Unbecoming With Phoebe Mroczek



Most people think that success is about BECOMING something or someone different. Phoebe Mroczek believes that the secret to success is found in UNBECOMING, a practice of releasing the judgments and beliefs holding you back from living a more meaningful life.Phoebe exposes the truth through honest, vulnerable conversations about what it really takes to build a successful business and life outside the box. It's unscripted, unrefined and unapologetic - The way life should be.


  • Shelter in Peace | How to Get out of a “Funk”

    12/05/2020 Duration: 46min

    On today’s episode, I’m tackling an issue I have both experienced and heard a lot about from friends and clients recently - this weird "funk" that so many of us seem to be in. Call it Corona, family, work, money, blocks, whatever.. All I know is that if you don't deal with it now, you're headed straight for burnout. In this episode, I share the 6 steps that have helped me out of many a funk. I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please share it with one person you care about.   *** LINKS MENTIONED *** If you want some support, head over to www.unbecomingpodcast.com/funk  

  • The Circle of Concern vs Influence Explained [Bonus Clip]

    07/05/2020 Duration: 15min

    In this bonus clip, I discuss what Steven Covey calls the "Circle of Concern" and the "Circle of Influence," which effectively illustrates the subtle difference between proactive and reactive behavior. Then, I share some simple, actionable tips about how to identify reactive language and shift it into a more proactive approach.   *** You can find the full length episodes where we got this clip from, along with links to our growing community, and the complete library at www.unbecomingpodcast.com

  • Concern vs Influence | How to Reduce Your Reactive Response

    05/05/2020 Duration: 45min

    On today’s episode, we’re talking about how to quiet your mind amidst chaos, and keep your thoughts helpful rather than hurtful. What has been difficult for me to understand in situations where I have little control, is where and how do I exercise the control that I do have? When we are able to distinguish between the two, we have the ability to CREATE our life versus let our life be created for us. P.S. Stay until the end for bloopers :)   *** IMPORTANT LINKS *** Book your Activation Session: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/activation Join our Unbecoming Facebook community: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/community    

  • Steering Clear | What's Really Holding You Back?

    28/04/2020 Duration: 44min

    Much of our current emotional responses are simply reflections, patterns and conditioning formed back when we were children. This means that we live our lives through this lens of what was unprocessed. On today’s show, we're looking more deeply at two simple yet important phases that will help you get to the source of what’s holding you back. Plus, be sure to stick around until the very end where we added a NEW segment to the show. If you like it, let me know and we'll do it again :)   **** LINKS MENTIONED **** Learn more about booking your Activation Session: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/activation Join our Unbecoming Facebook community: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/community            

  • Outsourcing Guidance | Why We Should Reinvent the Wheel

    21/04/2020 Duration: 42min

    Today, I’m talking about our own internal guidance system and how (and why) we spend so much of our time looking for shortcuts in the wrong places & at the wrong times. We are taught as kids to achieve, and as athletes, to fight for the outcome. This creates outcome-driven adults. We're told to “fake it 'til you make it” and that everything is reverse engineer-able, all under the guise of "not reinventing the wheel.” Though potentially helpful in theory, the real impact of that belief is that we also learn to outsource our own internal guidance system, looking to others to tell us what to do and how to do it. We seek out people and systems to classify us as "this" or "that" and we live into that story. If you don’t create your own rules, metrics and beliefs, you will find yourself in a life where those are created for you.   **** IMPORTANT LINKS **** Join our Unbecoming community for trainings and behind-the-scenes conversations: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/community          

  • Khaki Suits, Bad Attitudes & What's Keeping me up at Night

    14/04/2020 Duration: 33min

    You know how you have days where the birds are chirping, you've got that pep in your step and everything generally seems to be going right? Yeah, today is not that day. But I am talking about what is keeping me up at night, so if that's any consolation, there's that. Sometimes C+ work will just have to do.

  • Full Stop | 10 Things You Must Avoid to Get Ahead

    07/04/2020 Duration: 56min

    At a time when everyone’s telling you WHAT to do, today’s episode is telling you the opposite: what NOT to do so you can be happier and actually enjoy the next few months of quarantine. Because if you've asked yourself real questions like: how you can possible be heard above all the noise out there, how to capitalize on this opportunity, what it'll say about you if you sit this one out or if your audience will remember you when it's all over... I'VE GOT AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR YOU TODAY.  On this episode, I share 10 things we should all STOP doing right now to get ahead. While #4 gets a bit heated, controversial #10 is the one I believe we all need to hear right now. 

