In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 2: The Bulwark That Never Fails



On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we spoke with one of the most respected evangelist on the streets today who teaches us how to share the eternal hope with others in a way that draws them towards truth instead of pushing them away. You can not have Marxism divorced from the man who invented this backward, debilitating philosophy. But our guest demonstrated that all the damage, over countless lives for so many decades find their well spring in the thinking of this one man. It is a timely warning as our nation continues its slippery slope slide into acceptance and practice of Communism. He took us back to the roots and showed how Marx himself was delving into dark, satanic thinking and ideas long before he “invented” his demonic philosophy. A true leader does not stand on a pedestal and give pronouncements and directions for those below him or her to follow. Using the life of Peter, our guest showed how leadership is relational and requires real, hands on involvement in the daily challenges that co