Relational Rounds

Social Determinants of Health — Dr. Norman Oliver



Dr. Oliver served as the Deputy Commissioner for Population Health for the Virginia Department of Health. Before accepting the Deputy Commissioner position, Dr. Oliver was the Walter M. Seward Professor and Chair of the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. As Chair, Dr. Oliver helped lead the transformation of the Departments clinic sites into patient-centered practices focused on population health. In his role as the Deputy Commissioner for Population Health, Dr. Oliver worked with others in the health department, other state agencies, and healthcare systems across the state to improve the health and well-being of all citizens of the Commonwealth. He remains committed to a cross-agency and multi-sector approach to implementing population health initiatives. Dr. Oliver has a long record of accomplishment. Studying health inequities, particularly as they affect racial and ethnic minorities, has been the focus of his research.   Listen to this episode where Dr. Oliver