Lozza's Girly Gabble



A weekly podcast for women where I talk about emotions, anxiety & mental health. I'm a blogger with a passion for supporting women and sharing my coping mechanisms to balance the struggles of daily life. I hope my podcasts will leave you feeling inspired and supported. All my podcasts are edit-free which means I make minimal changes to the sound and any slip ups that are recorded. I don't edit the original content because I want each episode to be 100% unique and show that nothing is perfect and we all have flaws.New weekly podcasts are uploaded at 8am every Monday!


  • EP20 Advice For Anyone With A Mental Illness

    20/08/2018 Duration: 13min

    As this is the final episode of Series 1, I wanted to talk about the subject that is the most important to me - Mental Health. I've discussed how to care for someone with a mental illness, how to overcome anxiety and support for women.. Now it's time to share my advice for anyone who has a mental illness. In this episode I share my tips on things you can remember and learn from in order to stop your mental illness from taking over your life. And instead of spending your whole life battling, learning how to live with it and understand your symptoms. This is the FINAL episode of Series 1! I will be taking a short break whilst I plan Series 2 to hopefully make it better for you lovely people!

  • EP19-The Online World VS Reality

    14/08/2018 Duration: 10min

    At some point or other, each one of you reading this has been scrolling through your Instagram feed and admired another girls photo thinking 'I wish I looked like her' tell me I'm wrong? In this podcast I remind you that the online world isn't reality. As lovely as the internet can be, unfortunately its hard to tell what's real and what isn't.

  • EP18 - How To Care For Someone With A Mental Illness

    06/08/2018 Duration: 08min

    Mental health awareness is more important now than ever. With news channels and people sharing their stories about their mental illness and fighting for help, it's important that it gets the attention it deserves. What's equally important is to know how to care for someone that suffers with a mental illness. Especially if you don't suffer with your mental health but are around people that do. It can be easier than you think to help look after someone that has mental health issues and in this podcast I talk about the effortless, simple things that YOU can do to make a difference.

  • EP17 - Foolproof Ways To Live A Stress-Free Life

    30/07/2018 Duration: 09min

    We all know that life never comes with a handbook. (Although it would be great if it did) Things can get on top of us sometimes and we don't always know to manage, especially when stress levels are running high. Hopefully my tips will help you learn a thing or two to manage a little better.

  • EP16- Girl Power Is Taking Over

    23/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    GIRL POWER IS TAKING OVER! And I think it's pretty bloody amazing! The girls who are the kindest and are always lifting others up are the most respected and liked. Be a ray of sunshine in someone elses' day and be kind! Listen to the full episode to hear how Girl Power is taking over and what you can do to join in!

  • EP15 Stop Pretending To Be Busy

    16/07/2018 Duration: 09min

    How busy are you really? I feel like we spend a lot of time (MYSELF INCLUDED) complaining how busy we are, but when it comes down to it, nothing has been achieved. Make the best of your time and be less 'busy' by becoming more organised. Listen to find out more.

  • EP14- STOP Wasting Your Days Away

    02/07/2018 Duration: 08min

    We spend so much of our lives wasting our days and it's time we put a stop to it. Instead of wishing each week away just to get to the weekend and repeat the cycle again, let's make the most of each day. Listen for more..

  • EP13 Quotes To Inspire ANYONE

    25/06/2018 Duration: 10min

    In this episode I talk about quotes that really hit home with me and I live by. I am constantly browsing through social media and I am totally addicted to Pinterest. I find myself always looking for new quotes to really inspire me. A lot of them I see, and they really open my eyes so I share them everywhere I can. Read the post here: http://girlygabble.com/quotes-to-live-by/

  • EP12 Facing Your Fears

    19/06/2018 Duration: 09min

    Following on from my previous podcasts all about how to be a more confident/happier person, in this episode I go further and talk about facing your fears. A lot of us are scared of something, whether it's the fear that you'll fail, scared of disappointing others.. There is something that fears us. It's important to face our fears rather than always taking let's face it.. The easy option and running. It's time we try to confront our fears.