  • Brad Yates | How to use EFT to Eliminate Stress & Fear

    31/03/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    In stressful situations, we go into a Fight-Flight-Freeze response which is our body's way of protecting us from a threat or danger. This response turns our rational brain off so we end up taking action and making disempowered decisions based in fear and stress, leading to illness and dis-ease. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or "Tapping" as it is often called, introduces a simple, scientifically-proven method for calming the body and releasing the Fight-Flight-Freeze response.   Brad Yates is known internationally for his EFT expertise and having creating over 900 videos on YouTube that have been viewed 27 million+ times. On today's episode, Brad explains the benefit of integrating an EFT practice into your life and brings us through a powerful exercise to release fear, panic and money blocks from the comfort of your own home. *** LINKS MENTIONED *** To hear the Rapid Fire Business Session with Brad along with links to all his helpful resources, please visit: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/122  

  • Your Flame | Be the Light in Dark Times

    24/03/2020 Duration: 44min

    On today’s episode, we’re talking about how not to make light, but rather BE the light in the current darkness or just in a challenging situation.. Based on where we are with COVID-19, there’s a lot we could be fearful of. There’s a lot we could be rethinking or panicking about…  But the reality is that we have 2 choices: To let it consume you. Let it fine tune you. The choice is yours. And if you choose the latter, there are a few things you should know...   *** LINKS MENTIONED *** Join us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/unbecomingpodcast  

  • Beacon | How to Spark Creativity Amidst Chaos

    17/03/2020 Duration: 55min

    There are many reasons to feel scared, worried, confused and conflicted about the state of the world. It is undoubtedly bleeding over into your life and might even be throwing your business off track right now. Today's episode is the breath of fresh air, positivity and creativity you need. We talk about what it means to be a beacon and why now, as we deal with the C-word, it is a great time to find your flow and spark your creativity to maximize your results.   **** LINKS MENTIONED **** If you're ready to turn your strategy into action, I have a few 1:1 spots open right now. Apply here: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/coaching And if you’re not sure or on the fence, I might open some free calls to chat and connect. Announcements made on IG: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek

  • Your Choice | Do You REALLY Believe It?

    10/03/2020 Duration: 50min

    This episode is for the 1%-ers. For the ones who are not committed to talking about it, but to making it happen. Todays episode is one to bookmark for the low times, the high times and the everything in between times. It's a reminder to focus on what really matters. It’s a little tough love, the nudge, the push to hear what we all need to hear sometimes. At the end of the day, the choices are yours. What will you decide? ======= When you're ready, I have a few coaching spots available. Apply here: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/coaching  

  • The C Word | Step One of Your Next Evolution

    03/03/2020 Duration: 48min

    Are you in a corporate role and ready to launch a new business? Maybe you've built a business that you feel trapped in and want a way out. Maybe you enjoy your business, make great money, feel perfect on paper but don’t have the fulfillment that you really want. Or maybe you're none of those things but are in the middle of a life situation or transition that you'd like support with. If this sounds familiar, I recorded today's episode just for you!   ****LINKS MENTIONED**** If you're looking for support through your transitional phase, apply for coaching: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/coaching Enter to win a FREE Coaching Session + Other amazing prizes: 1. Leave a review on Apple Podcasts & include your Instagram handle: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/itunes 2. Take a screenshot of your review and email it to me at phoebe@phoebemroczek.com with the subject line: "PODCAST REVIEW" 3. Winners will be announced on March 10 via Instagram: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek GOOD LUCK!!

  • Finally Finished | The Cure for Procrastination

    25/02/2020 Duration: 57min

    If you have a project you’re procrastinating on, a decision you’re putting off, an idea you’re not going two feet in on, or a pivot you aren’t pursuing - I recorded this episode just for you. Today, I cover the 8 real reasons why you're putting off the people, projects or things you say you want, and it's not always what you think. ===== *** LINKS MENTIONED *** Interested in working together? Apply for coaching: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/coaching Enter to WIN a Free Coaching Session & Other prizes! 1. Leave a review on Apple Podcasts 2. Take a screenshot of your review and email it to me at Phoebe@phoebemroczek.com with the subject line: “PODCAST REVIEW” 3. I’ll select 5 people on March 10. Winners will be announced via Instagram so be sure to follow me there: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek          

  • The Unbecoming Rebrand | Why You Too Need an Upgrade

    18/02/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Whether you're a personal brand, the CEO of a large company or fall somewhere in the middle, you know how important your reputation is online and offline, both as a leader and a team member, in business and personally. Your reputation is also called your brand. Your brand simply means how people perceive you or what others think about you. There are several pitfalls that many established entrepreneurs fall privy to when initiating a rebrand. So today, I’m excited to bring you behind the scenes of the NEW Unbecoming Rebrand! We’re talking about the reason and idea behind the recent Unbecoming rebrand, some make or break branding steps I learned along the way and most importantly, why your brand needs an upgrade. ==== Check out the new site: www.unbecomingpodcast.com If you’re new here, I invite you to join us over at unbecomingpodcast.com/listen to get acquainted with the message of Unbecoming as well as what we’re about in this community. Thank you for sharing the show with the people who matter most to you.

