Acting Inspired



Dedicated to keeping you inspired. Chatting with folks creating their own work and thoughts on my acting journey in the form of an honest diary.


  • Dear Diary!

    07/06/2017 Duration: 27min

    Back to the LA diary style! I had a day of filming. Ive been holding on to it for so long like, "yeah I got a job coming up, just a bit of filming, you know..."  and now its gone... So what now? Is it possible that I can put stuff in the "pipeline" my self?  Also I met a really nice dude on the way home and we talked about anger and being quick to react and the benefit of nipping a negative situation in the bud. He helped me remember something about myself and made me realise the importance, especially as an actor, of connecting with PEOPLE and how rewarding it can be. ENJOY!!!

  • Action! plan...

    03/06/2017 Duration: 14min

    Just a brief one today after my comedy class. Trying to get to grips with this new system as I move over to  I went to speak with Ken Rea AGAIN this week for some coaching and he helped me come up with an action plan with regards to my acting career. Adding acting excercises in to my daily routine to be fully ready for when those auditions pop up including sight reading, vocal and physical warm ups. Thinking about what I want to get accross to directors in castings, and working out the best qualities I have to offer a director and how to best express these qualities. Also please come to Museum of Comedy tomorrow at 7pm Sunday 4th June - The Undercroft, St George Church, Bloomsbury Way, WC1A 2SR. to see my hilarious buddy Isa Bonachera perform her Edinburgh preview - WOW! tickets availble here -  I will be there! come and say hello.  Thats it for now hopefully this all works and I will find my feet again in the next couple of eps! 

  • Juggling!

    01/06/2017 Duration: 35min

    Today Its just me again! Chatting about my exciting news with Blog Talk Radio and my conversation with PodVader about the future of Acting Inspired.  For the first time ever I have been silently working away without an endgame goal... and because Ive been focused on what it is Im doing whether than where Im going, that work is starting to pay off in some way! its a small step but just knowing that someone over the pond, found, listened to and liked the pod really made me feel pretty cool!  Thank you to everyone who commented on the post and liked and shared all tweets etc... And thank you especially to Lydia and Laura my two book winners!  I did my first proper stand up gig! TERRIFYING! its mad how you can stand on stage and recite Shakespeare to 1000 people without a hitch... well... its scary but you know, you get through it. But the thought of going on stage with what is effectively your own script, direction and acting is gut wrenchingly awful! You still get through it obviously but damn the fear is in

  • Ken Rea.

    24/05/2017 Duration: 02h06min

    This week I made a trip back to where it all started... The Guildhall School of Music & Drama to meet one of the best teachers I have ever come into contact with!  We talk about making positivity a core value, ego and finding the right balance of that for times on and off stage.  It seems to me a huge part of Ken's motivation is staying curious and always wanting to learn more. His life has been and continues to be one huge lesson. Always asking questions and never wasting a minute of his time.  Just talking to Ken inspired me massively and Im sure he will inspire you too!  For a chance to win a signed copy of his book let me know what keeps you inspired on the facebook page or email me directly from Alternatively go to Amazon and search "The Outstanding Actor" Check out Ken Rea at follow him on twitter and facebook @Kenneth_Rea for advice and information about events that Ken runs and check out is blog at I hope this helps you as much as

  • I got 99 eps but Ive not had 1...conversation with a listener who aint me mum!

    17/05/2017 Duration: 18min

    YO YO YO! Episode 99 is here! and 100 is gunna be awesome!  Its a brief one this week, Im excited about going back to Guildhall to chat with @Kenneth_Rea about his life, his book, his inspiration.  But also on a SERIOUS note... Please speak to me... I would love to know who is listening to this and get to know you! Im gunna try and get better at the whole social tweedia thang. Il be doing a give away of Kens book next week along side the release of his episode. The Outstanding Actor. Its a great book, loads of exercises you can do to keep the imagination going, and chats with outstanding actors to see what they are doing to... well.. Stand out I guess... Apparently bright clothes are not enough!  Anyway... Call me. ENJOY!!! @actinginspired

  • Paper Creatures Theatre

    10/05/2017 Duration: 01h16min

    Jon Tozzi and Nathan Coenen Join me on todays pod to talk about their brand new theatre company Paper Creatures Theatre. Jon and Nathan met on a tour last year with The Lord Chamberlains Men. They spent many a late night chatting drinking and Netflix-ing... Getting in to a series called Friday Night Lights... They talk about how they were inspired by the stories of ordinary folks in this show and how they think it is important to represent our millennial selfs not just as phone and social media addicts but real people who think and feel just like everyone else!  Their first show will debut at the Tristan Bates Theatre as a part of the Camden Fringe Festival from the 31st July to the 5th August and you can find tickets at Thank you to Ken Rea for putting these guys in touch with me.  Nathan and Jon are lovely blokes and passionate about what they are doing so watch this space!  ENJOY!!! @jon_tozzi @NathanJCoenen @paper_creatures @Kenneth_Rea 

  • Post show fear and blooooos!

