid complexes, and enigmatic stacked circular terraces, have remained hidden in the pristine wilderness of Montana, USA, until now. Julie Ryder's dedicated research has unveiled over 111 intentionally constructed megalithic sites and 47 dolmens as of June 2023, shedding new light on the ancient history of this region.Furthermore, the tour guide permit encompasses visits to other fascinating sites within the Helena National Forest, such as the Eagle Mount Amphitheater, Asgard Complex, Threshold Complex, and more. TOURS OF THE MONTANA MEGALITHS Finally we have received an official Tour Guide Permit for the Helena National Forest. We will be leading groups into the Tizer Dolmen and the Tizer Acoustic Sphinx.Our tour guide permit also includes Eagle Mount Amphitheater, Asgard Complex,Threshold Complex and several other sites on the Helena National Forest.See the Montana Megaliths Tour Pa

  • Destiny: Jen Frey, Communicating with Plants

    27/09/2023 Duration: 01h20min

    A step-by-step guide to Plant communication• Explains the synergistic process of communicating with a Plant and how the Plants help us overcome anxiety, grief, fears, and limiting beliefs and teach us to trust, forgive, and embrace self-love• Shares teachings from a variety of Plants such as Yarrow, Mugwort, Maple, Dandelion, Poison Ivy, and Japanese Hops• Presents step-by-step activities and practices that allow you to actualize each Plant’s teaching in an immediate wayEveryone has the ability to consciously communicate with Plants. Jen Frey shows that if we are willing to listen, we can hear the Plants speak to our Hearts and teach us how to heal. With the support of our Plant allies, we can be our truest selves and remember our intrinsic wholeness.In this step-by-step guide, Frey shows how to awaken your ability to directly receive the unique wisdom and healing gifts of Plants. She describes how communicating with Plants is more like a communion than an exchange of words. The primary language we share with

  • Dr. Edwin Barnhart: Angkor Wat, Pyramids and the Zenith Passage

    23/09/2023 Duration: 01h43min

    Dr. Barnhart has worked in Mexico and Central America for the last 25 years as an archaeologist, an explorer and an instructor. During his four years as the student of Dr. Linda Schele (world renowned for finally breaking the Maya code of hieroglyphics in 1973) he developed a strong background in Maya hieroglyphics, iconography and archaeoastronomy. From 1998 to 2000 he was the Director of the Palenque Mapping Project, an archaeological survey that discovered over 1000 new structures in the Maya ruins of Palenque.He received his Ph.D. in Anthropology at The University of Texas at Austin in 2001 and is now the Director of the Maya Exploration Center, a non-profit research center based in Austin, Texas and Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico.In 2013 his 24-lecture Great Courses series entitled “Lost Worlds of South America” was released and very well received. Based on its success, he returned to the Great Courses studios in 2014 to produce a 48-lecture series entitled ":Maya to Aztec: Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed". His

  • Jennifer Sullivan: Child of the Universe, My Life in Lemuria

    20/09/2023 Duration: 01h25min

    “Child of the Universe'' tells the apocalyptic tale of Atlantis and Lymuria, two ancient civilizations erased from the memory of mankind.Derived from a past life regression hypnosis experience, JLF Sullivan recounts in her debut novel the tumultuous lifetime of Kala, Queen of a matriarchal empire lost forever under a cataclysmic wave. In the chaos of her people’s demise, Kala is taken prisoner to the island of Atlantis where she is experimented on for decades in search of a power inherited from her otherworldly ancestors.“Child of the Universe” unfolds an alternative history of our beginnings on this planet and departs as a warning of the apocalyptic parallels surrounding us as we embark into an apprehensive future:“Perhaps it was best that this story remained locked away within me since the great cataclysms. But now my story can no longer stay buried, it must rest once and for all. It is my hope that by sharing this with you, my story will free us from this cycle of destruction we have become entangled in...

  • Rafael Eissman: Polar Antarctic Origins of Mankind

    16/09/2023 Duration: 01h42min

    Rafael Videla Eissmann (Chile, 1979) is a historian graduated from UniversidadCatólica de Chile. He has developed numerous anthropological and ethno-historical investigations on pre-Hispanic America, focusing his studies onmythology and symbols.Rafael is a member of the Berchtesgaden-based Privatinstitut fürWelteislehre (“Private Institute of Glacial Cosmogony”), of РОИПА (“RussianSociety for the Study of Atlantis”) and of the Italian cultural association AkakorGeographical Exploring.Among his main books are Crónica de la Montaña de Melimoyu (“Chronicle ofthe Mountain of Melimoyu”, 2003), Roberto Rengifo y el Secreto de la AméricaAborigen (“Roberto Rengifo and the Secret of Aboriginal America”, 2007), LaCosmogonía Glacial de Hörbiger y la Doctrina del Hielo Universal (“Hörbiger’sGlacial Cosmogony and the Universal Ice Doctrine”, 2007), El Diluvio y losgigantes. Mitos de Chile a la luz de la Cosmogonía Glacial (“The Deluge andthe Giants. Myths of Chile in the Light of Glacial Cosmogony”, 2010), Símbolosrúnicos

