Unbecoming With Phoebe Mroczek

Outsourcing Guidance | Why We Should Reinvent the Wheel



Today, I’m talking about our own internal guidance system and how (and why) we spend so much of our time looking for shortcuts in the wrong places & at the wrong times. We are taught as kids to achieve, and as athletes, to fight for the outcome. This creates outcome-driven adults. We're told to “fake it 'til you make it” and that everything is reverse engineer-able, all under the guise of "not reinventing the wheel.” Though potentially helpful in theory, the real impact of that belief is that we also learn to outsource our own internal guidance system, looking to others to tell us what to do and how to do it. We seek out people and systems to classify us as "this" or "that" and we live into that story. If you don’t create your own rules, metrics and beliefs, you will find yourself in a life where those are created for you.   **** IMPORTANT LINKS **** Join our Unbecoming community for trainings and behind-the-scenes conversations: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/community