    03/05/2017 Duration: 30min

    Shows Over!  Now you gunna get sad? Or you gunna crack on and keep moving forward? Keep up with the routine, keep a positive mind and keep working towards what you want or at least finding out what that is!  Enjoy yourself but don't get so comfy you cant get motivated... and George Blagden interrupts... All rambling really! but good to get it off the chest! ENJOY!!! 

  • Grace Savage

    26/04/2017 Duration: 43min

    Grace Savage is a Singer, Actor and Beatboxer.  listed as one of ELLE UK's 'Top 100 inspiring women' is the 2 x UK Female Beatbox Champion (2012 & 2013) and  2 x UK Team Beatbox Champion (2015 & 2016).  Grace has played a long list of established venues with her solo music including Jamie Oliver’s BIG Feastival, Glastonbury, Shambala, Latitude, As One, Lovebox, Roundhouse, 02 academy Islington, Barfly Camden, The Lexington & The Bedford. Most recently she supported BeardyMan at Radio 1’s Academy, Showcased new material at  Music Tech Fest Berlin and SBTV RISE, Supported Scott Mills and FEMME at Soho Farmhouse and shared the bill with Nadia Rose at the British House in Brazil for the Rio Olympics 2016. For her acting work, Grace was selected as one of the Guardian's 'Top Ten Standout Theatrical Performances' of 2014 for her role as ‘Jade’ in Home at The National Theatre and had a successful run at SOHO THEATRE with her one woman show BLIND. Grace has received ongoing support from BBC Introducin

  • What is the VISION!?

    19/04/2017 Duration: 32min

    A few minutes of deepness. I had a bit of a day this week where I lost track of what is going on and why I am doing the things I do. I have fallen out of a routine without even realising it.  Im not sure why, I guess it happens. We get complacent when things are going well and our foot eases off of the gas so slowly we don't even realise. Before you know it, you are in the position I found myself in on Monday; Tearing my hair out with frustration at my own inactivity.  I hope getting this off of my chest helps someone else as much as it did me! Enjoy!!!

  • Daniel Wye

    12/04/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    My first guest for a long time! TOO LONG! I was bored of my own voice... Daniel Wye is a very talented stand up comedian. He is fairly new to the game and pretty good at it! He's full of energy, banter, crude, rude and lewd jokes... He has a presence that people are attracted to and sometimes scared of but expect to see him smashing it up in this world for years to come. I haven't had this much fun on the pod for a while and feel like this helped start to shape it up into more of the kind of thing I want to put out there!Look out for Dan on the circuit and Go see and support him on May 10th at the Angel Comedy club for "So you think you're funny".@DanielWyeENJOY!!!

  • Hidden Elements of Story Telling!

    05/04/2017 Duration: 34min

    Its opening night!!! Its been a good week, we had tech on Monday which was awesome and we had a couple of dress runs! With all the other elements of the show layered up on top its looking really good and it reminded me of the importance of the art that all the different designers have presented. I also chat some other waffle!  ENJOY!!! PS - come see me in #HIDDENPLAY

  • Non. Sense. Pod.

    29/03/2017 Duration: 26min

    Im tired! that much is clear from tonights late night episode of delirium... But all is well.  Rehearsals, Well. Comedy, Well. I'm down a, Well.  ENJOY!!!

  • Having Trouble Sleeping?!

    22/03/2017 Duration: 28min

    Rehearsals. Hard work. Tired. Exciting. I don't know what these words represent... its just late and I promised my self to get one out every week!!! And Ive been sticking to it since Christmas!!! It will genuinely help you drop off! I nearly did me whilst editing! I talk rehearsals, the comedy gig, being grateful and inspired and truly f@#*%ing chuffed! ENJOY!!!

  • Soho Theatre Youth Comp Stand Up!

    15/03/2017 Duration: 31min

    Stand Up at the Soho Theatre! Turd on me doorstep! I start rehearsals today and realise that locking your self away to hammer lines and text work can also not be great for the old head there! Ive got the cabin fever baaaaad and its messing with me chemicals! Nothing a quick telling off cant sort out, a little meditation and all is back to normal as you realise you're being a totally ungrateful and spoiled dick! ENJOY!!! Soho Theatre Downstairs Sat 18th March 4pm, Mine and many other folks first stand up gig! Come check us out and gimmie a message if you want free tix! 

