Earth Ancients



Earth Ancients chronicles the growing (and often suppressed) evidence of known and unknown civilizations, their ruined cities, and artifacts developed from advanced science and technology. Erased from the pages of time, these cultures discovered and charted the heavens, developed medicine and unleashed advancements that parallel and, in many cases, surpass our own. Join us and discover our lost history.Armed with the thousands of anomalous archeological discoveries which have not been covered by conventional science and the media, we can no longer deny our ancient cultural inheritance. Our written history is wrong and weve been led to believe that humanity is just a few hundred thousand years old. In fact, the Hindu Yugas advance the notion that Homo Sapiens are millions of years old, and have lived on planet Earth through a series of rebirths.Its now a fact that we are the survivors of a series of cataclysmic events that took place approximately 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. Our ancestors may have been aware of these impending disasters and fled underground shelter, or survived in caves; others may have left the planet, but a huge number perished. Though Earth Ancients does explore some of the popular theories that ancient aliens have visited ourplanet, our philosophy and research paradigm is decidedly Earth-centric, elevating the historical discourseabout human brilliance and ingenuity found in the archaeological evidence. For example, many of the lostcultures were able to: Harness natural electromagnetic field and channel them to build pyramids and colossal buildings Power tools and machines to shape sculptures and cut water channels Execute superior scientific and technical abilities lost to modern society


  • Dr. Kathleen Ball: A Grail Quest, the Knights Templar in Brazil

    10/02/2024 Duration: 01h23min

    Grail Quests often begin with what seems like normal travel adventures, but then suddenly turn into divine synchronistic events that makes one feel as though they're being guided by the Universe. I was to find out, two years later, that many local people knew about this cave. Teenagers even partied in it, as we could see from their graffiti, so what was the big secret? The cave's location was obviously not a secret, but apparently no one understood the significance of that specific cross. What the cave was carved out for turned out to be the secret, helping me to later understand why the Templars dug it out in the middle of nowhere. I returned that evening to our pousada a different person. Something had fundamentally changed within me. I felt that somehow, this discovery was part of my destiny. The Universe had unmistakably directed me to this cave."Did the Knights Templar reach Brazil? This is the enigmatic question boldly asked and beautifully answered in this fascinating quest of discovery that results in

  • Destiny: Matt Roeske, ElectroCulture

    07/02/2024 Duration: 01h29min

    What is Electroculture?Electroculture is an ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth's atmospheric energy. This was presented in 1749 by Abbe Nollett, in the 1920s by Justin Christofleau, and 1940s by Viktor Schauberger. This energy is always present and all around us also known as Chi, Prana, Life force, and Aether.When using electroculture there is no need for the use of pesticides, manure, or fertilizers. This is primarily why this information was suppressed. All you need is the sun, the clouds, the rain, the nitrogen in the air, and the ability to harness atmospheric energy. These atmospheric antennas can be created from materials such as wood, copper, zinc, and brass. When adding these atmospheric antennas to your garden, soil, or farm they will amplify your yields, combat frost and excessive heat, reduce irrigation, reduce pests, and increase the magnetism of your soil leading to more nutrients in the long run.Matt Roeske founded Cultivate Elevate to bring b

  • Christopher Dunn: Tesla, The Giza Connection

    03/02/2024 Duration: 01h50min

    Reveals how the pyramids of Egypt were sophisticated generators of clean energy• Explains how the pyramids harmonized seismic energy, which enabled the harvesting of electricity and the mitigation of earthquakes• Shares recent cutting-edge research on earthquake lights, acoustic frequency measurements and energy concentration within the Great Pyramid, the shafts of the Queen’s Chamber, the scorch marks that support the King’s Chamber explosion hypothesis, and the significance of the large void above the Grand Gallery• Includes technical appendices written by experts and top researchersSharing extensive new evidence and cutting-edge research that the Great Pyramid at Giza was built as an energy-harvesting machine, Christopher Dunn details how the ancient Egyptians generated clean power for their civilization and reveals how the pyramid builders and the great inventor Nikola Tesla drew from the same universal knowledge.Looking at each part of the Great Pyramid, from the internal chambers to its massive stone bl

