Earth Ancients

Destiny: Constance Victoria Briggs, Earth's Galactic History



Constance Victoria Briggs, who brought us The Moon’s Galactic History: A Look at the Moon’s Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth, continues her exploration into our cosmic connections with her companion book, Earth’s Galactic History, and Its Extraterrestrial Connection. In this exciting new work, Briggs examines current research, theories and evidence linking Earth and extraterrestrials, past and present. Some of the topics that Briggs covers include whether the Earth was terraformed by advanced extraterrestrials; the theory that the Earth was seeded with life by other-worldly beings; possible extraterrestrial involvement in the creation of humans and more. She looks at evidence of humans being visited by beings from other worlds, and explores the idea that there was once a battle for Earth. She brings us signs, signals, messages, and clues showing evidence that extraterrestrials are trying to communicate with humans and takes us on a journey beneath the oceans where there is believed to be an e