Olga's Way

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 143:30:53
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A Podcast from Olga's Way, includes wonderful audios on Meditation, Self-help, Relaxation, Motivation and much more.


  • The Compound Effect Of Decisions

    26/12/2022 Duration: 34min

      Making small decisions every day compound to big results later.   Before you make a decision ask yourself: What would it be the compound result of making this same small decision every day, for a full year?   When you think of decisions as singular acts that do not impact the future, you minimize their power, and this is how you end up with regrets.   Whether you suffer from decision paralysis or, you have a hard time creating new habits, I encourage you to listen to this short episode, as we start getting out minds ready for a full new year.   Start thinking of the results you would like to experience and the kind of decisions you would need to star making today, to get there.   For now, just decide on listening here!   3 Take aways:   Every decision you make matters. Making the wrong decision doesn’t rob you from deciding again. Small decisions can amount to big results without overwhelm.    Inspiration:   “Every habit starts with one decision. The same decision made several times over a long period of

  • Your Relationship With Planning

    19/12/2022 Duration: 41min

    What is your relationship with planning?   There are three types of planners: The very attached to the plan and the outcome, the ones who engage in some planning but not really see themselves as planners and the ones who never plan at all. What do they all have in common? They are all avoiding feeling one tiny feeling. Curious to find out what feeling all the planners and not planners are trying to avoid?   You will have to listen to this episode to find out.   3 takeaways: - What comes up for you when you think about your relationship with planning? - When life throws a curve at you, what do you do with your plans? - Feeling enough and planning, how they interconnect.   Inspiration:   “There are three words that will make your relationship with planning a healthy one: Trust, sufficiency and connection”. Olga L   “Helpful Links: Join Being the CEO of Your Life: https://olgasway.com/work-with-me/ceo-of-your-own-life/ Book your free call with Olga here: https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min 

  • Women Thrive With A Community w Tanya Cole-Lesnick

    12/12/2022 Duration: 59min

    You are interested in coaching or therapy, but you are terrified of doing it in a group setting. Your worst fear is to feel embarrassed, to feel rejected and to expose yourself vulnerable in front of others.   In this episode we break down the myths people have about getting help in a group setting and we highlight why this type of work is far more beneficial than only doing one on one work.   Therapist and life coach Tanya Cole-Lesnick joined me this week in the podcast to share her experience and her findings with regards to how women thrive in a community setting.   If you are sitting on the sidelines wondering if you would ever join any kind of group work, have a listen and draw your own conclusions. Bio for Tanya Cole-Lesnick: Tanya Cole-Lesnick has been a psychotherapist (licensed clinical social worker) and coach since 1995. She received her master’s degree in social work from New York University after group therapy changed her life. She has extensive experience in outpatient hospital mental health,

  • The Power Of One

    05/12/2022 Duration: 30min

    Do you ever feel that no matter how much you do, it’s never quite enough? Do you keep moving the bar up for when it is that you will finally be happy, successful, satisfied??   Do you grow your list of things to do and your self-expectations in an attempt to quiet the inner voice that keeps whispering…”what else can you do?, what else do you need? What else can you achieve?   You might be operating from a place of not enough. That may feel normal to you but it isn’t and it is the reason you feel tired a lot of the time. it is draining you.   Tune into this episode “the power of one” to gain a new perspective on the things you currently dismiss because they may not appear as “good enough” or “efficient enough” but that could hold so much power to your own inner emotional and mental health.    Three takeaways:   Understand the core reason you may over shop, over do, over help, over do it all. Learn to feel empowered even if you can only take one step at a time. How to detach from the belief of not being en

  • Creating Big Things w Marie Lewallen

    28/11/2022 Duration: 44min

    Do you ever have BIG ideas or thoughts but don’t know where to start to see them through?   In this episode, we are going to be talking with certified coach Marie Lewallen McDonald about breaking down how change-makers think and act so that you can do what they do- and take your ideas out of your head and put them into the world where they belong- today.   The more we believe in our own ideas, the more we recognize the ideas that others have, that we can believe in. We know that dissenting opinions of variety, diverse opinions, diverse groups and backgrounds, they make work better, they make the world better. And so when we can open our minds to recognize ideas and possibility, it is creating a more thriving world, and more possibility for others.   Listen to this week’s episode of Journey To Happy to find out how you can start creating BIG things in your life. Bio for Marie Lewallen McDonald: Let's turn your ideas for what you want into real things.   After 20 years leading innovators, Certified Coach Mar

