Earth Ancients

Steve Kallman: The Secret Code of the Step Pyramid



We know little about the famous great sage, Imhotep, who was the Vizier, or Prime Minister, of Egypt under the Pharaoh Netjerikhet Djoser of Egypt's Third Dynasty. As well as being the Royal Architect and Royal Physician among his many titles, the man himself is somewhat of an enigma. This book is, perhaps, the most complete account of Imhotep's architectural and medical careers as revealed in the grandeur and graceful beauty of Egypt's oldest pyramid, and challenges the reader to look beyond the obvious and see the hidden Sacred Wisdom that Imhotep embedded within its architecture. In this book is the proof of Imhotep's status of Royal Physician, even though none had existed before.His skill as an architect is clearly visible in his innovative, extensive use of stone in the Step Pyramid and its surrounding buildings. However, this book goes beyond admiring the results of Imhotep's endeavors. Rather, it goes into detail concerning the methods and hidden history of its design and construction. Gleaned from boo