Earth Ancients



Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed medicine and unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many cases, surpass our own. Join us and discover our lost history.Armed with the thousands of anomalous archeological discoveries which have not been covered by conventional science and the media, we can no longer deny our ancient cultural inheritance. Our written history is wrong and weve been led to believe that humanity is just a few hundred thousand years old. In fact, the Hindu Yugas advance the notion that Homo Sapiens are millions of years old, and have lived on planet Earth through a series of rebirths.Its now a fact that we are the survivors of a series of cataclysmic events that took place approximately 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. Our ancestors may have been aware of these impending disasters and fled underground shelter, or survived in caves; others may have left the planet, but a huge number perished. Though Earth Ancients does explore some of the popular theories that ancient aliens have visited ourplanet, our philosophy and research paradigm is decidedly Earth-centric, elevating the historical discourseabout human brilliance and ingenuity found in the archaeological evidence. For example, many of the lostcultures were able to: Harness natural electromagnetic field and channel them to build pyramids and colossal buildings Power tools and machines to shape sculptures and cut water channels Execute superior scientific and technical abilities lost to modern society


  • Robert Temple: Lost Technology of the Ancient World

    09/12/2023 Duration: 01h59min

    Lying unnoticed in many museums around the world are large numbers of ancient artefacts fashioned out of rock crystal or glass; lenticular in shape, they are habitually described by archaeologists and cataloguers as decorative in purpose; in short, as costume jewellery. To Robert Temple, however, who bolsters his classical and linguistic erudition with expertise in the field of optics, they are obviously and self-evidently lenses. As such, they form the starting point for The Crystal Sun, his wide-ranging and provocative investigation into the existence of an ancient science of optics. There is much to amaze here, not least the sheer volume of evidence that Temple is able to amass (and the seemingly even greater volume to which, for various tiresome reasons, he was unable to gain access). It is this density of proof, and the hardness of the science involved, that tend to dispel suspicions that we are entering Jesus-was-an-astronaut territory.The narrative of Temple's discoveries is cast almost as an intellect

  • Efu Nyaki: Healing Trauma through Family Constellations

    06/12/2023 Duration: 01h22min

    A holistic method for resolving individual and intergenerational trauma• Explains how the author came to develop her system by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy• Shares stories from her healing work around the world, showing how this system can help resolve PTSD, depression, sexual trauma, addiction, and chronic illness• Presents action steps that readers can take immediately to engage the personal healing processThe journey to healing trauma is not always straightforward. As Euphrasia “Efu” Nyaki reveals in detail, the healing process is a complex ritual of energy movement on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.Born and raised on Mount Kilimanjaro’s slopes in Tanzania, East Africa, Efu explains how she came to develop her profoundly successful system for helping people heal trauma by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and

  • William Henry: Ancient Aliens, Ascension and the Future of Mankind

    02/12/2023 Duration: 01h23min

    William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension.The spiritual voice and Consulting Producer of the global hit HISTORY Channel program, Ancient Aliens, and host of the Gaia TV series The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension, and Arcanum, along with his wife, Clare, William Henry is your guide into the transformative sacred science of human ascension.With over 30 years of research distilled into 18 books and numerous video presentations, William’s work will guide you to next level of human consciousness and our expanding reality.www.williamhenry.netThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at

  • Destiny: Rizwan Virk, The Simulation Hypothesis

    29/11/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Written by well-known Silicon Valley entrepreneur and MIT-educated computer scientist Rizwan Virk, The Simulation Hypothesis brings together disparate fields to explore one of the most daring and consequential theories of our time: The Simulation Hypothesis. Whether you are a computer scientist, a fan of science fiction like the Matrix movies, a video game enthusiast, or a spiritual seeker, The Simulation Hypothesis touches on all these areas. The Simulation Hypothesis is the idea that our physical reality, far from being a solid physical universe, is part of an increasingly sophisticated video game-like simulation, consisting of pixels with its own internal clock.In the Simulation Hypothesis, the mysteries of quantum science, the path of artificially intelligent consciousness, the evolution of VR and quantum computers, along with previously taboo subjects like consciousness and karma, are brought together into a cohesive, information-based computer science framework. Leading figures like Elon Musk and Stephe

  • John Michael Greer: The Secret of the Temple

    25/11/2023 Duration: 01h45min

    Over thousands of years, the priests and sages of the ancient world discovered that the design and location of certain structures had beneficial effects on the crops that sustained life. A body of traditional lore evolved, using architecture and ceremonies that made use of these wholly natural but mysterious effects. In The Secret of the Temple, John Michael Greer painstakingly rebuilds a body of lost knowledge that has been used to accumulate and direct energy throughout history, and can be used again today.The Temple of Solomon was only one of many ancient structures that drew on the temple tradition.The insights of this tradition have been passed down through those in society tasked with protecting ancient wisdom, secret societies like the Knights Templar and the Freemasons. But over time, as cultures and technologies changed, the meaning of these cryptic symbols and rituals became obscured...until now. This book explores the esoteric body of knowledge that shaped the world of our forebears, gave rise to t

