In The Market With Janet Parshall

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 74:56:55
  • More information



In the Market with Janet Parshall, challenges listeners to examine major news stories and issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas and speaks to them with the Word of God. In this fast-paced, caller-driven program, Janet evaluates newsworthy topics with guests and listeners using the Bible as a framework for discussion. This daily program addresses relevant issues important to Christians, with an engaging mix of listener interaction and commentary from highly respected guests.


  • Hour 1: Step Into Prison, Step Out In Faith

    19/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    Our guest hit rock bottom when her extramarital workplace affair landed her behind bars as federal inmate 09902089. On the other side of her pain and heartache, however, waited for God’s redemptive plan and ultimate purpose for her life. Join us to hear the captivating story of a woman transformed by God’s grace, love, and mercy. She powerfully combines hard-earned lessons with biblical teachings in a raw, soul-stirring testimony that proves God truly works all things for good. When you surrender to God’s perfect plans and let the Holy Spirit guide your steps, you become a witness to the overwhelming power of His hand in your life.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Faith Unbowed

    16/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    What do you do when it seems like there is no hope for your marriage? On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we shared the insights of former divorce attorney who says that working through the struggles is not only possible but a better option that ending the marriage. She offered practical, proven guidance for handling the difficult conversation and emotions in order to create opportunities for real forgiveness and healing. In the shadow of the death of George Floyd and the racial unrest that it birthed across the nation, a dangerous acceptance of Critical Race Theory has grown. Our guest explained the poisonous roots of CRT and how it has infiltrated churches and institutes of higher education. A former Planned Parenthood doctor shared her powerful story of transformation from acceptance of abortion to standing up against that horrific practice. She revealed some of the hidden truths that abortion providers do not want the public to know. Homelessness is a problem in America today in ways and volume

  • Hour 1: Hope Unbroken

    16/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    In the spiritually oppressive atmosphere of the Middle East, God still is moving and working in and through the lives of the faithful in the underground churches. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we heard the amazing stories of how God is using women in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other locations to share the eternal hope of the Gospel message throughout the Muslim world. We shared the wisdom of a Fortune 100 company president who explained how our relationship with God and the proper implementing of our spiritual gifts can help us build a successful and rewarding career with purpose. The leader of a powerful recovery ministry uses his own life story of recovery from alcohol addiction to teach us what it looks like to lean on God to find healing and restoration from many types of addictive struggles that people face. He explained how to find real freedom and healing from these battles. The federal government has compromised the protections of Title IX but not every state has signed off of this

  • Hour 2: No Address

    15/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    This hour we discover how to better understand the “un-homed”. Learn the root causes of homelessness. Find out why our guest believes it is better to engage rather than enable. Learn about foster agency collaboration and finally, we will learn more about Jesus' call to serve.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Clear Biology

    15/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us this hour as our mother/daughter team discusses Title IX and what the new rules will mean for students going back to school. We will also get an update on how many states have issued a strong “no” to the administration through various legal remedies. This hour is designed to help us remember what we were told in Genesis and why the world continues to question what God said.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Unexpected Choice

    14/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    Our guest, a physician, saw her career take a dramatic 180-degree turn---from working full-time for Planned Parenthood to resigning one year later and becoming a spokesperson on behalf of the pro-life cause. Discover how a healing conference, the power of prayer, God's love, and the often-hidden truths about abortion led to such an amazing transformation.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Freedom Starts Today

    14/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    More than 15 years sober and the leader of re:generation, the world's largest recovery ministry, our guest will share his own life-and-death battle with alcoholism while testifying to the power of healing. Join us to discover biblical encouragement and practical guidance for overcoming addictions to drugs, pornography, food, social media, and more. Learn how to be set free!See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Fault Lines

    13/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    The death of George Floyd at the hands of police in the summer of 2020 shocked the nation. As riots rocked American cities, Christians affirmed from the pulpit and in social media that "black lives matter" and that racial justice "is a gospel issue." But what if there is more to the social justice movement than those Christians understand? Even worse: What if they’ve been duped into preaching ideas that actually oppose the Kingdom of God? Join us today as our guest, a preacher, professor, and cultural apologist, explains the sinister worldview behind the social justice movement and Critical Race Theory—revealing how it already has infiltrated some seminaries, leading to internal denominational conflict, canceled careers, and lost livelihoods.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Fast Starting A Career of Consequences

    13/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    Because of his relationship with Jesus Christ and trust in God, our guest knows from personal experience that those were the biggest factors in advancing his career toward eventually becoming the president of a Fortune 100 company. Join us as our guest provides those seeking a career with ten practical and effective tips they can implement to rapidly gain visibility and early success. Learn to identify and use your spiritual gifts and apply other key biblical principles as you embark on a new career.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Before You Split

