Knowmaddict Life

Business partners? The good, the bad, and the ugly.



Should you invest in a business partner or why should a business partner invest in you?  The good: a business partner's skillset should not only compliment your skills, but help your business grow as well.  In example, if you are the "operator" in the business meaning your take on daily operations such as making sure the product/service is available to your customers.  You should take on a business partner who is more business oriented.   Business partners can also help split the stress, but at times can also be the cause of the stress.  It is important to know how you are and be real with yourself so that you can find the best fit.  The bad: sometimes people get into entrepreneurship so they don't have to take b.s. from people with higher positions.  For one, this is not the best reason to become your own boss, but a driving force to entrepreneurship.  Having a business partner can complicate things if both partners do not see eye to eye.  And if you are one