Olga's Way



A Podcast from Olga's Way, includes wonderful audios on Meditation, Self-help, Relaxation, Motivation and much more.


  • Better Screen Time For Teens And Kids w. Andrea Davis

    22/05/2023 Duration: 59min

    Are you worried about how much time your children are spending on screens? Is social media healthy for teens, and pre-teens?   With everyone having electronics everywhere, what can you do to make a mindful decision to use them less?   This episode is everything you want and need to know about how to properly have conversations with your partner and children about the use of technology, electronics and screens. Andrea Davis is the founder of Better Screen Time and in this episode she shared ideas that have been tested by many families on how to connect more with our kids and have healthy boundaries with their screens. IT IS A MUST LISTEN TO.   Bio for Andrea Davis: Andrea Davis is a former secondary ed teacher turned screen-time-navigator. She is the founder of Better Screen Time where she shares family-tested ideas from the (tech) trenches as a mom of five. She is on a mission to help parents worry less about tech, and connect more with their kids. Andrea is the author of Creating a Tech-Healthy Family and is

  • Money Mastering with Debbie Sassen

    15/05/2023 Duration: 27min

    Money mastery has nothing to do with how good you are with numbers but rather, how much you believe you are worthy of having it. If you think you have some money mental blocks, this episode is for you!   Debbie Sassen is a Business and Money Mindset Coach and former Financial Planner. In this episode she explains that money is  intimately involved with everything we do in life,  and she tells us how to clear our money blocks to improve our relationship with money.    Have a troublesome relationship with money? This episode might be exactly what you need! Bio for Debbie Sassen:   Debbie Sassen is a Business and Money Mindset Coach and former Financial Planner. She helps midlife entrepreneurs create consistent 10K-20K months, without burnout and sacrificing their family. Because money is so intimately involved with everything we do in business, Debbie believes that clearing your money blocks makes EVERYTHING else easier. Her coaching combines business strategy, money management and mindset to help entrepreneu

  • The Weight Loss Solution w. Dr Amruti Choudhry

    08/05/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Are you done measuring food, macros and cutting out all things that make your heart and belly smile?   Do you want to lose weight but not by restricting yourself with diets that you do consistently for a while but that are not sustainable?   Well friend, this episode is for you. Dr. Amruti Choudhry explains in detail her restriction free process to help you reclaim your body but not from a place of hate, restriction or diet culture. Nope, she guides professional women to connect with their body with intuition, science and a heck of a lot of love.   One of the steps she recommends is lower your insulin levels and log what food is doing for you (saving you from boredom, giving you a break from taking care of others, etc…). She guides the conversation in a fun and light way.   Listen in! Bio for Dr. Amruti Choudhry: Dr Amruti Choudhry is an Advanced Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach for women professionals and a Doctor/Physician in the UK.    She helps women feel lighter in their minds and lives, so they c

  • How To Lower Expectations But Have High Standards wit Katerina Arapis

    01/05/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    High achievers have many amazing skills. We jump into action, we do as much as needed to see the end result happening and we are willing to fail as many times as possible in order to make things happen. HOWEVER, we also tend to be very hard on ourselves and place unrealistically high expectations on ourselves.   We confuse high expectations with high standards.   In this episode, business coach Kat Arapis and Life coach Olga Lacroix talk about the tools they teach their clients to lower their not humanly possible expectations but, without sacrificing their quality of work and high standards.   Listen in, because there is a way to achieve without stress. Kat Arapis Bio: Kat is a Master Certified Coach and Business Strategist for coaches, experts and consultants who want to simplify + master what actually creates clients -- without pressure or busywork.   Her clients work less, make more and actually live + love their lives fully through the process of working together as they make 100k on repeat in their bus

  • The Healing Power Of Writing w. Jacqueline Fisch

    17/04/2023 Duration: 57min

    This episode is a mix of a few things… all writing related. IT IS A MUST listen. Author, coach and writer expert, Jacqueline Fisch tells us how she started her own journey as a copywriter and how that has led her to the writing of two books, and to becoming the founder of the Intuitive Writing School.    If you want to learn about the psychology behind journaling, how the moon cycles benefit the type of writing or journaling you do and, to hear some fun prompts to get you started on this journaling thing… tune in and listen. This is a fun and interesting conversation.   Bio for Jacqueline Fisch: Jacqueline Fisch is an author, copywriter, and intuitive writing coach. She’s the founder of The Intuitive Writing School, a space for creatives who have a writing project on their heart and business owners who want to sound authentic while they make an impact on the world.   Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for client