    12/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    Are you on the brink of a marital breakup? Our guest, a former divorce attorney, wants you to stop and consider: What if you could leave your unhappiness behind instead of your spouse? Laying out the hidden benefits of staying together, she will offer advice on handling difficult emotions, managing unrealistic expectations, and the power of forgiveness.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Women Who Risk

    12/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us to explore the incredible work of the Lord in the hearts and lives of women in the Muslim world! Hear gripping stories of Christ's presence straight from the underground church. Listen as our guests show you how women in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, and other areas are leading their husbands, children, and neighbors to faith in Jesus.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Our Mighty Fortress

    10/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    One of new atheism’s biggest stars is Richard Dawkins who’s book, Outgrowing God, is dedicated to destroying the pillars of traditional, mainstream religion. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we tackled his claims straight on, revealing the straw man arguments that support his assertions and demonstrating once again that God’s truth is the only truth that never crumbles under the weight of honest, critical examination. If you told anyone who lived through World War 2 and the Cold War that the scourge of Communism would ever be accepted by America at large, those people who fought so hard to secure our freedom would never believe you. But our guest opened our eyes to the reality that the poisonous thinking of this system has made dramatic and devastating inroads into American life in many different ways. He gave us strong, practical ways to fight this subtle, creeping erosion of our freedoms. How do you standing firm for your faith in a society that no longer finds value in the w

  • Hour 2: The Bulwark That Never Fails

    09/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we spoke with one of the most respected evangelist on the streets today who teaches us how to share the eternal hope with others in a way that draws them towards truth instead of pushing them away. You can not have Marxism divorced from the man who invented this backward, debilitating philosophy. But our guest demonstrated that all the damage, over countless lives for so many decades find their well spring in the thinking of this one man. It is a timely warning as our nation continues its slippery slope slide into acceptance and practice of Communism. He took us back to the roots and showed how Marx himself was delving into dark, satanic thinking and ideas long before he “invented” his demonic philosophy. A true leader does not stand on a pedestal and give pronouncements and directions for those below him or her to follow. Using the life of Peter, our guest showed how leadership is relational and requires real, hands on involvement in the daily challenges that co

  • Hour 2: A Change of Affection

    08/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    Can someone truly be transformed by the power of the Gospel? Join us to hear our guest’s story of dramatic conversion to Christianity. Learn how his seminary training informs his views on homosexuality--personally, biblically, theologically, and culturally. Discover how the Church can best respond to the questions of personal identity.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Not What You Think

    08/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    The Bible is seen by many contemporary readers as intolerant, outdated, out of step with societal norms at best, and a tool of oppression at worst. What if we cleared the deck on our preconceptions of this book and encountered it anew? What if we came with the understanding that our questions are welcome? And what if these pages presented less of a system to figure out, and more of a story to step into - a story with more surprising plot twists than we might think? Today, our guest will explore the nature of the Bible - an ancient mosaic of story, literature, history, and poetry - and what it means for this generation and its relationship with God.  See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Peter Principles

    07/08/2024 Duration: 45min

    Any wise leader can learn from Peter—a man who knew his own incompetence, trusted in Christ, and met his deficiencies through the insights of God’s Word. Our guest, president of Westminster Theological Seminary, uses the apostle Peter’s life and writings to guide men and women through the details and daily challenges of leadership in any arena. Learn how to think through relationships, productivity, management style, communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, integrity, and more. Join us to learn the Peter Principles.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Why We (Still) Believe

    07/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    The West has become permeated with a culture that doesn't 'do' God. Many people assert that we have progressed, while Christians are still clinging to outdated ideas. Today we will examine some specific contemporary attacks on Christianity, learn how to respond and give reasons for why we can 'continue in the faith' (Col.1:23)See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: The Devil and Karl Marx

    06/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    Far too many people separate Marx the man from the evils wrought by the oppressive ideology and theory that bears his name. Not only did the horrific results of Marxism follow directly from Marx’s twisted ideas, but the man himself penned some downright devilish things. Well before Karl Marx was writing about the hell of communism, he was writing about hell. Our guest will give us a close, careful look at the diabolical side of Karl Marx, a side of a man whose fascination with the devil and his domain would echo into the twentieth century and continue to wreak havoc today.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Live Not By Lies

    06/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once noted that people often assume that their democratic government would never submit to totalitarianism---but our guest says it's happening. Sounding the alarm about the insidious effects of identity politics, surveillance technology, psychological manipulation, and more, he equips contemporary Christian dissidents to see, judge, and act as they fight to resist the erosion of our freedoms. Don’t miss this timely conversation.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: The Word On The Street

    05/08/2024 Duration: 44min

    If you’re ready for something more exhilarating than skydiving, arguably more scary, and infinitely more productive, try preaching the gospel in public. Join us to learn how to winsomely, clearly and boldly share your faith – out loud. Discover what it means to hear the Gospel in a one-on-one setting and step into this high calling.See for privacy information.

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