In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 1: Hope Unbroken



In the spiritually oppressive atmosphere of the Middle East, God still is moving and working in and through the lives of the faithful in the underground churches. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we heard the amazing stories of how God is using women in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other locations to share the eternal hope of the Gospel message throughout the Muslim world. We shared the wisdom of a Fortune 100 company president who explained how our relationship with God and the proper implementing of our spiritual gifts can help us build a successful and rewarding career with purpose. The leader of a powerful recovery ministry uses his own life story of recovery from alcohol addiction to teach us what it looks like to lean on God to find healing and restoration from many types of addictive struggles that people face. He explained how to find real freedom and healing from these battles. The federal government has compromised the protections of Title IX but not every state has signed off of this