  • Overcoming Burnout w Maggie Perotin

    10/04/2023 Duration: 49min

    We all want to succeed, but many of us go about it the wrong way. We tend to over-do, people-please and totally ignore ourselves. The results? Success BUT with burnout.   How long can you sustain success if you burn out?   In this episode, I interviewed a wonderful coach who learned a lot from her own experience of over-working, over-doing and over-ignoring her needs. She is here to teach us how mindfulness helped her make a switch and create a life of possibilities instead.    Are you ready to let go of burnout? Listen in! Bio for Maggie Perotin: As an international business and leadership coach, Maggie helps service-based business owners grow their businesses without overwhelm.   With her DREAM-PLAN-DO coaching model her clients scale while transforming into high-performing CEOs of their business.   Maggie has over 13 years of experience in corporate leadership roles and holds an executive MBA from Jack Welch Management Institute.   She lives in Ajax with her blended family with 4 kids. Maggie loves spend

  • Positive Psychology with Rita Ernst

    03/04/2023 Duration: 58min

    Attention high performers! This episode is for you!    If you have been caught up in the world of over-doing, over-performing and are feeling a little exhausted, it is time to do something about it. Imagine instead of running yourself to the ground to succeed, you learn the tools to ignite your extraordinariness?    Wouldn’t that be fun?  Have you heard of toxic positivity? It’s time to clarify what that is, and I brought an expert to do so. Please join me in this episode with Rita Ernst to uncover why we think positivity can be toxic, how to use happiness and positivity to be more productive and what internal resources you need to tap into when falling for the mental trap of not being enough. Tune in and listen! Bio for Rita Ernst: Rita Ernst owns Ignite Your Extraordinary, an organizational consulting practice emphasizing the convergence of happiness and productivity to create positive, committed,high-performing organizations. She holds an advanced degree in Organizational Psychology from Clemson Unive

  • How To Handle Big Diagnoses with Alison McLean

    27/03/2023 Duration: 45min

    When life gives you lemons, what do you do?  LEMONADE!   Easier said than done, right?   One of the reasons I enjoy mindset coaching is because I get to teach others how to use their mindset powerfully and in their favor, no matter how many lemons life throws at them! In this episode, I am interviewing a coach who has lived with very difficult diagnoses and has beautifully used her mindset to help her heal.   Join me in an episode that will give you hope and tools to cope with difficult life events.  Bio for Alison McLean: The Wellness Entrepreneur’s Business Coach Physical Therapist, Yoga Therapist, Massage Therapist & Coach   For the last couple of decades I have helped hundreds of students overcome injury, pain and achieve their health goals. I had a successful and profitable physical therapy and wellness clinic while leading classes, workshops and yoga trainings.   Then I was diagnosed with Lynch syndrome a genetic mutation that puts me at high risk for several different types of cancer. Only a cou

  • Lowering Anxiety With Self-Hypnosis w Lindsey Carothers

    20/03/2023 Duration: 45min

    To all my anxious people: LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE.   Lindsey Carothers literally blew my mind away. She shares a couple of self-hypnosis techniques that  work like magic indeed to lower anxiety.   Fast, easy-to-use and effective techniques that you can start using right away.   If that doesn’t make you want to turn in to listen, this might: During the episode she literally HEALED me from my  life-long phobia to mice.    If you know me, you know I can’t even say the word mice without my skin crawling. Well, dear friends, I want to tell you that this conversational hypnosis fixed me. I no longer feel that phobia. It really did blow my mind away.   Come ready with pen and paper to take notes and learn to ease your anxiety in minutes. You will love Lindsey as much as I did.   Bio for Lindsey Carothers: Lindsey is a life coach for creative humans. She helps them get unstuck and into action so they can turn the creative dreams in their head into their reality, and live life on their own terms. She performed on Broa

