Unbecoming With Phoebe Mroczek

Mining for Gold | How to Bring Clarity to your Next Chapter



If you're ready to close the last chapter of your year, decade or life, and commit to a bigger, better, bolder version of yourself... this episode is for you. I'd guess 95% of our listeners won't make the time to complete these exercises. For the 5% of you who do, who are truly committed, I promise you a surge of clarity as you step into this next season of your life. === If you're interested in the upcoming workshops: 1. Get on our exclusive invite list and download your Unbecoming Audio Success Series now: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/success 2. Reach out on Instagram: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek 3. Email me at phoebe@phoebemroczek.com