Brandingblog By Dave Young



Marketing Advice and Advertising Strategy for Local Business Owners


  • BrandingBlog Radio: Ray Seggern and Wizard of Ads Events

    27/04/2012 Duration: 25min

    Have you met Ray Seggern? He’s been one of our Wizard of Ads partners since about 2006. He’s stepping into a role as a sort of ringmaster for many of our partners. By ringmaster, I mean that he’s making an effort to herd our posse of cats onto a flatbed truck and getting them moving […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Test My Marketing with Brian Schmitt

    20/04/2012 Duration: 31min

    Have you ever poured your time and energy into an ad, or an email, or a blog post, video, phone message, sales pitch, or, or, or….? Sometimes you are just too close to the issue to realize what may be wrong with your approach, the words you’ve choosen or the the fact that you might […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Greysuit Retail with David Lively and Raffy Pendery

    16/03/2012 Duration: 27min

    These guys rock. David Lively and Raffy Pendery are the brains behind Greysuit Retail and now Greysuit Apps. Their mission is to make the techie side of the web easier for retailers. They’ve built a platform for managing a small retailer’s ecommerce, blog, web, craigslist, email and more. Now, with Greysuit Apps they can help […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Paul Boomer on Web Hosting

    02/03/2012 Duration: 24min

    UPDATE:  Regarding the amazing Paul Boomer. A few months ago, I got a nibble from a business owner with a carpet cleaning business who had a gawd-awful web site. I could tell that her crap-o-la site was the sole reason that she wasn’t getting much business through the interwebs. It looked like someone had bedazzled […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Ari Meisel of

    24/02/2012 Duration: 34min

    This week I got to spend about a half hour interviewing Ari Meisel. We connected a couple weeks ago when I found his “Less Doing” productivity blog and he asked me to be a guest on his podcast to discuss Shortcut Blogging and how we are making it easier for CEOs to blog. I was […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Shawn Phillips of Full Strength

    17/02/2012 Duration: 44min

    Confession: I never feel more out of my element than when I’m hanging out with athletes. I met Shawn Phillips a few years ago and have slowly gotten to know him a bit in the last 6 months. I’m one of those “unfit” clueless people who never heard of his brother Bill’s book “Body for […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Roy Williams and The Pendulum

    10/02/2012 Duration: 35min

    Wow. I told Roy Williams that I wanted to hear the scary bits about his new book, Pendulum: Where We’ve Been, How We Got There, Where We’re Headed, he reluctantly agreed. He’s traced back the trends of societal change 3,000 years. What he’s found will give you a few reasons for apprehension the next 20 […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Brett Feinstein – Political Advertising

    03/02/2012 Duration: 01h02min

    Brett Feinstein is a partner in the political advertising agency Pound & Feinstein. He’s one of those guys that you have to get to know to understand. He’s loved and admired by those who take the time. If you know Brett Feinstein only superficially through Facebook or another near anonymous web arena, you probably only […]

  • Soundbites: Super Bowl Reach

    31/01/2012 Duration: 08min

    NOTE FROM DAVE:  The “SoundBites” podcasts are usually re-written in an article style (via Shortcut Blogging), but this one was such an interactive conversation that I decided to simply use the transcript. Enjoy the game! So far…in these pre-game days, this is my fave: Beuller? Beuller? Want to read the transcript? Chris Loghry: Welcome to […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Chandra Clarke – CEO of Scribendi

    27/01/2012 Duration: 50min

    Remember the scene in the movie Pulp Fiction where Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) accidentally create a serious mess of their car by shooting the guy in the back seat? The only solution is to call in an expert…a cleanup guy. Winston Wolfe (brilliantly played by Harvey Keitel) to the […]

  • Soundbites: Fire Fast, Hire Slow

    25/01/2012 Duration: 08min

    This is age old advice in management circles. Kinda funny how hard it is to do in practice. And it’s one of those topics where you look at business owners and managers and you think, “They really should take this advice.” I really want to talk about the “fire fast” but I’ll just touch briefly […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Michele Miller on Sports, Politics and F.A.R.E.

    20/01/2012 Duration: 49min

    Recording this Podcast was a blast. I’ve been working with Michele Miller for 10 years now and being able to share conversations like this is exactly why I started podcasting. What really made this one fun is that we were face-to-face instead of on Skype. We were both in Palm Springs to have an annual […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Raffy Pendery, Interwebs Genius

    13/01/2012 Duration: 41min

    I love talking to Raffy Pendery. You’ll like him too. We chatted about 3 of his amazing creations. is an online graphing tool that lets you upload all of your business stats and helps you make sense of it all. If you need to keep your training ducks in a row, he’s also developed […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Craig Arthur and Big Plans for 2012

    06/01/2012 Duration: 44min

    After a busy holiday season, it was nice to have a leisurely chat with my good friend, Craig Arthur. Since this is the first episode for 2012, we mostly talked about his plans for the new year and his renewed commitment to blogging. He is using the free outlining process that I produced for Shortcut […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Irene Watson on Book Publishing

    23/12/2011 Duration: 58min

    Irene Watson’s media empire focuses primarily on self-published authors who need reviews, publicity and coaching for making the most of the book creation and promotion experience. Her site, Readerviews, offers a wealth of knowledge archived over years of helping authors. Her services are priced and sized just right for authors trying to break into a […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Year-End Tax Advice from Adrian Van Zelfden

    16/12/2011 Duration: 01h09min

    I’ve been getting Adrian Van Zelfden’s “Tidbits in Time” emails for several years. He’s a huge history buff and he enjoys a historical almanac to the point that he started sending out a monthly missive to share his celebration of what happened when. He started by sending it to his friends. None of that opt-in […]

  • Soundbites: Measuring Radio Results With Web Analytics

    14/12/2011 Duration: 04min

    Adam: Welcome once again to BrandingBlog Soundbites, with Wizard of Ads partner Dave Young, from I’m Adam Lefler, hello Dave. Dave: Hi Adam Adam: Dave, today were sitting down talking about measuring radio effectiveness on a website. Dave: That seems like a crazy idea, doesn’t it? How Do You Know If Your Radio Ads […]

  • BrandingBlog Radio: Magical Thinking with Jeff Sexton

    09/12/2011 Duration: 46min

    Sometimes I’m a bit intimidated to talk to Jeff Sexton. It’s kind of like going back to high school and having an intellectual chat with your old English teacher…or in this case, an Olde English teacher. He’s been doing an awful lot of Magical Thinking lately. One of the more interesting examples involves tiger penis. […]

  • Soundbites: Personal Experience Factor and The Approach

    06/12/2011 Duration: 08min

      Adam: Welcome once again to BrandingBlog SoundBites with Wizard of Ads Partner, Dave Young from I’m Adam Lefler. Hello, Dave. Dave: Hi, Adam. Adam: Today, we’re talking about Personal Experience Factor: the Approach. What do you mean? Dave: Well, Personal Experience Factor, Adam, is the term that we use in the Advertising Performance […]

  • Soundbites: Mistake #9 – Great Production That Missed The Mark

    30/11/2011 Duration: 06min

    This is Mistake #9 of the 12 Most Common Mistakes in Advertising, as presented in On Your Market. Adam: Welcome once again to BrandingBlog SoundBites with Wizard of Ads partner Dave Young, from I’m Adam Lefler. Hello Dave. Dave: Hi, how you doing Adam? Adam: Doing well, how about yourself? Dave: Great, thanks. Adam: […]

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