  • EP11- Bulletproof Ways To Make Today YOURS

    11/06/2018 Duration: 09min

    Life is stressful. There's no doubt about it. It's easy to wake up with yesterdays worries and allow your day to be ruined before it's even started. I think we need to change this. Listen to my top tips on how to make each day YOURS without letting anything get in your way!

  • EP10- Overcoming Your Shyness

    28/05/2018 Duration: 13min

    If YOU find that you're quite a shy person and find it hard to speak in big groups of people, this is the podcast you need to hear. I've always suffered with being shy and these are the tips that I learnt on my journey to overcoming being shy, and I guarantee they can also help you!

  • EP09- Does Sport Improve Your Mental Health?

    21/05/2018 Duration: 07min

    I don’t hear people talking about boxing much anymore, which is a shame. Boxing has always been a great hobby of mine. To look at me, people wouldn’t expect it as I have no muscle whatsoever and am ‘too skinny’ as people say.. But from the age of 7 I have been in boxing clubs, competed in tournaments, and I have over 20 medals for boxing. 12 of them being gold. (Corrr brag much?) But I don’t mean to sound like a bighead, I just really got into the sport! Although I only do it for fun now, it is such a good thing to do as it is a major stress relief, and helps with concentration, mental fortitude, anxiety and reflexes. To be in the boxing ring you must have motivation and courage; and the adrenaline rush you get is just what you need.. LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE!

  • EP08- Anxiety Coping Methods

    14/05/2018 Duration: 13min

    Ways to deal with anxiety, when you have tried every trick in the book. In my opinion it takes true strength and a HUGE amount of courage to cope with anxiety, as it is an ongoing problem that doesn’t just go away overnight. Anxiety can leave you feeling lost and alone; and like no one understands how you feel, which is why so many people suffer with it in silence. Let me tell you first of all, that from my experience isolating yourself is the WORST thing that you could possibly do. Whether you want to cancel plans with friends, call in sick to work, or just avoid going out in public at all because your anxiety has decided to kick in; don’t let it control you! Easier said than done right? Oh trust me. I know.. If you allow your anxiety to take over your life, you will lose your sense of self purpose and forget who you really are. Instead, challenge it! Push yourself to do something that scares you! This could be anything from phoning someone to getting out there and meeting new people. After you have bitte

  • EP07- How To Inspire Others

    07/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    I find inspiration in something new at least once a day. Whilst my aim is to inspire others and support people, I think it's good to encourage people to do the same. Society doesn't work by everyone being alone their whole lives, but by people standing together and lifting each other up. Inspire others as and when you can to help people form into the best person they can be. Remember: A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

  • EP06- Redefining Success

    27/04/2018 Duration: 14min

    Redefining your success. What does success really mean to you? A lot of people assume it means becoming rich, having a family and owning your own home. Is this what it means to you? In this episode I talk about not following what everyone elses opinion of being successful means. But redefining the word so it suits you, and setting your own goals to achieve the best life for YOU.

  • EP05 Gender Equality - The Truth

    13/04/2018 Duration: 09min

    Men and women have always been led to believe different things. The way they should act, and things they should do. Even how they should feel. For example if a man shows an emotion such as sadness, he may be told to ‘man up’ or to ‘grow a pair.’ That man will be made to feel abnormal for feeling that emotion. Over time this will make him unable to open up and express his feelings in the future, in fear that he will get shot down again. If a woman is emotional or upset people make such a fuss. Where is the gender equality? Why do we act so differently..

  • EP04 How To Be Happy

    12/04/2018 Duration: 10min

    How to be happy and a positive girly! A guide you need to hear containing secrets to unlock your happiness – Learn how to be happy! Nobody has the perfect life. It’s common for us to look at others and think that their life is all roses and daisies; but that’s just from our outside point of view. It’s very important we focus on our own lives and not be jealous of others, as we could always be worse off than we are. We can show you how to be happy in a few simple steps that shouldn’t take too much effort.