Relational Rounds



Relational Rounds features conversations with leading minds and powerful disruptors - from current clinicians to internationally renowned leaders, authors, and activists - on some of the most pressing issues facing primary care and healthcare transformation.


  • Foundations of Teaming: Fostering Psychologically Safer Spaces

    06/05/2020 Duration: 29min

    This podcast showcases a deeper discussion of psychological safety, described by Amy Edmondson, an expert on leadership, teaming, and organizational learning, as “a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.” You will hear Dr. Brian Park share stories of colleagues leading from where they stand to create safer spaces for those around them. With the current COVID-19 crisis, there has been an increase in fear, anxiety, and stress among healthcare workers. Psychological safety is always important, but now more than ever, we need to make sure people can speak up to share their concerns and seek the support they need.   Key takeaways: [1:15] The four core models of relational leadership — and one of them is psychological safety. [1:40] What is psychological safety? [4:02] Brian Park introduces himself and the crucial importance of relational leadership practices. [7:14] Brian Park defines psychological safety. [9:54] Brian Park explains different factors associated with psychological safety

  • Listening Well: Inviting Others to Share Their Stories

    15/04/2020 Duration: 18min

    Stories are powerful. Stories help us feel seen and give us a sense of being known. Listening to a colleague’s story can transform your relationship, allowing you to move from, “I know what she does” to “I understand what she cares about.” Listen for more on how to invite others to share their stories. Key takeaways: [1:26] PCP is reengineering the way of delivering the relational leadership curriculum. [2:50] Listen to understand. [3:10] Matt Lewis, senior strategic consultant at PCP. [5:24] The importance of feeling seen. [6:25] Storytelling to achieve a quick sense of community. [7:27] Stay curious. [10:04] Ask more questions and encourage people to “say more.” [10:32] Observe how you feel when you are listening to people’s stories. [13:13] Challenge the cultural narrative. [15:13] In moments of uncertainty and overwhelm storytelling can be liberating. [16:40] Look back to other moments of fear and uncertainty in your life and how you managed to go through them. Mentioned in this Episode: Relational Rounds

  • Medical Education with Dr. Mark Schuster

    31/12/2019 Duration: 38min

    Dr. Mark Schuster is a physician, scientist, and advocate for healthy families and communities. Dr. Schuster is recognized as an international leader in research on child, adolescent, and family health, concentrating on topics such as quality of care, health disparities, family leave, obesity prevention, and bullying. Dr. Mark is a founding dean and CEO of Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine; he explains the most important aspects of their innovative approach in teaching medicine integrating foundational, clinical, and health system science together as well as giving students the opportunity to work with patients starting in the second year. Addressing burnout and social environmental factors are two areas of main importance in Kaiser too. The change in the health system starts in how physicians are being trained. Listen to this episode and discover a different approach to medical education.   Key takeaways: [:33] Dr. Mark Schuster career briefing. [1:26] One of the one hundred most influential people in hea

  • A Team to Fix HealthCare — Stephanie Bartz, Curtis Mock, Todd Staub, and Kay Stevens Madler from OptumCare

    03/05/2019 Duration: 50min

    The statistics are now known by everyone: by September 2018 it was reported by the Physicians Foundation that 78% of doctors are presenting symptoms of burnout. Physicians have the highest rates of suicide in the nation; interns experience a 10-fold increase in depression during the first year of internship; it is a very tough time to be in medicine. There are many institutions fighting back against this trend; one of them is OptumCare, which is an incredible team that is working hard to reverse this trend.   OptumCare is a subsidiary of United Health, the world largest healthcare provider, serving 115 million individuals. Optum is working to transform the U.S. health system into one that serves people with greater value, with a focus on ambulatory, community-based and primary-care-driven solutions.   Today guests are Stephanie Bartz, VP, strategy and chief of staff of OptumCare; Curtis Mock, physician executive, serving as Culture facilitator, a member of Optum diversity and inclusion council, and a member o

  • A New Perspective in Medical Education— Dr. Mark Schuster, MD. Ph.D.