  • Destiny: Kingsley L. Dennis, The Inversion, How We Have Been Tricked into Perceiving a False Reality

    31/01/2024 Duration: 01h23min

    Rewriting perceptions of reality and unravelling the conspiracies of the modern mirror-worldHave you ever wondered why things in life aren't quite as they seem? Why we celebrate distorted entertainments to such an extreme; or why an industrial-technology-media complex has become the dominant political and economic force of governance? Why our way of life seems morally corrupt and our choices upside-down?This is the Inversion: the model of reality that our brains have been programmed to accept and which also compels us to participate in and sustain. In his ground-breaking book, Kingsley Dennis examines these issues, questions this reality-model, and comes to some surprising conclusions.Dennis unpicks the complexities of our manipulated reality, enlightening readers to the nature and mechanisms of the inverted, mirror world that so many people have become lost within. Yet it does not need to remain this way – if people are ready and willing to open their eyes to what is going on around them.The Inversion deals

  • Aleksander Czeszkiewicz: Deja Vu, Has Everything Already Been?

    27/01/2024 Duration: 01h35min

    UNCOVER THE BIGGEST SECRETS OF OUR DISTANT PAST!An amazing journey through lost civilizations and prehistoric catastrophes.Are we the first advanced civilization on Earth? How much time is needed for a sophisticated culture to completely disappear from the face of our planet? Are the legends of lost civilizations only mere legends, or are they based on some factual events that happened in our deep antiquity?Déjà Vu decodes numerous ancient stories and myths of lost civilizations and shows how they corroborate much of the conventional evidence from geology, physics, archaeology, and other branches of science.We get to see how the timeframes and locations described by our ancient ancestors fit into a remote epoch circa 9,600 years BC, just before the end of the last ice age, a date cited by Plato for the destruction of Atlantis.We will also survey the possible antediluvian roots of cultures in places like Egypt, India, and South America, cataloguing the traces of a prehistoric global culture that likely surveye

  • Destiny: Athen Chimenti, Astrological Predictions for 2024 and Beyond

    24/01/2024 Duration: 01h28min

    SIDEREAL ASTROLOGER - ATHEN CHIMENTIAthen Chimenti is an astrologer, educator, and leading expert in the field of true sidereal astrology. He is passionate about helping others gain clarity and direction in their lives using this nature-based form of astrology.Athen has helped more than five thousand people from around the world gain clarity through his astrology readings. He has taught more than a hundred astrologers to become professionals in the field and thousands more through his video course. After over a decade of working with true sidereal, he now teaches astrology to audiences around the world alongside his online contributions.Dissatisfied with modern astrology's disconnection from the natural world, Athen reintroduced the sky-based system ignored for thousands of years. He is dedicated to spreading the word about this timeless system and how powerful it is at bringing clarity and direction to peoples lives.Athen has a YouTube channel with a community of more than seventy-thousand subscribers and cl

  • Matt LaCroix: The Epic of Humanity

    20/01/2024 Duration: 01h46min

    This book includes:· The largest collection of ancient texts ever contained in a single book that includes: Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Gnostic, Greek, and more.· The 200,000-year timeline of humanity, from the rise of civilization.· New archaeological discoveries, ice-core data, and compelling-scientific evidence to prove lost civilizations once existed.· Detailed analysis of the Anunnaki and their role in human-Earth history.· The future of humanity and transition into the Age of Aquarius.Today all reasonable astrophysicists still proclaim that there is life out there, but no alien civilization has ever visited the earth. Billy Carson and Matthew LaCroix see it differently. They prove that the earth is not a closed system and contacts have very well taken place. Thus they contradict the straight prevailing spirit of the age. This needs courage. I recommend THE EPIC OF HUMANITY book as a groundbreaking look into the new reasoning and evidence. The old one has had its day.Erich von Däniken Best

