Acting Inspired



Dedicated to keeping you inspired. Chatting with folks creating their own work and thoughts on my acting journey in the form of an honest diary.


  • All Tied Together In A Neat Little Bow!

    25/10/2017 Duration: 18min

    We filmed our thing and went foraging.  All the things I've been talking about over the last few months are kind of coming together for me. We had the filming of our teaser, doing something you are passionate about and creating something off of your own steam. All of our hard work and fun we put into our writing paid off and we have got a stage further with creating our own work and telling stories we want to hear. Then the very next day I had to go to work at 6am, I was knackered but the buzz from filming our script got me straight up and I was still receiving shots of the happy chemical into my brain, which made my crappy job 10 times easier and more enjoyable because it is enabling me to be creative. Finally, we went down to Devon foraging I got to see my family, learn a little bit about making medicine with shit that grows everywhere! and really connecting with my love for plants and nature in general. Walking in the sea, getting away from any other thoughts and just getting grounded by doing things I

  • Eddie and Frankie - with Maria Pullicino and Katherine Hearst.

    18/10/2017 Duration: 56min

    GUEST DAY!!!! I chat with my SYC Stand Up buddy, Maria Pullicino about a project she has been working on with Katherine Hearst called Eddie & Frankie: An 8 minute animated short film about Frankie, a lonely teenager and her miner dad, Eddie. It was a real pleasure chatting to Katherine and Maria about all the work they've been doing to create this awesome short. The drawings are beautiful and the story matches that beauty! So please head over to Kick Starter, give the teaser a watch (you'll love it) and pledge if you can! or share it with someone else so they can get the clean up done on the animation and get this thing out there!  They travelled up to the North East for research and even held workshops in schools, guiding the kids on how to tell their own stories through animation.  I really enjoyed this one and I'm sure you will too!  Check out their Kickstarter page and the teaser HERE! and check out the Facebook page HERE! BIG LOVE!

  • We're shooting a thing we wrote!

    11/10/2017 Duration: 17min

    I'm so excited! its nearly midnight and tomorrow, me and Kae are filming a teaser we wrote all by ourselves! The whole thing is so mad and cool that I basically talk about that... and how much I've learnt of course, and how its shown me the importance of working on your own stuff and how much easier life is when you have a real passion project on the go... but also I'm a kid and I'm excited to film this bloody thing! Woop Woop!  I was on Vittorio Angelone's podcast this week check him out here @thatvittorio on twitter. The 42 Podcast on itunes. What a legend and an inspiration. I will have him on mine soon to find out how his auditions for Drama School went!  some great guests coming up too!  ENJOY!!!

  • Taking the reins!

    04/10/2017 Duration: 24min

    It's time to take more control of the career and life. Something good is happening, I like where I'm at in life and I feel like I am really working towards what I want and trying not to make it all so SERIOUS!  Bit of a rambler this week... Kae smashed it with the stand-up comedy this week at The House of St Barnabas and Seven Dials Comedy. Two very different rooms with different reactions and it was great to see Kae grow as she works out how to tell her story.  Two past guests Liam Bergin (BOOM DONE) and Paloma Oakenfold have gone and got engaged and we had a lovely time at the engagement party on the boat! Congratulations to those two beauts!  I get spiritual and rambly and its a bit of a mish-mash ep. I'm beginning to understand and accept things and I'm feeling much better. Even when things are not great I feel more able to stick em into perspective. Also, what do you imagine on the other side of the door at those auditions and production meetings and all that jazz? If you're anything like me, you see

  • Do one Saturn!

    27/09/2017 Duration: 35min

    I'm feeling old and that my time to shine has passed, I'm feeling the need to go back to my YOUTH but then I get scared and feel like the judgment of mankind is too much for me and I bail and go in circles like this therefore not achieving anything! Somebody help me out here...  On the positive side of life though, the positive attitude at work thang is working out well and even when there is a conflict with auditions etc. I'm dealing with that with less anxiety and solving problems with ease. Which appears to be harder when the tone of life is on the slightly more negative side. Funny hey?!  Got an audition, didn't get it, but... it didn't bother me like it sometimes does, progress is being made. I'm becoming a grown-up who knows everything about everything and I'm gonna be completely fine, you'll see!  HELP! ENJOY!!! Come down to Seven Dials Club this Friday to catch some Acting Inspired Alumni performing for laughs. More info here...

