Unbecoming With Phoebe Mroczek

The Unbecoming Rebrand | Why You Too Need an Upgrade



Whether you're a personal brand, the CEO of a large company or fall somewhere in the middle, you know how important your reputation is online and offline, both as a leader and a team member, in business and personally. Your reputation is also called your brand. Your brand simply means how people perceive you or what others think about you. There are several pitfalls that many established entrepreneurs fall privy to when initiating a rebrand. So today, I’m excited to bring you behind the scenes of the NEW Unbecoming Rebrand! We’re talking about the reason and idea behind the recent Unbecoming rebrand, some make or break branding steps I learned along the way and most importantly, why your brand needs an upgrade. ==== Check out the new site: www.unbecomingpodcast.com If you’re new here, I invite you to join us over at unbecomingpodcast.com/listen to get acquainted with the message of Unbecoming as well as what we’re about in this community. Thank you for sharing the show with the people who matter most to you.