Lozza's Girly Gabble

EP08- Anxiety Coping Methods



Ways to deal with anxiety, when you have tried every trick in the book. In my opinion it takes true strength and a HUGE amount of courage to cope with anxiety, as it is an ongoing problem that doesn’t just go away overnight. Anxiety can leave you feeling lost and alone; and like no one understands how you feel, which is why so many people suffer with it in silence. Let me tell you first of all, that from my experience isolating yourself is the WORST thing that you could possibly do. Whether you want to cancel plans with friends, call in sick to work, or just avoid going out in public at all because your anxiety has decided to kick in; don’t let it control you! Easier said than done right? Oh trust me. I know.. If you allow your anxiety to take over your life, you will lose your sense of self purpose and forget who you really are. Instead, challenge it! Push yourself to do something that scares you! This could be anything from phoning someone to getting out there and meeting new people. After you have bitte