Spring 2012 Shamatha Retreat



Spring 2012 shamatha retreat audio teachings with Alan Wallace. Live from the Thanyapura Mind Centre in Phuket, Thailand.


  • 14 Empathetic Joy

    16/04/2012 Duration: 32min

    Introduction of the third of the four immeasurables: Empathetic Joy Meditation starts at 07:27

  • 13 Settling the Mind in its Natural State (3)

    16/04/2012 Duration: 01h28min

    In this practice, also known as ‘Taking the Impure Mind as the Path,’ we experientially distinguish between stillness and movement. Alan explains the various progressive stages according to the Sharp Vajra Tantra by Dudjom Lingpa. He also talks about how to balance compassion and wisdom, and the importance of setting aside any notion of progress during the sessions. Meditation starts at 08:10

  • 12 Compassion, part 3

    13/04/2012 Duration: 36min

    Alan introduces the third type of suffering, in the Buddhist understanding, the deepest dimension of suffering - the persuasive suffering of conditional existence. He is further elaborating on 'ego-based-suffering' or 'ego-grasping'. If there is no hope, than there is no compassion. Meditation starts at 11:41

  • 11 Settling the mind in its natural state, part 2

    13/04/2012 Duration: 01h25min

    Like a bird hovering in the wind, still but very attentive, we observe the space of the mind and whatever arises in it. Through a process of elimination we discard every sensory field until we are left with the mental domain, identifying mental events such as memories, images, ideas and thoughts. This practice of settling the mind is also called ‘Taking the Mind as the Path’. Alan also answered questions related to Bodhicitta and Samadhi. Meditation starts at 24:10

  • 10 Compassion focussed on suffering of change

    12/04/2012 Duration: 37min

    We continue with the cultivation of compassion with a focus of suffering related to change. The root of this suffering of change focusses on the second of the three root mental afflictions. Meditation starts at 08:23

  • 09 Settling the mind in its Natural State

    12/04/2012 Duration: 01h26min

    The object in this meditation is the space of the mind and whatever arises in it. If one is carried away by thoughts, release the grasping and relax. It’s a practice that is close to Vipashyana it’s similar to the close application of mindfulness of mental phenomena. Alan also answered practical questions from the students. What is the correlation between emotions and bodily sensations? Does the acquired mental sign in mindfulness of breathing interfere with the visual field? How to measure the progress of the Shamtha practice? Meditation starts at 12:00

  • 08 Compassion focused on alleviating pain

    12/04/2012 Duration: 31min

    Introduction to the practice of the cultivation of compassion. Compassion always has an element of wisdom. Meditation starts at 06:39

  • 07 Mindfulness of breathing: Sensations at the nostrils

    12/04/2012 Duration: 01h33min

    Introduction to the third phase and most classic phase of practicing mindfulness of breathing. Focussing on the sensations at the tip of the nostrils will elevate focus of attention and enhance vividness. Instructions on methods and strategies to maximize the individual retreat. Meditation starts at 12:56

  • 06 Loving-kindness in all directions

    12/04/2012 Duration: 33min

    The cultivation of loving-kindness entails the breaking down of the barriers within our own hearts and minds in order to establish peace of mind Meditation starts at 06:18

  • 05 Mindfulness of Breathing: Developing the Stability

    10/04/2012 Duration: 01h19min

    Introduction of the second of the three qualities of Shamatha, namely developing the stability - the continuity of voluntary attention. Alan emphasizes the importance of mastering the skill of stability. Meditation starts at 15:54

  • 04 Loving-kindness for oneself and others

    09/04/2012 Duration: 31min

    Loving-kindness is not an emotion - it is an aspiration. Nor is Loving-kindness an expectation or a goal. Aspiration is sent out to the world and there is no point in which the door is closing on it. Moving from the realm of actuality into the realm of potentiality. Meditations starts at 04:42

  • 03 Mindfulness of Breathing

    09/04/2012 Duration: 01h28min

    Focus on the tactile sensations of the breathing throughout the body, cultivating relaxation of body and mind. If we're not fully engaged with what is happening in the present moment, rumination will fill our mind. Learn the prerequisites for Shamatha, how to get rid of OCDD and why multitasking is inefficient. Meditation starts at 09:05

  • 02 Loving-kindness for oneself

    09/04/2012 Duration: 01h29min

    Note: Due to a computer error this recording was incomplete. En lieu you will find Alan's teaching to the same subject from the Fall 2011 retreat. Thank you for your kind understanding. Alan leads us in the cultivation of loving kindness for ourselves. Bringing to mind our most meaningful aspirations and reflecting on how we can transform ourselves into better persons so that we can offer something meaningful to the world around us. The meditation starts at 08:31

  • 01 Introduction

    09/04/2012 Duration: 01h20min

    Alan welcomes all participants and gives an overview of what the retreat will entail as well as some information on Thanyapura. After meditation Alan talks about motivations for the retreat and values of cultivating different kinds of intelligence. > Conative Intelligence is the ability to recognize which of our desires are meaningful. > Attentional Intelligence is choosing where to put our attention. > Cognitive Intelligence is the clarity of mind engaging with reality as it is. > Emotional Intelligence shows whether our emotional responses are balanced as compared to over-reactive. The practice of Shamatha enhances these four forms of intelligence and leads to a shift in our priorities. Note: Several sections concerning logistical issues have been removed from the recording. The meditation begins at 02:50

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