  • Being Who We Are w. Micheline

    21/11/2022 Duration: 48min

    What if it took you longer to get to where you wanted to get? But the destination is way better than the initial one that you thought you could get to?   In this episode we are going to be talking to my friend and CEO coaching client Micheline all about how she has learnt overtime to change her mindset for the better as well as how she has learnt to be Ok with where she is and to “sit in the mud” sometimes.   Sometimes we forget in the midst of the storm that life somehow always works out. We forget that because we're so stressed out, or we're thinking of all the possibilities of how things can go wrong but when you take a step back, it works itself out. Sometimes we just need to be ok with where we are and that it will work itself out.   Bio for Micheline: My name is Micheline and I am a 40 something wonderful years old Anishinaabe woman, happily married and the mother to 2 of the cutest fur babies (dogs). I am a true nature lover at heart and thrive on spending time outdoors and observing wild animals and p

  • Steps To Clean Your Energy

    14/11/2022 Duration: 38min

    Do you ever feel that you have a lot of guilt and obligation, and sometimes even resentment when you're doing things for yourself and for others?   Today's episode is all about how to clean our energy so that we can live a simple, happy, free of guilt, free of fear life.   If you were to truly ask yourself, “why am I doing this?”, you will always bring it back to somebody else's expectations of yourself, or that someone will be hurt if you stop doing this thing. All of those feelings come from not having clean energy.    The motive, the reason that motivates you to your goal has to come from clean energy or else, you will lack consistency and enjoyment while working towards your goal.   Listen to this week’s episode of Journey to Happy to hear the steps on how to clean your own energy.   3 takeaways: -What is clean energy? -The steps to take to clean your own energy. -How to get off of autopilot in your life. Inspiration: “The motive or the reasons that motivate you to your goal has to come from clean energ

  • Why Do We Stay Feeling Emotions Longer Than We Want To?

    11/11/2022 Duration: 19min

    In this episode we're going to answer the question “why do we stay longer than we want to feeling these unwanted, difficult emotions? You stay in an unwanted emotional state way longer than you desire for one simple reason… Resistance.  What you resist, persists. It is not just a saying, it is the truth.   No emotion, no circumstance and no pain lasts forever. You won't be “in the hole” of having difficult emotions forever, but you will stay longer than you need to if you don't follow the two steps I talk about in this episode.   Listen to this week’s episode of Journey to Happy to find out the two steps to help dig yourself out of that emotional hole.  3 takeaways: Why do we stay feeling difficult emotions for so long? How you can properly deal with heavy emotions  Two steps that will help you handle emotions, all emotions. Inspiration:  “Acceptance does not equal liking your circumstance of pain. Acceptance means that you understand this is your circumstance at the moment and you aren’t trying to chan

  • Stop Complaining

    07/11/2022 Duration: 26min

    On today’s episode we're going to be talking about complaining. Why it doesn't work, why we do it, what is the root cause of it and what to do instead of complaining. I bet you anything, you're not the only one who thinks complaining is a form of communication. I suppose any kind of words are a form of communication, but complaining is not an efficient way of communicating what we actually want to communicate. Nobody wants to hear anybody complain. Nobody has time for that. There are many more efficient ways in which we can process frustration and problem solve and I am here to share those tips with you. Listen to this week’s episode of Journey to Happy to find out different ways in which you can properly communicate your frustrations without constantly complaining.   Three takeaways: How to turn your complaints into more helpful, less frustrating thoughts What you can do instead of just venting How to communicate your frustrations with proper communication skills.   Inspiration: “The energy of the complain

  • How To Make New Friends

    31/10/2022 Duration: 55min

    Do you ever feel that it is hard to make genuine friendships as an adult? That it doesn’t come as easy as it once did when you were younger? On today’s episode we are going to be talking with my friend Lucie about how to cultivate friendships as an adult, how to get what YOU need out of a friendship, as well as how to be the friend that you would want in your life.  Lucie Bacchiochi has been working as an educator for the last 8 years and has had a career working in the Child Welfare field for 23 years. She thrives on helping families and students set goals and strategies on how to get the positive outcome that they want to accomplish while being supportive and understanding. There is something important in friendships when you're feeling like people are superficially connecting to you or that the connection is not very strong. Ask yourself, “how intentional are you about this friendship?”  If you were to use intentionality then perhaps you wouldn't be feeling that intentional about keeping this friendship. L