  • Ronnie Pontiac: The Magic of the Orphic Hymns

    13/09/2023 Duration: 01h29min

    Recaptures the magical vitality of the original Orphic Hymns• Presents literary translations of the teletai that restore important esoteric details and correspondences about the being or deity to which each hymn is addressed• Includes messages inscribed on golden leaves meant to be passports for the dead as well as a reinvention of a lost hymn to Number that preserves the original mystical intent of the teletai• Explores the obscure origins and the evolution of the Orpheus myth, revealing a profound influence on countercultures throughout Western historyAs famous Renaissance philosopher Marsilio Ficino wrote, “No magic is more powerful than that of the Orphic Hymns.” These legendary teletai of Orpheus were not simply “hymns”—they were initiatic poems for meditation and ritual, magical, and ceremonial use, each one addressed to a specific deity, such as Athena or Zeus, or a virtue, such as Love, Justice, and Equality. Yet despite the mystical concepts underlying them, the original hymns were formulaic, creatin

  • Avi Loeb: Interstellar

    09/09/2023 Duration: 01h24min

    “The world's leading alien hunter” —New York Times MagazineFrom acclaimed Harvard astrophysicist and bestselling author of Extraterrestrial comes a mind-expanding new book explaining why becoming an interstellar species is imperative for humanity’s survival and detailing a game plan for how we can settle among the stars.In the New York Times bestseller Extraterrestrial, Avi Loeb, the longest serving Chair of Harvard’s Astronomy Department,presented a theory that shook the scientific community: our solar system, Loeb claimed, had likely been visited by a piece of advanced alien technology from a distant star. This provocative and persuasive argument opened millions of minds internationally to the vast possibilities of our universe and the existence of intelligent life beyond Earth. But a crucial question remained: now that we are aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life, what do we do next? How do we prepare ourselves for interaction with interstellar extraterrestrial civilization? How can our species b

  • Mike Ricksecker: Travels Through Time

    06/09/2023 Duration: 01h25min

    Begin your journey into the Connected Universe with Travels Through Time, an examination of the nature of time, dimensions, and the possibilities of real time travel. In an easy-to-follow and conversational manner, researcher Mike Ricksecker formally introduces his Stacked Time Theory with an exploration of the fabric of the cosmos, starting with ancient symbolism and alchemy up through today's modern science and technology. What clues did our ancient ancestors leave for us about the nature of the universe that we're just now rediscovering today, and where throughout history have we seen those esoteric clues resurface?Travels Through Time explores...Ancient alchemy and the secrets of the ouroborosThe nature of time and the paradoxes of time travelHistoric and modern accounts of time slipsDreams and accessing eternal knowledgeThe nature of the universe as a simulationExtraterrestrial abductions and time lossHow the future influences our present dayInsights from Einstein, Tesla, Kaku, and other physicistsThe po

  • James Martin: Uncharted, Voyages to the Americas Before Columbus

    02/09/2023 Duration: 01h40min

    An exploration of the history, mythology, and evidence of those who traveled to pre-Columbian America.Native groups have lived in the Americas for more than 10,000 years, but the voyages of Columbus surely did not bring the first visitors. Uncharted covers a range of cultures who seemingly visited the Americas long before Columbus, including Egyptians, Greeks, Celts, Vikings, as well as various people from Asia; and one large Chinese group who likely settled in the Americas in 100 BC. Wallace-Murphy and Martin delve into a wealth of evidence and stories, from potential Roman and Phoenician shipwrecks off the coast of South America to Celtic and Norse exploration of North America.How did the Knights Templar influence the discovery of the New World? How did the Vikings navigate their way? What do the Sinclair family, the Rosslyn Chapel, and two Venetian brothers have to do with the discovery of a new continent? With source materials dating back through millennia, including very recent finds, this book will pres

  • Chris Bennett: Cannabis, Lost Sacrament of the Ancient World

    30/08/2023 Duration: 01h26min

    Although prohibited in most of the today’s world, cannabis and humanity have a shared history that extends far back into ancient times. Evidence of its role in the production of cloth and rope goes back more than ten thousand years. Its psychoactive properties have also long been known by humanity, and ancient man attributed a supernatural force behind such effects. Archaeological evidence of cannabis ritual use of cannabis dates back to 3500 BCE, and it became considerably widespread. Egyptians, Assyrian, Babylonian and Persians used cannabis in Temple rituals, and for medical purposes, as has long been acknowledged, . Although, it has generally been seen that the neighbours of these cultures, the ancient Hebrews, whose religious history was recorded in the Bible’s Old Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh, rejected these practices. However, in 1936, a little known Polish anthropologist and etymologist put forth the controversial hypothesis that the Hebrew words, kaneh and kaneh bosm, identified cannabis, and had