  • Oh you're RESTING?

    20/09/2017 Duration: 34min

    I have had such a negative attitude towards "resting jobs" that has not helped me move forward. I talk through the thoughts I've had recently about finding the right "resting job" for you and applying a positive attitude to whatever that job may be. Resting jobs are more important than I've given them credit for in the past. They are a helpful boat that keeps us afloat in the harder times and I certainly need to learn to be more grateful for whatever that job at the time may be. It also just helps get me into a routine and getting up early and having an early night and a good rest, so that when it comes to a day when you don't have to do that job, you are still able to get up early, crack on and rest well etc. So I need to be more grateful for these jobs, find the right ones for me and use it as a device to keep me disciplined and proactive. My counseling ended last week but it did end on a high and give me a little gem to take away. I've spent a lot of my life worrying about what people think of me and tryin

  • “If YOU build the playground, no one can take away your fun” - Kae Alexander.

    13/09/2017 Duration: 01h38min

    Kae Alexander finally joins us again! After a long break from Acting Inspired she’s back to tell us all about her life changing experience on the play GLORIA at the Hampstead Theatre, where she truly felt like it was a genuine collaboration between actors and the director and the whole team! We talk meditation and retreats and learning how to discover and accept yourself. We’ve been working on a little writing project for a while and Kae spills the beans on how thats going… We got a development deal! Whats that?! Come and find out… :) We’ve learned so much in such a short space of time and its all very exciting. Don’t worry its not all good, I still have a little quarter life crisis moment. We get into why it is we feel the need to write something, why do we NEED to tell our story? Lots of questions! Kae also gives us her thoughts on going to LA and auditioning for drama school… So we slaughter a bunch of birds all at once in this bad boy! Its all exciting stuff and Im chuffed to have Kae back on the pod a

  • Chattin' Breeeeeze!

    06/09/2017 Duration: 32min

    I did a great reading on Sunday @ the Old Red Lion Theatre with @Andy_Routledge1 and @lucky_wood That was an awesome reminder of everything awesome about Theatre and Acting! Me and Kae attended the IARA Awards where Kae has a nomination for best actress on stage for GLORIA!  Other than that I've been working a lot and now I'm ill and don't know what I'm saying! A good time to reflect on old thoughts and eps and feel good about all you guys and all the guests I have had the pleasure of chatting with! THANK YOU and ENJOY!!!

  • Paper Creatures TAKE 2!

    30/08/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    Nathan and Jon from Paper Creatures chat to me for the second time about the creation of their company and the development of their debut show FLOOD.  It's a few weeks after their first production hit the stage... What was it like? What were the steps they took to get an Idea from their heads to the page to the stage?!  If you're interested in creating your own work in any way this is a great podcast for you. The passion, dedication and enthusiasm these lads have is just brilliant and I imagine plays a huge role in why they have been as successful as they have.  The ups (loads) the downs (minimal) top tips and advice and just lovely to hear and give you a real creative boost. ALSO... they need another project to work on! So if you are a playwright and you have an idea that you haven't let out of the box and you want to see come to life, I would urge you to send it into these guys at  Make sure you keep up with Nathan and Jon "The Original Paper Creatures" on social media to find o

  • Auditioning for Drama School?

    23/08/2017 Duration: 40min

    My first audition in ages... It has an effect on me... It's like a dam, which breaks around me when the audition is over and real life comes crashing in to drown me! Sounds fun right?! Jump in! But why do I feel so sad/worried/scared/stressed? I don't know, why don't you ask yourself, Lewis?! Yeah, ask yourself why?! It feels good to be in control! and finally, I discuss auditioning for drama school in great detail... So great detail, its mind boggling! However, I believe there must be so gems in there... right?! ENJOY!!!  