    26/03/2019 Duration: 36min

    A physician, scientist, educator, and advocate for healthy families and communities, Dr. Mark Schuster is an international leader on quality of care, health disparities, and prevention. Author of two books and more than 200 journal articles, Dr. Schuster was appointed founding Dean and CEO of the Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine in 2017. The school is set to open its doors to an inaugural class of aspiring clinicians this year.    As talk of graduate medical education reform continues to reverberate in the healthcare community, Kaiser Permanente is betting on a more integrated approach that brings students into a large health system at the very beginning of their training, with an emphasis on primary care, prevention, and innovation.    Key takeaways: [:30] Dr. Mark Schuster career briefing. [1:37] Why is Dr. Schuster a “man to watch”? [2:14] Uniqueness about Kaiser Permanente. [4:10] A school focused on medical education with the most effective approach [5:29] What is wrong with the current medical educa

  • The Wright Center’s residency program keeps advocacy at the core — Patrick Kinner and Nickia King, DO

    17/03/2019 Duration: 49min

    Elizabeth Metraux is having two thoughtful conversations at Unity Health Care in Washington, DC, a Teaching Health Center connected with The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education. She speaks with Patrick Kinner and Dr. Nickia King about the gap between what is taught in medical schools and the realities of daily practice, particularly the social determinants of health.   Patrick Kinner is an evaluator with the Vermont Department of Health and the Center for Behavioral Health Integration, where he lends his evaluation expertise to statewide and national population health initiatives. Patrick shares his views on medical school programs, burnout, and the length healthcare providers go to take care of patients.   Nickia King, DO, is a third-year family medicine resident at Unity Health Care. She discusses her experience as a Wright Center resident working in community healthcare, the role of advocacy in care, and ways providers can address the myriad problems of illness that go far beyond the walls of the

  • The Healing Power of Stories with Jonathan M. Adler, Ph.D.

    21/02/2019 Duration: 29min

    Jonathan M. Adler, Ph.D. is Chief Academic Officer and Co-Director of Healing Story Sessions for Health Story Collaborative, an amazing organization that champions the use of story and medicine as a tool for connection, healing, and action. Jonathan Adler has a Ph.D. in clinical and personality psychology from Northwestern, he is a clinical psychologist, member of the editorial team of the Journey of Personality and professor at Olin College. His research focuses on how we make sense of challenging experiences in the way that meaning-making impacts our sense of self and psychological well being. Jonathan Adler uses his personal  narrative as a vehicle for studying meaning-making and identity, with a special interest in the experience of illness and healing.   In this outstanding episode, Jonathan Adler deeply shares his passion and knowledge about narrative and how it is intricately involved in every part of human life, even recognizing our ability to tell stories as the most distinctive human adaptation. Jon

  • Health Is Not Just a Diagnosis — Sejal Hathi, MD

    05/02/2019 Duration: 36min

    Sejal Hathi, MD, MBA is a resident physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and an award-winning social entrepreneur dedicated to building better health systems for vulnerable populations globally. Presently, she serves on the national boards of political organization Arena and civic organization Indiaspora. Previously, she founded and led two social enterprises advancing women's rights and agency around the world. Sejal received her MD/MBA from Stanford and her BS with honors from Yale. She has been named to the Forbes 30 under 30, Paul & Daisy Soros Fellows, Truman Scholars, and Newsweek "150 Women Who Shake the World."   Sejal and Elizabeth engage in a deep and thoughtful conversation about healthcare, politics, social determinants of health, burnout and the role of women. Being a young woman advocating for the rights and needs of women from a very young age has given Sejal a unique perspective. Listen to this episode to find an encouraging, critical and inspirational testimony about healthcare, its

  • Social Determinants of Health — Dr. Norman Oliver

    30/01/2019 Duration: 55min

    Dr. Oliver served as the Deputy Commissioner for Population Health for the Virginia Department of Health. Before accepting the Deputy Commissioner position, Dr. Oliver was the Walter M. Seward Professor and Chair of the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. As Chair, Dr. Oliver helped lead the transformation of the Departments clinic sites into patient-centered practices focused on population health. In his role as the Deputy Commissioner for Population Health, Dr. Oliver worked with others in the health department, other state agencies, and healthcare systems across the state to improve the health and well-being of all citizens of the Commonwealth. He remains committed to a cross-agency and multi-sector approach to implementing population health initiatives. Dr. Oliver has a long record of accomplishment. Studying health inequities, particularly as they affect racial and ethnic minorities, has been the focus of his research.   Listen to this episode where Dr. Oliver

  • Passion for Research with Erin Sullivan Ph.D.

    02/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    Erin E. Sullivan, Ph.D., is the Research and Curriculum Director at the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care. In this role, Erin leads the Center’s research program, where her team studies high-functioning domestic and international primary care systems. She also holds a faculty appointment in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine and co-directs the Physician as Leader course for fourth-year medical students. Erin and Elizabeth discuss in depth primary care foundations as seen through the eye of an expert in qualitative research. Listen to this episode to find out about the crucial importance of relationships and the diversity of organizational cultures around the world, their impact on employees and patients, and how comparative research can help the U.S. primary care system to lift for higher standards of service.   Key takeaways:  [:33] Erin’s career briefing. [1:33] How did Erin start into research and primary care? [2:04] Why Erin got interested in medicine. [3:33] Finding excitem

