Acting Inspired

Action! plan...



Just a brief one today after my comedy class. Trying to get to grips with this new system as I move over to  I went to speak with Ken Rea AGAIN this week for some coaching and he helped me come up with an action plan with regards to my acting career. Adding acting excercises in to my daily routine to be fully ready for when those auditions pop up including sight reading, vocal and physical warm ups. Thinking about what I want to get accross to directors in castings, and working out the best qualities I have to offer a director and how to best express these qualities. Also please come to Museum of Comedy tomorrow at 7pm Sunday 4th June - The Undercroft, St George Church, Bloomsbury Way, WC1A 2SR. to see my hilarious buddy Isa Bonachera perform her Edinburgh preview - WOW! tickets availble here -  I will be there! come and say hello.  Thats it for now hopefully this all works and I will find my feet again in the next couple of eps!