    16/08/2017 Duration: 30min

    So guys after moaning about not getting my act together to go and see Smodcast, recorded live at Comicon, Mi lady Kae managed to sneak me in the back door with phone calls 15minutes before she went on stage to do the last performance of GLORIA. My day, my year, everything was MADE!  Then I went on holiday... It's easy to spend time with yourself in the sun on the beach, but wherever you are and whatever you are doing I think this is vital to do from time to time. Give yourself a few days off from everyone else and concentrate on you! You never know what awesome things you might learn about yourself. As my tea bag told me this morning... BE PROUD OF YOURSELF...  Kae and I have some exciting news, but I can't say too much! I don't want to jynx it! And finally... I'm growing up! but in a good way... Learning about who I am and what I want and I'm happy with the way it's going.  Right... off to an accent lesson now as I have the first audition I've had in what feels like yeeeeaaars!  ENJOY! Ps, hows the sou

  • Equal Representation for Actresses. ERA. Alex Clatworthy and Polly Kemp.

    09/08/2017 Duration: 59min

    Alex and Polly fill me in on ERA. You might have heard James Nesbit talk passionately about these guys at the BAFTAS along with Phoebe Waller-Bridge wearing her badge as a ring as she accepted her award.  A NEW ERA FOR ACTRESSES Our mission is a simple one. We want to see women represented on screen, in television and theatre in equal numbers to men. Equal means 50:50. Currently, women are systemically under represented. This does not accurately reflect our society. It distorts our view of the real world. They don't want to be around for long, hoping to achieve their goals by 2020. Have a listen to hear more about what they hope to achieve, how they're going to do it and most importantly, what we can do to help! A great chat with two great women using their "resting" time to make a much-needed change within the industry. Check out to find out more and show your support by buying the 50:50 badge for just £2. There are even T-shirts and tote bags, so treat yourself

  • You Only Live Once.

    02/08/2017 Duration: 31min

    I heard about a job I would be perfect for... I couldn't be seen and they weren't accepting tapes... What if I just send a tape, FUCK IT! No that would be silly, you might get in trouble, right? It's weird, isn't it?  Who knows? I guess we will find out, cos I spoke to my lady friend and... you guys know how she is... all brave and that... and like the devil on my shoulder she whispered "dooo itttt!" I reconnected with an old friend and director, It took me six months from fear of not being remembered but hey look... It all worked out fine. I've been seeing the type of theatre I really want to see and I'm loving it.  I could have gone to watch the 10th-anniversary recording of Kevin Smith's Smodcast but I procrastinated and lost the chance to get a ticket :( (more on this later as the day got a little weird). Anyway, I'm on me hols now, sat on the beach, drunk in Mallorca! So you got a guest ep next week and it's a goody! Thanks Again for your continued support you beautiful bastards and I'll fill you i

  • Learning The Hard Way.

    26/07/2017 Duration: 32min

    Got a brilliant email from Ketorah Williams about my half plans for another LA trip... Should I be going again? Why will it be different this time?  I also chat about making the most out of opportunities and using my time wisely... or not using my time wisely and therefore learning to use my time wisely...  We stopped a robbery! and worked on "THE NEW STRAND" of Acting Inspired with Stefan Menaul. Keep your bananas peeled for news on that. Anxiety hit me hard this week but I'm embracing him and trying to make shit work!  Ketorah's email filled me with joy! please feel free to get in touch as she did and if you're going to Edinburgh... Check out the shows Ketorah has been working on @Ketorahwilliams ENJOY!!!

  • Moaner!

    19/07/2017 Duration: 29min

    This weeks episode started so well! Talking about Saturday's gig (Thank you to those of you who came out) Comedy, and then get caught up in the thought of the lack of acting work happening! I did talk about the importance of having some chill time with the famalam and going to see Kae's show again... But unfortunately, it seems I've had a problem with my hardware and a massive chunk went missing from the middle of the episode! Kaes show is awesome! Go and see her in GLORIA at the Hampstead Theatre, you won't regret it.  I'm going back to counselling, Kae got another gig, it's all go but for some reason, I do start to sink at the end. Maybe I started too late today...  Stick with me as there are still exciting things going on. Stefan is back so hopefully we can get cracking with the new strand. Kaes going to chat with me at some point soon about GLORIA  Thank you for the emails and retweets etc this week!  ENJOY!!!

