In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 2: Faith Unbowed



What do you do when it seems like there is no hope for your marriage? On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we shared the insights of former divorce attorney who says that working through the struggles is not only possible but a better option that ending the marriage. She offered practical, proven guidance for handling the difficult conversation and emotions in order to create opportunities for real forgiveness and healing. In the shadow of the death of George Floyd and the racial unrest that it birthed across the nation, a dangerous acceptance of Critical Race Theory has grown. Our guest explained the poisonous roots of CRT and how it has infiltrated churches and institutes of higher education. A former Planned Parenthood doctor shared her powerful story of transformation from acceptance of abortion to standing up against that horrific practice. She revealed some of the hidden truths that abortion providers do not want the public to know. Homelessness is a problem in America today in ways and volume