  • Destiny: Constance Victoria Briggs, Earth's Galactic History

    17/01/2024 Duration: 01h38min

    Constance Victoria Briggs, who brought us The Moon’s Galactic History: A Look at the Moon’s Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth, continues her exploration into our cosmic connections with her companion book, Earth’s Galactic History, and Its Extraterrestrial Connection. In this exciting new work, Briggs examines current research, theories and evidence linking Earth and extraterrestrials, past and present. Some of the topics that Briggs covers include whether the Earth was terraformed by advanced extraterrestrials; the theory that the Earth was seeded with life by other-worldly beings; possible extraterrestrial involvement in the creation of humans and more. She looks at evidence of humans being visited by beings from other worlds, and explores the idea that there was once a battle for Earth. She brings us signs, signals, messages, and clues showing evidence that extraterrestrials are trying to communicate with humans and takes us on a journey beneath the oceans where there is believed to be an e

  • Mohamed Ibrahim: Egypt Before Written History

    13/01/2024 Duration: 01h23min

    Embark on a journey through the mists of time with Mohamed Ibrahim Elbassiouny in his riveting work, "Egypt Before the Written History: The Lost Knowledge of Ancient Egypt." This book transcends conventional chronicles to explore a civilization that shaped the very foundation of human progress, long before the advent of recorded history.With meticulous research and a narrative as compelling as the myths of the gods themselves, Elbassiouny takes us to a world where the line between the sacred and the scientific is beautifully blurred. The pyramids, the Sphinx, and ancient temples are not just relics of stone but repositories of wisdom, holding secrets that have whispered through the ages.Through "Egypt Before the Written History," readers will discover how a society flourished through innovation that modern science is only beginning to grasp. From architectural wonders that align with celestial bodies to medical advancements that precede their 'discoveries' by centuries, Elbassiouny presents an Egypt that chal

  • Destiny: Brigitte Mars, Natural Remedies for Mental and Emotional Health

    10/01/2024 Duration: 01h23min

    A self-care guide to treating mental, emotional, and neurological conditions• Explores common mental health concerns and stress-related issues—such as anxiety, depression, anger, insomnia, brain fog, and trauma—and shares remedies and practices to address and heal their root causes• Examines the influence of diet and nutrition on mental health and the benefits of specific foods, herbs, supplements, essential oils, and self-care techniques• Details holistic remedies for neurological conditions, such as ADHD, epilepsy, addiction, bipolar disorder, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and strokeMental health and emotional well-being are just as important as physical health. And like physical health, there are many simple ways to improve and support mental wellness with the healing power of herbs and other holistic remedies and practices.In this comprehensive guide to natural methods to maintain a healthy mind, herbalist Brigitte Mars and natural health expert Chrystle Fied

  • Stephan Schwartz: Remote Viewing 2024 and the Future

    06/01/2024 Duration: 01h34min

    Stephan Schwartz, is a scientist, futurist and award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction. A Distinguished Associate Scholar at the California Institute for Human Science and a columnist for the journal Explore, he is the editor of the daily web publication and the weekly Schwartzreport podcast, in which he covers future trends that are shaping the world. For over 40 years, as an experimentalist, he has been studying the nature of consciousness and is one of the small group that created modern remote viewing. He is the author of more than 250 technical reports and papers and is the recipient of the Parapsychological Association Outstanding Contribution Award, the U.S. Navy’s Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Performance, and OOOM Magazine’s 100 Most Inspiring People in the World a supporter of this podcast: show is par