  • New Leadership Model with Brian Souza

    17/11/2018 Duration: 32min

    Brian Souza is the new CEO at Primary Care Progress. He believes in the power of community, the importance of teams, and understands how to leverage the head and the heart – beliefs that are at the core of PCP and the people in its network. Brian is committed to lead the PCP team, its values, and approach to leadership transformation designed to strengthen the community at the heart of care. Listen to this episode, meet Brian and learn from his innovative ideas about uplifting the providers, and his fresh perspective concerning a new kind of “relational” leadership.   Key takeaways: [:51] Brian Souza, new CEO at PCP, career briefing. [1:55] What motivated Brian to join PCP? [4:30] Building national movements. [6:07] Different approach to leadership. [6:30] Team value. [7:22] Building communities takes time. [8:50] What is that makes progress so slow in health care? [11:59] Why does Brian care about providers? [14:43] Supporting practitioners in healthcare. [16:29] How can leadership transform the healthcare s

  • Qualitative Methods in Primary Care with Dr. Deb Cohen

    13/11/2018 Duration: 33min

    Dr. Deb Cohen is an expert in qualitative and mixed measured research with more than two decades of experience, half of that focused on primary care practices, clinician-patient communication, and health IT. Dr. Cohen’s work in EvidenceNOW has as an ultimate goal to really dig into the understanding of what changed and why in primary care, how much facilitation support was needed and the touches that facilitators made with the practices which finally are what really are going to make the field move forward. Dr. Cohen shares in this episode a unique perspective about primary care and its challenges and projections for the future.   Key takeaways: [:35] Dr. Deb Cohen career briefing. [1:32] Being a qualitative methods specialist. [2:37] What does Dr. Cohen find attractive in primary care? [4:10] The importance of a family doctor. [4:45] Primary care doctors’ overloads of work. [6:08] How did Dr. Cohen’s project start and unfold? [8:37] Challenge that doctors have to unlearn things when evidence is pointing in o

  • Family Medicine with Clif Knight

    27/10/2018 Duration: 42min

    H. Clifton “Clif” Knight, M.D., is Senior Vice President of AAFP. He oversees all AAFP activities related to medical education. These areas include education and training of medical students and residents; student interest in the specialty of family medicine, including federal policies that affect it; and CME curriculum development, production, accreditation, and regulations. Dr. Clif has dedicated his life to family medicine and strongly believes in the need of giving the attention clinicians are craving for, the increasing amounts of burnout, depression, and isolation are proof that the health care system needs a change, bringing back the patient value over the corporate value. Dr. Cliff inspires with his passionate, sensitive, and human perspective on the role of physician, and shares practical proposals to shift the course of health care. As Dr. Clif says, “the best is yet to come.”   Key takeaways: [:35] Dr. Clif Knight career briefing. [1:26] How Dr. Clif got into medicine. [3:55] Why family medicine is

  • Rise In Suicide Rates Among Caregivers with Dr. Carol Bernstein

    19/10/2018 Duration: 37min

    Carol Bernstein, M.D. is a Board Certified psychiatrist who is Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Vice Chair for Education in Psychiatry and Director of Residency Training in Psychiatry at the NYU School of Medicine. She is also a Past-President of the American Psychiatric Association and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and the Board of Regents of the American College of Psychiatrists. Dr. Carol engages in a deep conversation with Elizabeth about the differences between burnout and depression, the loss of connection among caregivers, the loneliness and isolation — all these factors that are causing the highest suicide rate ever recorded in the healthcare system. According to Dr. Carol, some of the reasons for this suicide escalation can be found in the quality of our current leaders, and the hope lays on the features of the future leaders who could introduce the changes we want to see in this field.   Key Takeaways: [:33] Dr. Carol Bernste

  • A Journey From Burnout to Balance with Jeremy and Becky Topin

    11/10/2018 Duration: 46min

    Jeremy Topin, M.D. dared to change a work model that was not only affecting his physical and mental health but influencing his family bonds. Jeremy started a blog after a bold decision that was to cut back, moving to part-time work, regaining health and renewing his love for his profession. Burnout takes different shapes, it is not universal, is definitely an accumulation and it's simply OK until is not! The only universal aspect is that it is happening to more people more frequently. Listen to this podcast and be inspired by Jeremy and Becky’s journey regaining their lives and passion, while battling with the challenges this kind of change presented.   Key Takeaways: [1:12] Jeremy’s personal journey. [4:16] Ignoring how life would look like when he became a resident. [11:02] Being a parent and working in the ICU. [13:02] His wife had a miscarriage but Jeremy knew he needed to go back to work. [17:45] Burnout: Saying you are fine until you are blown away. [18:25] Realizing you can’t go on in the same way anym

