God Discussion

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 12:43:27
  • More information



God is a big subject -- and many of us are tired of the dogma associated with it. We talk about the issues of the day, including separation of church and state, politics, the so-called culture wars, as well as religion and free thought. Some of our shows feature controversial guests; others focus on spirituality and our attempt to understand humankind's place in the universe.


  • Do Deists Pray?

    03/12/2013 Duration: 01h59min

    As freethinkers, Deists have different opinions about what God is -- and they also have unique perspectives on prayer.Regardless of whether God listens to prayers, the act of praying might serve as a way focus thoughts or to cultivate a sense of gratitude.  Prayer might be a way to deal with primal fears, such as the fear of death or injury.  Perhaps it’s a form of meditation, or perhaps it’s a silent call to a spiritual force.The World Union of Deists’ Deputy Director, Jayson X, admits, “Occasionally, I will ask God for something.  When I ask God for something, I don’t expect a miracle. I just hope for one. Maybe God intervenes in the natural working of the universe, or maybe God doesn’t. If God does, God probably does so in a covert way so that, even if God does a miracle, it is debatable whether it was an extreme coincidence or not.”Feel free to call in with your questions or comments.The God Gave Us Reason, Not Religion podcast is a service of The World Union of Deists, a global network and educational ou

  • Free Winds or Stagnant Air? The terror continues.

    25/11/2013 Duration: 03h25s

    Continuing with their gripping story told on last week’s World Cult Watch podcast, ex-Sea Org members Scott and Karry Campbell return to discuss their experiences with Scientology (see the link for Scott and Karry’s respective backgrounds).Scott and Karry served on the Freewinds, a cruise ship operated by the Church of Scientology where passengers received exclusive training  for the highest level of Scientology.   Scott was “audited” by Scientology auditors (counselors) to the point of mental and physical breakdown.  He was placed in a cabin in the New Mexico desert for a Scientology “therapy” called the Introspection Rundown – the same process that reportedly lead to the death of Lisa McPherson on December 5, 1995, in Clearwater, Florida.Scott and Karry will also share what they have been doing since leaving.  They welcome questions during the show and will do their best to provide insight and answers.~~~World Cult Watch, a weekly program that airs every Sunday night, is intended to not only offer news and

  • The End of Fear (and psychological harm from religion and other social ills)

    23/11/2013 Duration: 02h43min

    NOTE:  There were some sound issues and we have tried to edit the audio as best we can.What’s the biggest thing holding us back in life? Religious trauma?  Spiritual abuse?  Politics?Perhaps it’s fear.Joining us from Indonesia are Jessica Schab and Diego Kricek Fontanive who have founded an ambitious global endeavor, The End of Fear (EOF) Project.   The EOF Project enjoys a vibrant community of over 2,000 active members on Facebook and offers personalized sessions and books.By “fear,” Jessica and Diego are not referring to external natural instinctual fears; rather, they are referring to unnatural and internal psychological fears.  In many of the God Discussion shows, we have looked at fear generated by religious upbringing, and this is one of the many types of psychological fears that The End of Fear Project addresses.Known in the international New Age community, Jessica was a frequent speaker at conferences and was featured in documentaries and radio shows across North America and Europe.  But she renouned

  • Tales from the modern-day prophets ... blood moons and more

    21/11/2013 Duration: 01h59min

    Within the New Apostolic Reformation movement and the world of televangelists, eschatology is a hot topic.  In this episode of Eye on the Paranormal, host Kirby Robinson will explore the so-called prophesies of modern-day Christian “prophets and apostles” who have their unique perceptions of the End Times.  Among other things, Kirby will discuss:Texas megachurch pastor John Hagee’s “Blood Moons” prophecy;What televangelist Jim Bakker is selling these days;Rick Joyner’s alleged heavenly visit — Was it heaven or was it hell?Prophets or profits? Kirby’s discussion will enable you to discern the difference.~~~~~~~~~~A Christian paranormal investigator, demonologist and exorcist, Kirby manages and writes at the Eye on the Paranormal blog where a wealth of articles about the paranormal have been published for the past five years. His program on the God Discussion network airs weekly.  Be sure to visit GodDiscussion.net for a schedule of upcoming shows.

  • The Pay-As-You-Go-Religion: Kidnapping, Torture and Disconnection Beyond Death

    18/11/2013 Duration: 02h59min

    This week, former Scientologists who were all highly-placed members of the church's paramilitary wing, the Sea Organization, will deliver some shocking tales. Accounts include stories of kidnapping, torture and an outrageous eternal "disconnect." Joining host Rob Robinson are Karen de la Carriere, Scott Campbell and his wife Karry Campbell.People who follow Scientology news will recall the dehumanizing disconnect practice imposed on Karen de la Carriere, who was barred from attending her son's funeral. A long time member of the “church” of Scientology, Karen is the ex-wife of the president of the Church of Scientology international. She describes Scientology as a "pay as you go religion," having paid the church $300,000 in a three-year span.Scott and Karry Campbell were long-time Scientology members who called it quits in 1994.  They served on the Scientology cruise ship, Freewinds, and have harrowing accounts to tell.Due to space limits here, please visit the official show page for more information, includin