Website Marketing Series - Rusty Mango Design



As a web designer, there is nothing more I like to see than a site that I have helped to create hitting the right spot with its intended audience. However, some businesses and organisations think that a website will do all the marketing work for them.It wont there is still work to be done!In the Rusty Mango Design Website Marketing series, I will endeavor to give you five Hot Tips each episode to turbo-boost your site traffic and deliver some marketing Gold!


  • Podcast #7 - Social Media – Which is best for your business?

    18/03/2014 Duration: 10min

    In the ever-changing online world, one thing seems to be staying consistent and that is the continual development of Social Media. Rather than being a fad that will go away, Social Media is a growth industry and the main players have evolved to suit the changing nature of their users. As a business, you need to be crazy not to incorporate some form of Social Media into your marketing strategy. But which ones are suitable for your business? You could take an all-bases attitude and have each one covered however if you are “flying solo” like me, this can take a considerable chunk of your time away from the key roles in your business.

  • Podcast #6 - Google is not your Marketing Plan

    25/04/2013 Duration: 10min

    Google cannot always be relied upon to keep your website exactly where you have worked so hard to position it. All website owners need to be aware that the boffins at Google are always changing and upgrading what is known as the “search algorithm” – they just can’t help themselves! And when these changes are updated to the web, the new algorithm can have a drastic effect on search rankings for some sites. But what can you do about it?

  • Podcast #5 - Common Website Terms for the Newbie

    17/03/2013 Duration: 11min

    As a web design professional, I use technical terms everyday that are now second nature to me. Once I have worked with a client for a few months, I notice that some of those words become second-nature to them as well. However, in the initial period of contact, some website newbies (a newcomer inexperienced in a particular activity) are completely bamboozled by the language of the internet and I find myself explaining what those words actually mean. So in this month’s podcast, I am going to divert from the marketing tips I usually give and instead, I will explain five essential terms that every website owner needs to know in order to effectively market their sites.

  • Podcast #4 - Five Ideas of a different kind

    17/02/2013 Duration: 14min

    Everyone thinks of the obvious when promoting a website’s address (also known as the URL). TV advertisements, newspaper ads, radio commercials and bumper stickers are all commonly used to direct traffic towards a web address. So how about something slightly different?

  • Podcast #3 - Using Facebook as a Marketing Tool

    19/01/2013 Duration: 08min

    With the evolution of Facebook for Business, Facebook has cemented itself as a powerful marketing tool that cannot and should not be avoided. In this month’s Five Hot Tips, we look at how to use Facebook to promote your business website.

  • Podcast #2 - Convert Visits to Sales

    16/12/2012 Duration: 07min

    The ultimate goal of any business website is to generate an income via that site. You may have a fantastic site that looks great, your designer loves it and so does your mum but if it doesn’t produce a solid return for your company, it is of very little value. A successful website requires careful planning that converts visits into sales. Be aware that not everyone who comes to your site wants to buy. Your job (via your website setup) is to convince them that they should.

  • Podcast #1 - Rusty Mango Design Website Marketing Series

    31/10/2012 Duration: 10min

    As a web designer, there is nothing more I like to see than a site that I have helped to create hitting the right spot with its intended audience. However, some businesses and organisations think that a website will do all the marketing work for them. It won’t – there is still work to be done! So as the first podcast from the Rusty Mango Design marketing series, I have decided to give five sure-fire tips to turbo-boost your site traffic today – even before Google gets a look in!