  • Destiny: Mark Ireland, The Persistence of the Soul

    22/11/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    Compelling evidence for afterlife messages backed by scientific research• Presents detailed accounts of experiments conducted to obtain evidence for the survival of consciousness after death, including the author’s own test involving a secret message left behind by his late sister• Shares interviews with mediums to understand how they receive information from the spirit world and explains how to recognize fraudulent mediums• Explores the healing impact that afterlife communications can have on people who are grievingAfter the unexpected passing of his youngest son, Mark Ireland began a search for messages from the afterlife and discovered remarkable proof of life after death.Interweaving profound personal experience and compelling scientific evidence, Ireland presents a deep dive into psychic-medium phenomena, spirit visitations, afterlife communication, reincarnation, synchronicity, and near-death experiences, pointing to the survival of consciousness after bodily death. He details how he confronted his resi

  • Anthony Woods: Atlantis Ireland

    18/11/2023 Duration: 01h33min

    Every once in a while a book comes along that changes everything. Atlantis Ireland is that book - a simply brilliant read that solves one of the greatest mysteries in human history - the location of the legendary lost island of Atlantis. For centuries scholars have searched high and low for the mysterious lost island. Finally, the search is over. Prepare to have your mind blown as you discover overwhelming evidence that the legend of Atlantis was based on Stone Age Ireland - the real birthplace of human civilisation. If this book is right than the worlds academics are wrong and this groundbreaking book will send an earthquake around the academic world. History will never be the same again. You can wait a decade for the mainstream to catch up or you can read this book and be ahead of your time - the choice is yours. This book bravely goes where others don’t dare and shines a light on the darkest chapters of human history. This book is not for the small-minded, it’s for the freethinker who has long broken free

  • Destiny: Anne-Marie Keppel, Death Nesting

    15/11/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    A practical and compassionate guide to physically, emotionally, and spiritually caring for the dying• Shares practices for emotional soothing, breathing techniques to reduce anxiety and pain, ways to reduce stress during the active dying process, and techniques to physically care for the dying, including methods to assist bedridden individuals• Explores ceremony and energetic boundary guidelines, Reiki and ancestral support techniques, and herbal care for nourishing and healing on a spirit level• Presents self-care methods for moving with grief, ideas for “things to do” when there is nothing to do, mindfulness practices for contemplating your own mortality, as well as guidance for talking with children about death and dying• Winner of a 2020 Independent Publisher “IPPY” awardJust as we might prepare a nest for one about to give birth, so can we lovingly prepare a nest for one who is dying.In this practical and compassionate guide, death doula educator Anne-Marie Keppel incorporates ancient and modern techniqu

  • John Michael Greer: The Ceremony of the Grail

    11/11/2023 Duration: 01h29min

    Delve into Ancient Mysteries with Some of Freemasonry's Most Guarded SecretsThe Holy Grail. The medieval stories of Merlin. The ancient Greek Mysteries. Discover the connection between them all with this phenomenal book by 32nd-degree Freemason and celebrated author John Michael Greer. He uses careful research to fit together seemingly unrelated traditions and topics, drawing on translated texts and published documents that, until recently, were jealously guarded. A must-read for anyone interested in occult Freemasonry and the Grail mysteries, this book provides answers that have eluded seekers for centuries.Using the earliest surviving Masonic ritual texts as well as pioneering insights and writings by Jessie Weston, William Morris, and other renowned scholars, this book reconstructs the Grail ritual and provides guidelines for performing it. Greer also presents Freemasonry's origins, full translations of pivotal essays, and fascinating history from megalithic to modern times. The Ceremony of the Grail piece

  • Destiny: Jerry Kantor: The Emotional Roots of Chronic Illness

    09/11/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    How to change the subconscious patterns underlying chronic conditions• Explains how to use prominent emotional and physical symptoms to determine the core existential stress underlying one’s chronic condition• Introduces five, seminal existential questions correlating with both the five miasms of homeopathy and the Five Phases of Traditional Chinese Medicine• Presents homeopathic remedies connected to specific existential quandaries and explains their indications through detailed examples from the author’s practiceIn addition to working well for physical ailments, homeopathy offers remedies for engaging with the subconscious mind to ameliorate embedded, existential causes of chronic illness— called “miasms.”Jerry M. Kantor presents diagnostic insight, specific homeopathic remedies, and successful case studies about the profound connections between emotions and their physical manifestations in illness. He further correlates the five classical miasms and their core existential quandaries with the Five Elements