  • Health in All Policies with Dr. Monica Bharel

    27/09/2018 Duration: 40min

    Monica Bharel, M.D., MPH, is the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, appointed in February of 2015. She is responsible for spearheading the state’s response to the opioid crisis, implementation of health care cost containment legislation, reducing health disparities, finding public health solutions for health care reform, finding innovative solutions using data and evidence-based practices, and other health care quality improvement initiatives. Dr. Monica served as the Chief Medical Officer of the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, the largest nonprofit health care organization for homeless individuals in the country. In this episode, Dr. Monica explains the origins of the opium epidemic, as well as the program that is being implemented in Massachusetts after a rapid increase in the number of deaths by overdose. Prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery — the plan to face an addiction that has risen exponentially and needs an integral approach to stop threatening t

  • Moving into a New Era of Healthcare with Cheryl Fattibene

    21/09/2018 Duration: 48min

    Cheryl Fattibene, NNCC Chief Nurse Practitioner Officer, is an experienced Nurse Practitioner who has worked in both the for-profit and non-profit health care sectors as a provider and a clinical leader. Cheryl brings a nurse’s perspective on how to approach a new era of healthcare. Her experiences overseas as well as with migrant people in the U.S. have contributed to her innovative and integrative perspective over the healthcare system where a team-based care is the necessary direction. Listen to this episode and be inspired by Cheryl’s story, find out the simplicity in improving healthcare by making real connections, reaching out and giving back locally.   Key Takeaways: [:38] Cheryl career briefing. [1:46] What led Cheryl into the world of nursing? [4:30] Living in Africa transformed Cheryl’s life. [9:10] What is Cheryl working on right now? [10:56] Foundational Public Health Work. [13:06] Barriers to team-based care. [14:14] Nurse practitioners’ challenges. [16:49] Team-based care under different statuse

  • Leadership and Humanity with Neil Baker, M.D.

    13/09/2018 Duration: 58min

    Neil Baker M.D. is an organizational and leadership consultant and coach and serves as faculty for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. He works with healthcare organizations and individual executives to enhance leadership and team impact through In-the-Moment Leadership Strategies. This means using any work situation, even the most complex and difficult, as an opportunity to achieve immediate impact on quality of work relationships and on progress toward results. Listen to this episode and discover how Neil redefines leadership, what positional authority means, and how it can be applied to physician leaders. Humbleness, relations, listening and finding out what people and organizations truly care about — it might be simpler than we think to see a transformation in healthcare hierarchies.   Key takeaways: [:37] Neil Baker career briefing. [1:34] How did Neil get into medicine? [2:15] The sick role: exploring different understandings of being sick. [3:50] Learn, change, grow and develop. [4:54] Evidence G

  • Different Strengths Blended for Better Teamwork with Karen Gordon

    06/09/2018 Duration: 30min

    Karen Gordon is the President/CEO of 5 Dynamics. As a high-energy problem solver and tireless worker, Karen thrives on helping companies revolutionize work culture and collaboration. Karen developed a methodology as a groundwork to help people collaborate more efficiently in teamwork. Healthcare dramatically benefits from this approach, helping in forming better teams while finding the strengths of each member, and at the same time, greatly easing teamwork, reducing stress and burnout. Listen to this podcast and find out more about this revolutionary approach that changes the ideology concerning leadership, group work, and efficiency.   Key Takeaways: [:35] Karen Gordon career briefing. [1:35] What is 5 Dynamics? [2:40] Is 5 Dynamics a personality profile? [3:48] What are the different strength areas? [4:43] What is the best-formed team? Blended energies work best. [5.34] Growth mindset. [8:02] Need for more collaboration in teamwork. [9:05] Once you know your strength, how do you integrate this knowledge int

  • Healthcare in America Today with Dr. David Blumenthal

    30/08/2018 Duration: 38min

    David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P., is president of The Commonwealth Fund, a national philanthropy engaged in independent research on health and social policy issues. From 2009 to 2011, he served as the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, with the charge to build an interoperable, private, and secure nationwide health information system and to support the widespread, meaningful use of health IT. Dr. David engages in a thoughtful conversation with Elizabeth Metraux about the past, present, and future of healthcare in America, the inner conflicts that the system is facing and the audacious ideas to fix it.   Key takeaways: [:30] Dr. David’s career briefing. [1:40] What has Dr. David not yet accomplished? [2:30] What drives Dr. David’s mission? [4:55] Healthcare is built around the workforce. [6:56] How did the U.S. get to the current situation of Healthcare? [9:25] Changes are being implemented in the Affordable Care Act. [11:01] The cost of care is not sustainable. [13:58] Work in coverage expa

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