  • Solo Poddin'

    08/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    YO, SO... I don't have a partner to commit any crimes with today! Its just me.. monotonous ol' me :)  Just chatting through some thoughts and plugging upcoming dates for the show HIDDEN and the Stand Up "sharing" marking the end of the ten week course myself and Kae have been doing at the Soho Theatre. #hiddenplay @ecclesiatheatre @nicolawerenowska  TOUR DATES: Wed 5 - Thu 6 April 7.30PM Oxford Playhouse, 11-12 Beaumont St, Oxford OX1 2LW Wed 12 April 8PM Norwich Arts Centre, 51 St Benedicts St, Norwich NR2 4PG Fri 21 - Sat 22 April 8PM Marlowe Theatre, The Friars, Canterbury CT1 2AS Fri 28 - Sat 29 April 8PM (Sat Matinee 3PM) Mercury Theatre, Balkerne Gate, Colchester CO1 1PT Cast: Lewis Goody & Millie Proust Written by Nicola Werenowska Directed by Scott Hurran Design by Loren Elstein Lighting Design by Zoe Spurr Sound Design by Max Pappenheim Stage Management by Kerri Charles Produced by Maeve O’Neill & Ecclesia Funded by Arts Council England With support from English Touring Theat

  • Pillow Talk

    01/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    I have been doing some hardcore prep for a show that I am about to start rehearsals for, so no guest this week! But I promised myself and you that I would get something out no matter what!  So me and Kae got into bed and had a good old yarn about all sorts of nonsense. We chat about a stand up class we've been taking, prepping for my upcoming job, being in the present, working on yourself and removing restrictions from our lives!  What fun!  ENJOY!!!

  • Paloma Oakenfold.

    22/02/2017 Duration: 01h14min

    This week we are back to the usual style and Joining me on the Pod is the lovey Paloma Oakenfold. She is a truly one of the coolest people Ive ever met, I use the word cool a lot but Paloma is the definition in my opinion.  She's had a great journey with ups and downs, as we all do, but Paloma has the ability to turn the downs into ups and has been gracefully dancing her way through a career in this industry. When she falls, she gets straight back up, carries on and finds another interesting path to take. She is also just hilarious and full of banter. I loved recording this and I hope you love listening! Paloma is currently the Resident Assistant Director at the Lyric Hammersmith working on SEVENTEEN so go and check it out in March and April. Big Massive Love. ENJOY!!!

  • Olivia and Yshani Blinkface me!

    15/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    This is what you're in store for when you head down to Vault Festival and The Caravan Shorts to see... BLINKFACE The face a camera captures a split second before we are ready to be seen. Slack, fuzzy uncontrolled and unrecognisable. It doesn’t even look human. But it’s still you. What do others see in those moments when the mask slips? This show invites you to, anonymously, place your most vulnerable moments into a story box to be reimagined. See your own experiences retold in song. Don’t worry you won’t be exposed! All you have to do is watch with your eyes open as this storyteller embraces all the moments in between. Created and performed by Olivia Mace & Yshani Perinpanayagam Saturday February 18th & Wednesday February 22nd Show times: 6.45pm – 7.45pm – 8.45pm – 9.45pm

  • Citizen Recall: Mrs Helen Stridgen - Caravan Shorts - Vault Festival.

    15/02/2017 Duration: 20min

    There is a figure at the window. Alive 3 years after dying. They are coming for her… But first, some cake. Written and directed by Paul Westwood Performed by Helen Ryan Friday February 10th Show times: Show times: 6.15pm – 7.15pm – 8.15pm – 9.15pm Tickets at @VAULTFestival @robinlinde

  • Ice and Fire (Actors for Human Rights) - Caravan Shorts - VAULTFestival

    15/02/2017 Duration: 26min

    Helen Clapp Chats to me about Ice & Fire's ASYLUM MONOLOGUES. How these pieces are created and she thinks doing them in the caravan will have a huge impact on a a small audience in The Caravan. Ice & Fire theatre explores human rights stories through performance. Since 2006, they have been collecting and disseminating first-hand accounts of asylum seekers and refugees living in the UK through their Actors for Human Rights network. Asylum Monologues is their flagship script and will include new testimonies collected during 2016. Friday February 17th & Thursday March 2nd Show times: Between 6pm and 10pm – every quarter past + quarter to Tickets available at @helenclapp @actors4hr @iceandfire_E1

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