God Discussion

The Pay-As-You-Go-Religion: Kidnapping, Torture and Disconnection Beyond Death



This week, former Scientologists who were all highly-placed members of the church's paramilitary wing, the Sea Organization, will deliver some shocking tales. Accounts include stories of kidnapping, torture and an outrageous eternal "disconnect." Joining host Rob Robinson are Karen de la Carriere, Scott Campbell and his wife Karry Campbell.People who follow Scientology news will recall the dehumanizing disconnect practice imposed on Karen de la Carriere, who was barred from attending her son's funeral. A long time member of the “church” of Scientology, Karen is the ex-wife of the president of the Church of Scientology international. She describes Scientology as a "pay as you go religion," having paid the church $300,000 in a three-year span.Scott and Karry Campbell were long-time Scientology members who called it quits in 1994.  They served on the Scientology cruise ship, Freewinds, and have harrowing accounts to tell.Due to space limits here, please visit the official show page for more information, includin