Acting Inspired

Paloma Oakenfold.



This week we are back to the usual style and Joining me on the Pod is the lovey Paloma Oakenfold. She is a truly one of the coolest people Ive ever met, I use the word cool a lot but Paloma is the definition in my opinion.  She's had a great journey with ups and downs, as we all do, but Paloma has the ability to turn the downs into ups and has been gracefully dancing her way through a career in this industry. When she falls, she gets straight back up, carries on and finds another interesting path to take. She is also just hilarious and full of banter. I loved recording this and I hope you love listening! Paloma is currently the Resident Assistant Director at the Lyric Hammersmith working on SEVENTEEN so go and check it out in March and April. Big Massive Love. ENJOY!!!