Acting Inspired

Andrew Rajan



Andrew Rajan started out as a Mechanical Engineer at the Ministry of Defence... Not what you were expecting?! Me neither. After that, he just traveled the world a bit and then came back and went to Drama School... Ah, I see!  When popping out into the real world from the wonderfully safe and warm womb of drama school, some things became clear to Andrew, as they do to most of us. This is not as simple as it was when I was at Guildhall.  Stereotypes come into play, the extended periods of "rest" become a thing. Andrew didn't mess about, he saw brick walls and instantly got to working out how to get through, around, over and under them.  We talk about giving yourself permission to be brilliant. Nurturing your talent and looking after yourself. Exploring all creative avenues that you can express yourself in. Not giving yourself a hard time (referring to some of my previous solo pods).  We also get into what really doesn't inspire you and using that as a springboard to fly in the opposite direction. Andrew