  • Destiny: Marie Mbouni, M.D., Healing the Five Wounds of the Heart

    03/01/2024 Duration: 01h10min

    In this groundbreaking book, medical doctor and energy healer Dr. Marie Mbouni shows us how to identify the five wounds of the heart, recover from the trauma they create, and live a full, wholehearted life.Marie Mbouni grew up in Cameroon, Africa, and always felt a calling to be a healer. “My journey,” writes Marie, “began with Western medicine, and I built a career many would be proud of—but inside, I felt dead. My quest for self-discovery saved me. I embraced a new calling as a shaman and energy healer.”After working with hundreds of clients, Mbouni noticed a strong pattern emerging. Nearly everyone had been wounded by experiencing one or more of five emotional traumas: abandonment, betrayal, separation, denial, and judgment. “Although we receive these wounds as children,” writes Mbouni, “they continue to play out in our adult lives, causing us to unconsciously seek out endless variations on the original painful experience.”While we cannot time travel to the past and change things, we can heal the past by r

  • Deyo, LaCroix, Willis: 2023, The Year in Review

    30/12/2023 Duration: 02h04min

    We look at a few important historic discoveries that made news headlines in 2023 with our influencer panelists.Jennifer Deyo, writer, archeaologistMatt LaCroix is a passionate writer and researcher who grew up exploring the outdoors of northern New England. After college, he began studying ancient civilizations, philosophy, quantum mechanics, and history. His focus became uncovering and connecting the esoteric teachings from secret societies and ancient cultures that disappeared long ago. At 32 he published his first major book; "The Illusion of Us", which combined years of research to discover the truth about the past, human origins, the gods of antiquity, as well as the fundamentals of consciousness. In 2019 he released his second book entitled; "The Stage of Time", which represents a compilation of studying ancient texts, evidence for lost civilizations, spiritual wisdom, and theoretical physics, combined together to find answers to some of our most difficult questions.Matthew works as a writer/researcher

  • Destiny: Lisa Masé: The Culinary Pharmacy, Intuitive Eating, and Ancestral Healing

    27/12/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    Find your ideal foods and cultivate wellness with traditional wisdom• Weaves together three ancestral healing philosophies with modern nutrition science to show how to discover your ideal eating plan• Shares recipes, meal plans, food lists, and stories to illustrate the concepts discussed and helps you integrate your own ancestral wisdom into your life• Offers proven strategies for transforming cravings, changing habits, and reducing the symptoms of chronic illnessExploring the healing power of food, holistic nutritionist Lisa Masé weaves together three ancestral healing philosophies—Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and the Mediterranean diet—with modern nutrition science to help you discover your ideal foods for vibrant health.The author frames her book with her healing journey to overcome ten years of chronic infection, anxiety, depression, infertility, hypothyroidism, and food sensitivities. She explains how she grew up in Italy, cradled by the Adriatic Sea and the Dolomite mountains, and by r

  • Michael Cremo: The Yugas, A Galactic War for Earth, and our Censored History

    23/12/2023 Duration: 01h22min

    Biodata for Michael A. CremoThe soul that I am entered its present body at the moment I was conceived in the fall of 1947. I appeared from my mother's womb on July 15, 1948, in Schenectady, New York. That birth was probably one of millions I have experienced since I left my real home in the spiritual world. My mother tells me that when I was an infant, she would give me alphabet soup, and sometimes I would not eat it, but would just spell out words in the bowl. From that, I take it that I must have practiced writing in many previous existences. In this life, I recall always having wanted to be a writer."From the very beginning, my life has been a spiritual quest for love and truth. My father served as an American Intelligence Officer for the United States Air Force, and from that time my life was one of periodic change and travel. I went to high school at an American school in Germany and spent my vacations traveling all over Europe. Once, in the spring of 1965, in a youth hostel in Stockholm, I met some kids

  • Destiny: Ellen Evert Hopman, Old World Traditions for Christmas and Winter Solstice