  • Stephan Schwartz: Psychic Archaeology

    26/08/2023 Duration: 02h22min

    Stephen SchwartzMy life has been spent exploring extraordinary human functioning, and how individuals and small groups can, and have, affected social change. I’ve done this both as an experimentalist in parapsychology, and by being privileged to have been a part of several major social transformations: civil rights in the 1960s, the transformation of the military from an elitist conscription organization to an all-voluntary meritocracy in the 70s, and citizen diplomacy between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 80s and 90s. Both the experiences and the research have convinced me that all life is interconnected and interdependent; which you’ll see reflected in the site’s several sections: my books, and research papers on Remote Viewing and Archaeology, Anthropology, Medicine and Healing, Creativity, and Social Policy; magazine articles and interviews; biographical material; and, experiential CDs, videos, and DVDs. You can read much of this material online, and download what you find of particular in

  • SPECIAL EDITION: George Schwimmer, Mu The First Great Civilization

    23/08/2023 Duration: 01h56min

    Virtually every society around the Pacific Rim has a legend that states that there was a huge continent that sank to the bottom of the sea and that there was a great flood. Many islands in the Pacific contain archeological ruins that have not been explained. There even are underwater ruins and stone roads going down into the sea. What causes the fear in geologists and anthropologists to venture no further back in time than a few thousand years is inexplicable. However, there is more than enough information and evidence to substantiate that the continent and society of Mu existed, and may have existed for 100,000 years. The reason that the Garden of Eden has never been located is that it was Mu, which is at the bottom of the Pacific. Hawaii is the tops of some of Mu’s mountains and volcanoes. Of equal importance is genetic proof that the Native Americans of Peru and the Western U.S. all have the same genetic marker, which clearly demonstrates that they did not come from Siberia—because no northern Siberians ha

  • Russell Targ: Remote Viewing, Past, Present, Future

    19/08/2023 Duration: 01h43min

    Russell Targ has been successfully teaching people how to get in touch with their psychic abilities for more than fifty years. This began in 1972 when he cofounded the CIA sponsored ESP research program at Stanford Research Institute.Third Eye Spies will introduce listeners to the most successful and gifted remote viewers in the world, some of whom had never done anything like this before, along with the evidence of their psychic abilities. Remote viewing is the opportunity to describe and experience objects and events in the distance, past, and future.Targ shares the simple techniques the masters of remote viewing used to be able to expand your mind's eye beyond your physical location. Misconceptions have abounded that ESP is weak and unreliable. On the contrary, in the SRI laboratory experiments and classified operational tasks, ESP was found to be surprisingly reliable, accurate, and useful. In data from laboratories all over the world, we have seen that the accuracy and reliability of remote viewing is no

  • Joshua Sisler: Alien Artifacts from the Unknown

    16/08/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Artifacts of Ancient Extraterrestrial ContactJoin us for this in depth panel discussion sharing over 10 years of dedicated research into the ancient alien stones being found in Central Mexico whose carbon dating goes back to over 8,000 years old. In this workshop, we will be diving deep into personal discoveries; discussions will touch on personal and local archaeological findings and data, cultural mythos, imagery and symbolism analysis. Collectively, research has connected several dots between this extraterrestrial archaeological history and other ancient civilizations worldwide. Join us in this cosmic discussion as we gain deeper access to questioning our cosmic origin and continue to unlock more truth surrounding this forbidden topic.Joshua Sisler has over 8 years of dedicated research into the artifacts of Ojuelos de Jalisco. With 9 expeditions into the heart of Mexico to uncover this mysterious topic, he has gathered field research, documented archaeological digs, gathered extensive imagery and applied

  • Freddy Silva: Mystery of the Maya

    12/08/2023 Duration: 01h39min

    The Maya appeared in Yucatan seemingly out of nowhere in 3100 BC. But recent underwater artefacts tell a different story: a culture was already established there six thousand years earlier.According to the sacred book Chilam Balam, the ancestors of the Maya arrived in 9600 BC from a large island to the east called Atl when “the waters swallowed the source of wisdom”. A catastrophe destroyed their home, forcing the divine survivors to sail west. Described as People of the Serpent, they were led by the god-man Itzamna who brought the knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, architecture and mystical practices, thus explaining how the Maya inherited a fully developed civilization and cosmology. What’s astonishing is that hardly anyone has heard of Itzamna or his sages, the Itz — water wizards — people with knowledge of the laws of nature and how to bend them. This is their story, how their progeny became known as Maya, and how the temples of Yucatan and Guatemala today are the final expression of a proj