  • James Wood: The Great Pyramids of China

    04/11/2023 Duration: 01h30min

    For many, the pyramids of Egypt take the centre stage when discussing these ancient and mystic structures. However, my journey has led me to uncover the mysteries buried within the enigmatic pyramids of China, specifically situated in the Guanzhong Plain and areas surrounding the dynamic city of Xi’an. My curiosity was ignited when an article introduced me to these pyramidal structures dotting the Chinese landscape, prompting a virtual exploration via Google Earth. Cataloguing 36 such structures, with tales of many more concealed across the sprawling plains, my ambition to visit these architectural marvels intensified, eventually materializing in 2023 during China’s national holiday.British-Australian who lives in China

  • Destiny: Rob Fullington, An Alien Experience

    01/11/2023 Duration: 01h39min

    Robert Fullington served in the US Army before returning to civilian life in the paint trade. Through a dramatic awakening process beginning at age 28 he came to understand that he is an ET-human hybrid. This process accelerated through ongoing interactions with Mantis beings called Kekoresh.During that time, he went through an extreme physical change as well as radical spiritual, philosophical and creative development. He began to receive designs for 2D and 3D images and objects he terms ’consciousness-amplifying technologies’, the purpose of which is to help people accelerate their personal growth. Robert feels that the physical changes he underwent allowed him to work with advanced visualization, and receive these downloaded designs. He is in the process of setting up a workshop to begin producing the 3D technologies.In 2015 he shared his experiences with Miguel Mendonça and Barbara Lamb in the book Meet the Hybrids. In 2016 he joined Barbara and five of the hybrids from the book on stage at the Internatio

  • Hugh Newman: New Discoveries at Gobekli and Karahan Tepe

    28/10/2023 Duration: 01h26min

    Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe: The World's First MegalithsWhat is the earliest temple complex on Earth? Who built it? Is it really 7000 years older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids How did such a sophisticated civilisation evade detection for so long? In this groundbreaking little book, packed with original reseach and illustrations, megalithomaniac Hugh Newman tells the story of Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe, Nevali Çori and other temples in Turkey, which are so old that their very existence challenges history as we know it.Hugh Newman is an explorer, megalithomaniac and author of 'Earth Grids: The Secret Pattern of Gaia's Sacred Sites', author of 'Stone Circles', co-author of 'Giants on Record' and 'The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain', and a contributor to 'Megalith: Studies In Stone'. He is a regular guest on History Channel's 'Ancient Aliens' and 'Search for the Lost Giants.' He has articles published in Atlantis Rising (US), New Dawn (Australia) and numerous other publications. As well as organisi

  • Destiny: Chris Bledsoe, UFO of God

    25/10/2023 Duration: 01h58min

    The case began 15 years ago and the government was the only one that listened. Why is that? -- “The Invisible College took notice…and so should you.” Jim Semivan, CIA“Now that I’ve read 100 pages so far, you don’t even need to be interested in UFOs to love this book. It’s SO good! I can’t put it down. This is the most interesting autobiography I’ve ever read. It’s an absolute page turner.” T.H., Midwest“The content is gripping and beautifully written. An instant classic.” Laurie Rosenfield, OntarioChris Bledsoe, a deeply religious family man and successful business owner from North Carolina was on the verge of the unthinkable after losing everything in the 2007 financial crisis and suffering from a debilitating chronic disease. Fishing along the banks of the Cape Fear River with three co-workers and his teenage son, he walks away from the group and cries out to God in a desperate prayer for help. Suddenly, a UFO appears and saves his life and cures him of his illness. Experiencing four hours of missing time,

  • Joseph Selbie: The Physics of God

    21/10/2023 Duration: 01h37min

    The explanations of transcendent phenomena given by saints, sages, and near-death experiencers—miracles, immortality, heaven, God, and transcendent awareness—are fully congruent with scientific discoveries in the fields of relativity, quantum physics, medicine, M-theory, neuroscience, and quantum biology.The Physics of God describes the intersections of science and religion with colorful, easy-to-understand metaphors, making abstruse subjects within both science and religion easily accessible to the layman—no math, no dogma. This intriguing book:Pulls back the curtain on the light-show illusion we call matter.Connects string theory's hidden brane worlds to religion's transcendent heavens.Reveals the scientific secret of life and immortality: quantum biology's startling discovery that the human body is continuously entangled.Demonstrates the miracle-making power of our minds to effect instantaneous physiological changes. show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are in