  • For the Love of Money | The Secret to a Money-Making Message

    11/02/2020 Duration: 57min

    We’re headed into Valentine's Day week talking about how to create a message that not only your clients LOVE but also one that sells across whatever platform you choose to use. We discuss the three main action steps to crafting the perfect message, and the second one might surprise you! ==== If you're ready to upgrade your life and business in 2020, please join us in either of our two programs: 1. Personal Power Coaching with Phoebe! Apply if you're looking for help to navigate your current transition and find meaning, clarity, fulfillment and empowerment in your next chapter: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/coaching 2. Unbecoming Collective: The only group of powerhouse women that will push you to hit your goals while allowing you the space for connection: http://unbecomingpodcast.com/collective        

  • Becoming is Backwards | How to Ditch the “Right Way”

    04/02/2020 Duration: 59min

    On today’s show, we’re talking about why focusing on what or who you’re becoming is totally irrelevant and even backwards.. and want to focus on instead. We’re asked throughout childhood: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Not WHO do you want to be. We focus so much on what we are, rather than who we’re being everyday. THIS is why Unbecoming is critical to our personal growth and evolution. ===== Grab your FREE Unbecoming Success Series here: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/success Let's connect on Instagram: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek

  • A Monologue | When You're Made for More

    28/01/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Today’s episode was recorded off the cuff, totally unscripted and unedited for those of you who believe you’re made for more, but may have forgotten what’s important. This was recorded prior to the horrendous news about the helicopter crash, but felt also like appropriate timing. Thank you for being a part of my journey. === If you are interested in learning more about our Unbecoming Collective, join us here: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/collective Please come say hello over on Instagram: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek

  • The Collective | First Comes Clarity, Then Comes...

    21/01/2020 Duration: 55min

    Today’s episode is for you if you’re ready to stop talking about your goals and truly go after them this year. We discuss the ONE thing that holds most people back once they've found the clarity they need. Plus, I'm introducing you to the women who have stepped up and stepped out of their comfort zone over the last 90 days. For more information on The Collective: head over to www.unbecomingpodcast.com/collective   ===== These are women to watch from this episode: 1. Angie Tutterrow | Co-Founder, Blu3 Management Group (www.r2m2solutions.com) 2. Colette Broomhead, The Social Strategist (www.colettebroomhead.com) 3. Harmony Garcia-Gentry, The Bliss Broker (https://www.facebook.com/groups/theblissbroker/) 4. Jeannette Keating, Keller Williams Lifestyles Realty (www.instagram.com/byron_realtor) 5. Jordan Taylor, Taylored Solutions (www.tayloredsolutions.net) 6. Karen Landriau, Karen Landriau (www.karenlandriau.com) 7. Manuela Powell, Manuela J. Powell (www.manuelajpowell.com) 8. Michelle Marsh, Purpose Balance Bur

  • A + B = See | Discover Your Unique Code to Clarity

    14/01/2020 Duration: 53min

    You may be off to a great start, or maybe it’s been a bit slower and more challenging. Regardless of how it has felt so far, if you're looking for the keys to unlock true clarity in your life and business,  this episode is for you. I also disclose a secret I've been hesitant to admit or share out loud, but I think it's about time I get it off my chest...

  • Mining for Gold | How to Bring Clarity to your Next Chapter

    07/01/2020 Duration: 59min

    If you're ready to close the last chapter of your year, decade or life, and commit to a bigger, better, bolder version of yourself... this episode is for you. I'd guess 95% of our listeners won't make the time to complete these exercises. For the 5% of you who do, who are truly committed, I promise you a surge of clarity as you step into this next season of your life. === If you're interested in the upcoming workshops: 1. Get on our exclusive invite list and download your Unbecoming Audio Success Series now: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/success 2. Reach out on Instagram: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek 3. Email me at phoebe@phoebemroczek.com

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