  • Destiny: JD Walker: Under the Sacred Canopy of Trees

    09/08/2023 Duration: 01h27min

    Tap into the Magick of Sacred Trees Around the WorldFrom the Norse Yggdrasil and the Christian Tree of Knowledge to the Buddhist bodhi tree and the Jewish Sephiroth, mystical trees have become intertwined with our history and spirituality. This book invites you to not only explore the deep roots of their influence throughout time and across continents, but also use their spiritual energy in your magickal practice.Under the Sacred Canopy introduces you to Universe Trees, as well as Trees of Life and Wisdom from an array of cultures, including the Mayan ceiba tree, Mesopotamian huluppa tree, and Greek oracle oaks. JD Walker also provides modern ways to celebrate these trees and connect with your local landscape. Featuring in-depth information on tree spirits, botanical terminology, and magickal uses for more than a dozen common trees, this book helps you engage with arboreal symbology for a more enchanting and harmonious life.JD Walker is the vice chancellor of the House of Akasha, a North Carolina pagan group.

  • Mohamed Ibrahim: Unknown Architects of Egypt's Colossal Sculpture

    05/08/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    Guide of Egypt Tours are presenting a completely different concept about Ancient Egypt, in this type of tour we present the alternative theories, the scientific opinions and the connections between Ancient Egypt and the Ancient world. You will know more about Kemet, Kemet is the official name for Egypt in the Ancient times. You will have access to many closed sites and explore many hidden corners in each site like the White chapel, the Red chapel, Sekhmet chapel in Luxor and the hospital at Sakkara. A private visit to the Great Pyramid is included and maybe some other place like the Osiris shaft in Giza, the Sphinx and the Osirion temple in Abydos.Mohamed Ibrahim the leading expert tour guide will be the main speaker in these tours, in lecture rooms Mohamed will lecture you about the Ancient Egyptian lost technologies and about the Ancient Egyptian advanced knowledge. show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at h

  • Georgina Cannon: Your Guide to Self-Discovery

    02/08/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    Getting to know yourself has never been easier. With practical introductions to twenty New Age modalities, this book will help you discover all your many facets. Each chapter offers a concise summary of a single topic written by an expert in that field. Explore your emotional intelligence with Beryl Comar and your Akashic Records with Maureen St. Germain. Find the meaning behind recurring dreams with Dr. Kelly Sullivan Walden and examine your emotional DNA with Judy Wilkins Smith. Other contributors like Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman, Lisa Greenfield, and Richard Webster will kickstart your self-discovery with insightful passages and tutorials on:• Birth Order • Numerology • Dreams • Emotional Intelligence • Palmistry • Karma • Astrology • Creative Superpowers • Family Constellations • Animal Guides • Past Lives • Archetypes • Face Reading • Enneagrams • Relationships • Personal SWOT Analysis • Akashic Records • Neuro-Linguistic Programming • Angels • AurasGeorgina Cannon teaches hypnosis at the University of

  • Graham Phillips: The Mystery of Doggerland

    29/07/2023 Duration: 01h38min

    A scientific exploration of the advanced ancient civilization known as Doggerland or Fairland that disappeared 5,000 years ago• Looks at the latest archaeological and scientific evidence preserved beneath the North Sea and on the tiny island of Fair Isle• Examines Doggerland’s sophisticated technology, including how its people were able to melt solid rock to create vitrified structures far stronger than concrete• Shows how the survivors of the destruction of Doggerland sailed to the British Isles and established the megalithic culture that built StonehengeNew marine archaeological evidence has revealed the remains of a large landmass to the north of Britain that hosted an advanced civilization 1,000 years before the recognized “first” civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, or India. Remembered in Celtic legends as Tu-lay, and referred to by geologists as Doggerland or Fairland, this civilization began at least as early as 4000 BCE but was ultimately destroyed by rising sea levels, huge tsunamis, and a t

  • Garret Yount: Why Vibes Matter

    26/07/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    We've all had 'that' feeling: when our mood suddenly changes or we sense an 'atmosphere' on entering a room. There is a distinct quality that connects these experiences – it's a shift in how we sense a person or a place, often referred to as a 'vibe'. Vibes matter because they have the power to change the way we feel and behave.Garret Yount PhD has been researching the science of 'energy vibes' for over 20 years. In Why Vibes Matter he explains what can lead us to experience a 'vibe' or a shift in energy and how to harness their power.Looking at where vibes come from and how they affect us Garret reviews the research and explains the science behind our reactions. Practical tools and techniques will help you attune to your own vibes and learn how to influence them in the wisest possible way.Garret Yount, PhD, is a Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Dr. Yount’s primary interest is bridging molecular neurobiology with aspects of consciousness and the nonmaterial mind. He began his formal studies in c

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