    22/12/2023 Duration: 01h13min

    An around-the-world tour of ancient Christmas celebrations, Pagan Solstice customs, and magical seasonal plants.• Explores in depth the medicinal and magical properties of the many herbs, barks, and berries associated with the Christmas and Yuletide season• Looks at the origins of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus, as well as female gift bringers, holiday Spirits, and Yuletide animals• Shares crafts such as how to make a Yule Log, practices such as Winter Solstice divinations, and recipes for traditional foods and drinksFor millennia cultures have taken time out to honor the darkest days of the year with lights, foods, and festivities.In ancient Egypt, people decorated their homes with greenery at the festival of the rebirth of the God Horus. The ancient Romans shared gifts, especially candles, at the midwinter festival of Saturnalia. In Scandinavian and Germanic cultures, the Yule Log was burned in the hearth, fruit orchards were wassailed, and sheaves of wheat were displayed to carry luck into the New Year

  • Graham Hancock: Earth's Hidden History

    16/12/2023 Duration: 01h27min

    GRAHAM HANCOCK is the author the forthcoming Magicians of the Gods, and of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven’s Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US – Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age – have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity’s past.Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Hancock’s early years were spent in India, where his father worked as a surgeon. Later he went to school and university in the northern English city of Durham and graduated from Durham University in 1973 with First Class Honours in Sociology. He went on to pursue a career in quality journalism, writing for many of Britain’s leading

  • Destiny: John Sandbach, Soul Journey through the Tarot

    13/12/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    Integrating numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, and the contemplative life• Connects the traditional, symbolic, psychological, alchemical, astrological, and numerological meanings of each of the 78 cards of the Tarot to its deepest meaning, the one closest to its spiritual core• Reveals how the Tarot offers a hands-on way to learn multiple spiritual practices and metaphysical systems, including numerology, astrology, psychology, and Kabbalistic wisdom• Details how to use the Tarot to calculate the numerological value of names, words, and dates, including birthdays, to reveal their metaphysical significanceAs John Sandbach illuminates in depth, the Tarot is a portal to realms of wisdom. It not only can provide deep insight through traditional readings but also offers a hands-on way to learn multiple spiritual practices and metaphysical systems, each interrelated through numbers and the ways the systems are worked with to reveal cosmic truths.In this guide, Sandbach explores the deep interconnected meanings of eac

  • Robert Temple: Lost Technology of the Ancient World

    09/12/2023 Duration: 01h59min

    Lying unnoticed in many museums around the world are large numbers of ancient artefacts fashioned out of rock crystal or glass; lenticular in shape, they are habitually described by archaeologists and cataloguers as decorative in purpose; in short, as costume jewellery. To Robert Temple, however, who bolsters his classical and linguistic erudition with expertise in the field of optics, they are obviously and self-evidently lenses. As such, they form the starting point for The Crystal Sun, his wide-ranging and provocative investigation into the existence of an ancient science of optics. There is much to amaze here, not least the sheer volume of evidence that Temple is able to amass (and the seemingly even greater volume to which, for various tiresome reasons, he was unable to gain access). It is this density of proof, and the hardness of the science involved, that tend to dispel suspicions that we are entering Jesus-was-an-astronaut territory.The narrative of Temple's discoveries is cast almost as an intellect

  • Efu Nyaki: Healing Trauma through Family Constellations

    06/12/2023 Duration: 01h22min

    A holistic method for resolving individual and intergenerational trauma• Explains how the author came to develop her system by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and Systemic Family Constellations Therapy• Shares stories from her healing work around the world, showing how this system can help resolve PTSD, depression, sexual trauma, addiction, and chronic illness• Presents action steps that readers can take immediately to engage the personal healing processThe journey to healing trauma is not always straightforward. As Euphrasia “Efu” Nyaki reveals in detail, the healing process is a complex ritual of energy movement on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.Born and raised on Mount Kilimanjaro’s slopes in Tanzania, East Africa, Efu explains how she came to develop her profoundly successful system for helping people heal trauma by integrating ancestral tribal wisdom with a fusion of two Western healing systems: Somatic Experiencing and

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