  • From detox, to reset, to CEO of your life

    24/10/2022 Duration: 22min

    In this episode we are going to talk about all the things from Detox the mind to Reset Your Mindset to finally Being the CEO of Your Own Life. If you didn't guess it yet, these are the names of my coaching programs.    I get quite a lot of questions about them on a regular basis. So I thought it would be helpful to have an episode that I can refer people to on a regular basis to listen to about what my coaching programs are, as well as who they are for?   Each program helps you to move past self-doubt, stop self-sabotage, saying goodbye to your insecurities, and forgetting about the “shoulds” and “what-ifs”. I help you work on your confidence and mindset in each of my programs.   Imagine a life where you feel confident, valuable, purposeful, and like you’re enough. You’re already her. Let me show where she’s been all along and start living your life to your absolute full potential!   Are you ready to ditch anxiety and step into the most authentic version of yourself?   Listen to this episode of Journey to Hap

  • Solving Problems 101

    17/10/2022 Duration: 24min

    How do you define a problem? Today we're going to be talking about the steps that I follow to solve a problem. These steps have really helped me center my mind on problem solving, and also on understanding “why is this a problem?”  and “what will be required of me and my thinking to resolve this problem?”    In this episode I will walk you through where you can use your brain to problem solve, to push your limits of thinking of possibility, to take full responsibility for what belongs to you, to make new choices, to commit to them, to sell yourself on why that's a good idea and so much more.    Listen to this week’s episode of Journey to Happy to hear about all the helpful tips I share on how to problem solve effectively. Inspiration: “You can use your brain to minimize your experience, to undervalue and victimize yourself,or, you can use it to problem solve with compassion and to feel empowered. You get to choose in which way you want to stretch your brain. Both equal work both give you results. You get

  • Gratitude Before Evidence

    10/10/2022 Duration: 17min

    Have you ever expressed gratitude beforehand?    Before landing the promotion, before the favor is made, before making the money, before evidence that what you want will be here, have you expressed gratitude?   In this episode we are going to talk about feeling gratitude before having evidence.    When you connect to gratitude before the thing you want is even here, you open the doors to abundance and confidence. This is what some call the “done energy” in the sense that you trust that good things are coming before they come. As supposed of letting your brain stay in doubt mode as to whether or not what you want is ever coming.    Being grateful before evidence is all about letting go of doubt and fear when you are co-creating your life. It is about planting seeds of trust, abundance and excitement while you are working towards your goals and desires.   Listen to this week’s episode of Journey To Happy Podcast to find out how you can feel gratitude without having the evidence to back it up yet. Three take

  • It Was Meant To Be

    03/10/2022 Duration: 26min

    What does it mean when we say something is “meant to be”? In this episode we're going to talk about things that are meant to be, what it actually means, and how we can just accept whatever we're going through today, because maybe, it is going to land us exactly where we need to go, even if it is away from our original plans.  There is no surprise that our mental health and our confidence is damaged on a daily basis, on an hourly basis, by the way in which we communicate with ourselves. That mean inner dialogue, the way we speak to ourselves can increase our confidence or completely decrease it. So if you begin to take note of how you think, and then you begin to give importance to how you think to that voice. And then you begin to talk to yourself, like you talk to somebody that you love with kindness, with understanding. There is no way your mental health will not thrive within a very friendly inner environment. Listen to this episode to learn my favorite 4 steps to shift that inner dialogue. Three take-away

  • A balanced life audit

    26/09/2022 Duration: 27min

    What tells you that you are off balance? We tend to think we are out of balance when we are about to make sudden changes in our lives, for instance being a businesswoman to becoming a mother. We fear that we might fail to do both and have a balanced life while managing to be the best in two things at the same time. In today's episode, we are going to audit together our beliefs about a balanced life.  What tools I've been using since becoming a mom have helped me re-establish my relationship with balance and how it's ever-changing. I'm going to give you those tools throughout the episode and if you think this will work for you and you like it, do your community a favor and share it. Visit olgasway.com for full show notes.   My doors will be opening soon on the September 26 cohort of my Reset Your Mindset group. So if this is for you, if you are a perfectionist, attached to achievements, overdoing, constantly fed up with your own mind, wanting to get a break from thinking so much from feeling disappointed from

  • Is failure actually a failure?