  • Destiny: Debra Jordan-Kauble, Extraordinary Contact

    18/10/2023 Duration: 01h51min

    Debra Jordan-Kauble is an “ordinary” woman with a habit of attracting the extraordinary.After reporting a terrifying anomalous experience to Budd Hopkins—pioneering researcher of alien abduction phenomena—Debra’s life takes a dramatic turn as she becomes the central figure in Hopkins’ best-selling book, Intruders, and in its popular TV adaptation. But while the TV series ended with a clear resolution, Debra’s astonishing story continued in real life.InExtraordinary Contact, Debra shares with the reader her close-up and personal experiences with UFOs, poltergeists, the afterlife, Electronic Voice Phenomena, premonitions, synchronicities, and non-human entities. Such phenomena are woven throughout the vivid tapestry of Debra’s life—flourishes of the anomalous, offset against an everyday backdrop of factory work, family and friends.Spanning four decades, Extraordinary Contact is a story of resilience and growth in the face of trauma, tragedy and loss, and an intimate, first-person account of what it means to be

  • Dr. Mark Carlotto: Egypt's Forgotten Labyrinth

    14/10/2023 Duration: 01h47min

    The legendary Labyrinth of Hawara was brought to the attention of the Western world by Herodotus in the fifth century BC. He describes an above-ground structure that he saw, and one below-ground that he was denied access to by the Egyptians.Moreover, they decided to preserve the memory of their names by a common memorial, and so they made a labyrinth a little way beyond lake Moeris and near the place called the City of Crocodiles. I have seen it myself, and indeed words cannot describe it; if one were to collect the walls and evidence of other efforts of the Greeks, the sum would not amount to the labor and cost of this labyrinth. And yet the temple at Ephesus and the one on Samos are noteworthy. Though the pyramids beggar description and each one of them is a match for many great monuments built by Greeks, this maze surpasses even the pyramids. It has twelve roofed courts with doors facing each other: six face north and six south, in two continuous lines, all within one outer wall. There are also double sets

  • Destiny: Theresa Cheung, How Dreams Can Change your Life

    11/10/2023 Duration: 01h32min

    The Dream Dictionary from A to ZIn this newly revised and updated edition, unlock the secrets of your dreamlife with the most comprehensive A–Z reference book on dream interpretation you'll ever find.Have you ever wondered what your dreams are trying to tell you? Now you can finally find out.Packed with fascinating information, The Dream Dictionary from A to Z is an extensive collection of the symbols that appear in your dreams and how to interpret what they mean for you.Dreams are universal, and every culture throughout history has tried to unlock the secrets of the unconscious mind through the interpretation of dreams. Understanding the unique meanings of dream symbols can help in the way you experience your waking everyday lives and even foretell the future.Designed to be kept right near your bed, The Dream Dictionary is organised from A to Z, so you can easily look up instant answers about the people, places, and ideas that you dreamed the night before. You’ll also discover the various meanings and interp

  • Walter Cruttenden: Ancient Cosmology

    07/10/2023 Duration: 01h35min

    Walter CruttendenAuthor, Director of the Binary Research InstituteWalter Cruttenden, studies ancient cosmology and astronomy. As Director of the Binary Research Institute, he writes on the cause and consequences of solar system motion. He founded the Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge series to bring together liked minded philosophers and scientists, and explore the possibility that the mythical cycle of the ages, a.k.a. Plato’s Great Year, may have a basis in fact, “driven by the solar system’s motion through space”.This is the topic of his first book, Lost Star of Myth and Time, his documentary, The Great Year, narrated by James Earl Jones, and many of his seventy two Cosmic Influence podcasts.Lost Star Productions, is in development on a live action feature film based on Walter’s work, and in pre-development on an animated film based on his second book, The Great Year Adventures with Tommy the Time-Traveling-Turtle. Both are aimed at uplifting children of all ages! sh

  • Destiny: Rev. Sue Frederick, Through a Divine Lens

    04/10/2023 Duration: 01h19min

    Presents sacred practices to align with the soul’s wisdom, quiet the ego, shift energy from fear to love, and release grief, anger, sadness, anxiety, and self-doubtExplains how to use your pain as inspiring fuel for moving fearlessly through life’s trials and reaching your true self’s full potentialShares practical action steps you can take during difficult moments to shift into the Divine lens view of your soul and experience immediate benefitsEvery day we have an inner battle going on between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. When viewed from our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event of our lives.In this guide to aligning with your soul and seeing life through a divine lens, Sue Frederick presents mindful practices and spiritual tools to shift your perspective and step into your power. She explains how each of us arrived in this life with a soul intention to

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