  • Working like a Mule.

    12/07/2017 Duration: 28min

    Just me today chatting about the pay the bills jobs we need to do to keep us afloat, but more specifically about how, for once, I have been able to look at this positively! I know! WHAAAT! It's nice to see London at 5am, it's good to get out of the house and focus on something completely different, just to give you a break from your own mind, cos if you're anything like me... We can spend too much time lurking in the shadows of our own brains!  No auditions coming in! NADA! But again, not such a MASSIVE issue, why? Because I'm inspired by other opportunities that I have complete control over. I have other progressions to be makin'... don't get me wrong it's not ideal but it ain't the end of the world because I have other shit to do as well!  I stopped going to counselling as I'm broke, so you guys have to be my new counsellors, thanks! Comedy coming up at The Soho Theatre! 15th July (This Saturday) Downstairs £5 entry 16:00 get tickets here...  Have a great week. ENJOY!!!

  • Acting Hour!

    05/07/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    In today's pod I'm chatting with @LydiaKayE15 about her creation of the Acting Hour HASHTAG! #ActingHour Lydia is great. She is super passionate and enthusiastic about acting and helping those within the acting industry. She has created a way for actors of all levels to connect and share ideas and share work and there's a hell of a buzz!  We talk about Lydia's journey into acting, what lead her to the idea for #ActingHour and where she intends to take things now and into the future.  Check out and everything #ActingHour on twitter @ActingHour  Get involved! It happens twice on Twitter every Wednesday in both the UK and USA! From 1-2pm GMT/DST and 1-2pm PST/PDT.  ENJOY!!!

  • Dani Sylvia Music.

    28/06/2017 Duration: 01h07min

    Singer/Songwriter/Actor Dani Sylvia joins me on the pod to talk about how she went from attending Guildhall to receive a classical training in acting, to becoming an awesome singer/songwriter about to release her debut album "Tall Tales".  We cover going to Drama School too young and if that's even a thing. Jumping into something because that's the path you're "supposed" to take as a young Actor. Only to then find out that it isn't quite right for you. Worrying about discovering other interests because of what fellow actors may think of what you're doing and trying so hard not to come across as "the one who's giving up"! We talk about Dani's first steps into the world of music and the feeling of fitting into a group that is supportive and kind and one particularly amazing and tear jerking story that showed her the power and necessity of songwriting and music.  Catch Dani performing her debut album "Tall Tales" at the Bedford in Balham 8pm 27/07/17  Dani's music video for the song "Perfection Generation"

  • Evolution!

    21/06/2017 Duration: 28min

    My buddy Stefan and I talk about our plans for the future of Acting Inspired and will be starting something regular as of next week!  Thank you again to last week's guest Andrew Rajan, stay tuned here to find out how you can win a copy of his latest book THE BIG GAME! I died on my ass at the comedy lab but it was good to embrace the bomb so I know what works and what doesn't. I forgot to talk about my Philosophy taster class!!! next time... The wonderful Kae Alexander is at the Hampstead Theatre and tonight is press night for Gloria! I hear great things so make sure you get down there! In other news... Anyone else having a bit of an audition dry spell? Yeah me too! Why what is it? What is the Simple answer? I have no idea.... HAHA! ENJOY!!!  

  • Andrew Rajan

    14/06/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    Andrew Rajan started out as a Mechanical Engineer at the Ministry of Defence... Not what you were expecting?! Me neither. After that, he just traveled the world a bit and then came back and went to Drama School... Ah, I see!  When popping out into the real world from the wonderfully safe and warm womb of drama school, some things became clear to Andrew, as they do to most of us. This is not as simple as it was when I was at Guildhall.  Stereotypes come into play, the extended periods of "rest" become a thing. Andrew didn't mess about, he saw brick walls and instantly got to working out how to get through, around, over and under them.  We talk about giving yourself permission to be brilliant. Nurturing your talent and looking after yourself. Exploring all creative avenues that you can express yourself in. Not giving yourself a hard time (referring to some of my previous solo pods).  We also get into what really doesn't inspire you and using that as a springboard to fly in the opposite direction. Andrew

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