Knowmaddict Life



KnowMaddict Lifestyle conversations are committed to bettering oneself. Be in the "Know" with KnowMaddict Life


  • Being quarintined sucks. Take advantage of this situation, and learn new skills.

    21/03/2020 Duration: 22min

    Be productive during this time of hardship, keep your mind busy and healthy by learning a new skill. --- Support this podcast:

  • A new decade, a new year. It was supposed to be your year. But so far it's not what we expected.

    19/03/2020 Duration: 12min

    2020 is not what anyone has expected. The tragic death of Kobe Bryant, the horrifying Australia fires, and now corona virus. What do you do? The world is literally against you. Do you push back? How do you push back? Should you push back? --- Support this podcast:

  • When should you start marketing your business?

    04/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    There is no bad time to start your marketing strategy as a business owner. Especially if you're just starting your business. You can use traditional or digital marketing. Word of mouth is still one of the most effective marketing tactics in your overall marketing strategy, therefore don't shy away from Facebook and Facebook groups. When you actually start having a marketing budget or if you're just looking to grow your business, using Google Ads and Facebook ads to further promote your business will be easier as you will already have gotten used to the technology. You will start to see the analytics change and with some getting used to you will also start understand. Just keep the learning mindset. All this will not be easy. Being an entrepreneur isn't easy. Always learn to give yourself an edge in business and also in life --- Support this podcast:

  • Entrepreneurship: Treat it like a job

    01/10/2019 Duration: 17min

    When we talk entrepreneurship, we only see the glamour. The freedom of having your own schedule and being your own boss. Not having to take crap from anyone. These concepts are true, but can be misleading. You may have more freedom, but you still have to work. You may have left your old boss, but you traded that boss for many bosses in the form of your customers or clients. At the end of the day it is still a job. This is how musicians and athletes maintain their success and longevity. The first ones in and the last ones out of the office. Because although they are passionate, they still treat their craft as a job. They get things done. --- Support this podcast:

  • The importance of mental energy and how it affects decision making

    07/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    Making correct decisions is crucial for anyone. Especially anyone who is making a decision that will affect the lives of other individuals. How do we know we are making the correct decisions? What is affecting the decision making process? Decisions can be affected by making too many decisions and this can lead to mental fatigue. How do you conserve your mental energy? Turn negative energy into positive energy. --- Support this podcast:

  • Business partners? The good, the bad, and the ugly.

    05/08/2019 Duration: 30min

    Should you invest in a business partner or why should a business partner invest in you?  The good: a business partner's skillset should not only compliment your skills, but help your business grow as well.  In example, if you are the "operator" in the business meaning your take on daily operations such as making sure the product/service is available to your customers.  You should take on a business partner who is more business oriented.   Business partners can also help split the stress, but at times can also be the cause of the stress.  It is important to know how you are and be real with yourself so that you can find the best fit.  The bad: sometimes people get into entrepreneurship so they don't have to take b.s. from people with higher positions.  For one, this is not the best reason to become your own boss, but a driving force to entrepreneurship.  Having a business partner can complicate things if both partners do not see eye to eye.  And if you are one

  • The entrepreneur bug. Have you been bitten?

    31/07/2019 Duration: 18min

    The entrepreneur bug bite causes itchiness and possible swelling of the ego. When you get bitten by the entrepreneur bug what do you do? Just like a having a child, you can never be ready. You must be willing to sacrifice and go through hardship. What doesn't kills you definitely makes you stronger and entrepreneurship defines that meaning, that's if you choose to BET on yourself. When you look back hopefully it's not that you didn't try, but be glad you at least tried. --- Support this podcast:

  • Personal branding. Everyone should do it, but don't over do it and over promise.

    23/07/2019 Duration: 12min

    Personal branding is becoming more and more popular? The tools that we have makes it easier to brand oneself online. Social media networks are starting to play a bigger role. Learn to brand yourself, but don't over do it or over promise. It takes time to build an online reputation, but minutes to ruin it. Also take chances and remember that people will over pay for convenience. --- Support this podcast:

  • A quick update on my websites.

    10/06/2019 Duration: 11min

    A quick update on my websites. It took it a while, but there is some traffic coming. Is it the start of a sales funnel??? --- Support this podcast:

  • What are good customers?

    09/06/2019 Duration: 10min

    Good customers, who support you and have your business' best interest in mind. They want to see your business succeed because you are providing them with a solution to their problems. --- Support this podcast:

  • Simple tricks to give yourself more time to work on your business while living a busy life.

    07/06/2019 Duration: 18min

    Managing your time as an entrepreneur --- Support this podcast:

  • Is the customer always right??? Most of the time, just not when they're being a**holes and rude.

    01/06/2019 Duration: 27min

    Should entrepreneurs fire customers that do not have the businesses best interest at heart? It's a very touchy topic for business owners are customers pay your bills by supporting your business. Then again there are some incredibly irrational people out there. So what should a business owner do? --- Support this podcast:

  • Imposter syndrome and how to get rid of it

    21/05/2019 Duration: 12min

    Imposter syndrome is real! It can cause lack of motivation if you feel that you are not contributing to your goals. How do you get rid of imposter syndrome? --- Support this podcast:

  • What is TAX ID, Google my business, and Google SEO.

    13/05/2019 Duration: 17min

    Setting up your business with TAX ID, GMB, and SEO. --- Support this podcast:

  • The excitement of new ventures even in an old niche. Older niches still work. It's all about focus

    29/04/2019 Duration: 17min

    Success in new business, but old niche. --- Support this podcast:

  • Facebook shutting certain groups down. What should you do?

    24/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    A friend who's side hustle may be in danger. He's been building his audience for the last year or so, but now Facebook may shut his group down because of the promoting the of sale of animals. --- Support this podcast:

  • Why hiring is so hard in 2019

    17/04/2019 Duration: 19min

    Hiring has always been hard as business owners. This is why generations after after generations, we were taught to be workers. The narrative go to school, go to college, get a job for a long time. Now things have change with technology being so prolific. Kids want to be entrepreneurs and that the biggest challenge it seems for small businesses. --- Support this podcast:

  • Being a bad entrepreneur.

    16/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Why being a bad Entrepreneur will make you a successful one? --- Support this podcast:

  • Struggles of building a business

    15/04/2019 Duration: 31min

    Building a business is difficult especially if you don't know what you're doing. I thought I did, but did I? They say if your business is not making you money, it's just a hobby. That is the honest truth. Do not let this stop you from your dreams of having a successful business. It takes years of owning and running a business to be successful. You just have to keep persevering! --- Support this podcast:

  • dashboard update.

    26/03/2019 Duration: 10min dashboard just got a nice little update. Now shows where your listeners are located as well as devices. Compared to YouTube analytics, theres still some work, but its cool to see the platform changing and growing. --- Support this podcast:

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