Earth Ancients

Graham Phillips: The Mystery of Doggerland



A scientific exploration of the advanced ancient civilization known as Doggerland or Fairland that disappeared 5,000 years ago• Looks at the latest archaeological and scientific evidence preserved beneath the North Sea and on the tiny island of Fair Isle• Examines Doggerland’s sophisticated technology, including how its people were able to melt solid rock to create vitrified structures far stronger than concrete• Shows how the survivors of the destruction of Doggerland sailed to the British Isles and established the megalithic culture that built StonehengeNew marine archaeological evidence has revealed the remains of a large landmass to the north of Britain that hosted an advanced civilization 1,000 years before the recognized “first” civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, or India. Remembered in Celtic legends as Tu-lay, and referred to by geologists as Doggerland or Fairland, this civilization began at least as early as 4000 BCE but was ultimately destroyed by rising sea levels, huge tsunamis, and a t