    19/09/2022 Duration: 20min

    How many times have you lowered your goals and expectations? How many times have you quit even before setting the goal? Quitting before completing any of your goals comes from how you perceive failure. Visit olgasway.com for full show notes.   My doors will be opening soon on the September 26 cohort of my Reset Your Mindset group. So if this is for you, if you are a perfectionist, attached to achievements, overdoing, constantly fed up with your own mind, wanting to get a break from thinking so much from feeling disappointed from being so hard on yourself. I want to coach you through that.

  • Worry - Your biggest expense

    12/09/2022 Duration: 21min

    The brain either focuses on creation or destruction. There is a creative energy that is forming amazing experiences and there is the negative energy that is destroying the life of your dreams. How can we master focusing only on creative energy?  There is a faculty of your brain that uses discipline and can be incredibly powerful to you. This is the power that highly successful people are grasping. They also master focusing on tangible things and not the dreamy type of manifestation that implies that if you just think hard enough, then you will get all that you desire.  In this episode, I want to explain to you the power of mastering this creative energy and simple techniques for you to learn how to do what you manifest. This will help you only focus on what you want without distractions and fear of stepping out of what makes us feel safe. Visit olgasway.com for full show notes.   My doors will be opening soon for the September cohort of my Reset Your Mindset group. So if this is for you, if you are a perfecti

  • Taking a leap of faith with Lina

    05/09/2022 Duration: 47min

    It’s the quiet ones that exude the most power. This is because their transformation from shyness to loud strength requires a stronger level of work and dedication to themselves. In today’s episode, I speak with Lina, who in my head is an underdog. She came into the Reset Your Mind course just identifying the many things she had to work through and really doubting herself. She wanted to progress in her career and was too afraid of moving forward because of previous life experiences in Colombia. She became aware that she was afraid of leading and didn't know how. She needed to learn from other courageous women that have overcome really difficult situations in life.  With a shift in her mindset, Lina was able to accomplish higher levels of confidence and so much more. “I started thinking positively. It was like, I can do it all! So I felt comfortable. I felt confident.” - Lina Visit olgasway.com for full show notes. My doors will be opening soon for the September cohort of my Reset Your Mindset group. I'm also g

  • Living the life of your dreams with Janine & Myriem

    29/08/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Going for the life of your dreams is to dive into a thick layer of discomfort. It is easier for us to look away from what’s really painful and just go around the edges onto another painful area. But what happens when you allow yourself to feel comfortable in the pain and be willing to be open to the support of others? In this episode, my friends, Janine and Myriem are just finishing their first round of Reset Your Mindset. And in these past 12 weeks, they both have had beautiful transformations happen. I thought if I was to tell you their story, I would really cut corners. So I invited them to the show since I know I would not do justice to their own experience of seeking support. It is important that you listen to their beautiful voices and their new commitment to living the life of their dreams. “I think the biggest thing is we deserve as women to feel good and we make others feel good when we feel good. It helps us to be better moms, better friends, and better cheerleaders. And it also helps us to feel bet

  • The value of being vulnerable with Geneviève & Melissa

    22/08/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    Everyone is a work in progress. And we also have to understand that we're not perfect. No, one's perfect. We all have things that we're working on and that's why we decide to change our mindset through life coaching.  In this episode, Geneviève and Melissa, and I talk about the amazing advantages of signing up for anything self-help as well as the real obstacles we face when we decide to take a step towards our own personal development and growth. “I am forever grateful to all of the very difficult life experiences that have taught me the tools that I now teach because I wouldn't have been able to be such a good teacher of these tools.” - Geneviève Visit olgasway.com for full show notes.   My doors will be opening soon for the September cohort of my Reset Your Mindset group. I'm also going to be offering a Detox The Mind, five date live coaching in September, September 12. So if this is for you, if you are a perfectionist, attached to achievements, overdoing, constantly fed up with your own mind, wanting to g

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