  • Returning To Places Where You´ve Lived Trauma

    13/03/2023 Duration: 22min

    Returning to places where we’ve had previous trauma can be triggering, stressful and at times un-avoidable.    In this episode I walk you through a short list of steps that you can take to feel safe, when having to go back to places where you’ve experienced trauma.   Whether the place of trauma for you is a hospital, a specific street, or like in my case, an entire country, it is important to recognize that trauma lives in our bodies and it is necessary to address it.    Here this episode with curiosity and love, you deserve it. Helpful links: Join detox the mind: https://olgasway.com/detox-the-mind-5-day/  Instagram: @olgas.way.coaching Visit my Website: https://olgasway.com  Join my weekly Newsletter: https://olgasway.com/newsletter/  Book a FREE Discovery Call: https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min

  • Investing In Your Marriage with Maggie Reyes

    06/03/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Every year your relationship grows or dies.    Marriage is such an important part of life, if it’s working well, all other things in life are well or manageable, but when the marriage isn’t working, it really feels like it impacts all other parts of life.   If you are in a long term relationship, it’s important to self-reflect on how you are helping it grow year by year. If you aren’t growing it, nourishing it intentionally, how are you contributing to its lasting effects?   Marriage, like happiness, mental health and physical health, requires work, dedication and from time to time, external help.    Maggie Reyes is a Marriage mentor who specializes in helping driven, ambitious women create their best marriages, without waiting for their partners to change or adding more work to their lives.   In this episode she talks about the “vitamins” that every marriage needs to thrive. Have a listen and fall in love with her work. Bio for Maggie Reyes: Maggie Reyes is a Master Certified Life Coach and Modern Marriag

  • Parenting Strategies w Jeanine Mouchawar

    27/02/2023 Duration: 01h54s

    Have you ever wondered if you are the only one struggling with setting boundaries and consequences with your children?   No matter their age, as long as you’re a parent, you have a very important job that comes with no instructions and it is very challenging. We are left to figure it out ourselves.   We follow patterns our parents did, some of us have educated ourselves on best practices, but we are never quite sure if we are doing it right. Right?   Well, in this episode, I interviewed a parenting coach expert who walks us through five steps that makes parenting less about “fixing” and more about intentional communication.    Have a listen, you will enjoy it!   Bio for Jeanine Mouchawar: Jeanine Mouchawar is a life coach for parents who want a better relationship with their teen.   Links for Jeanine Mouchawar: Website: www.jeaninemouchawar.com Instagram: @jeaninemouchawarcoaching Facebook: jeaninemouchawarcoaching  

  • Anxious To Confident

    20/02/2023 Duration: 40min

    This episode was from a series of workshops Olga taught in the Spring of 2022 about anxiety. This particular episode focuses on why we have body image anxiety and how to eliminate it. Listen for a detailed step by step guidance on how to begin to approach your body image. If you find this episode helpful, please share it with your friends who may also struggle with body image issues.   Helpful links: Join detox the mind: https://olgasway.vipmembervault.com/products/courses/view/1137021/?preview=admin&preview_access=1137021  Instagram: @olgas.way.coaching Visit my Website: https://olgasway.com  Join my weekly Newsletter: https://olgasway.com/newsletter/  Book a FREE Discovery Call: https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min

  • You Are Techie w Nicole Trick Steinbach

    13/02/2023 Duration: 56min

     If you have ever said that you are “not a techy woman” please listen to this episode.    You will be pleasantly surprised to realize that you are in fact techy and that beginning to own this title and perception of you is not just helpful to you, but to all the women in our future generations to come.   Not long ago it was thought that women’s brains were smaller than men. We all know how much BS was in that thought. Nonetheless we believed it. Thinking that you are not techy is perpetuating a long history of not good enough that women have carried for years and it is time to put to rest.   Listen to my conversation with Tech expert, Nicole Trick   Bio for Nicole Trick Steinback: Nicole Trick Steinbach is the international bravery coach for women in technology. A former tech exec, she has worked in over 25 countries and is at home in both the US and Germany.  Nicole coaches women in tech all over the world to build their brave so that they stress less, work less, and earn more. Her podcast is Celebrate BRAVE

  • Anxiety Over Conflict

    06/02/2023 Duration: 36min

    How to stop the anxiety of creating conflict?   You really want to stop worrying about saying “the thing” that's going to create conflict, and you want to have a different relationship with speaking up. You want it to feel easy and comfortable? And most importantly, you don't want it to impact your relationships negatively. Right?  You need to listen to this episode.   This episode was a masterclass Olga delivered in the spring of 2022 and today, she is releasing it as an episode for all of you to get access to her insights of how to stop feeling anxious about creating conflict.    All the steps are in here. All you need to do is listen attentively, take note and move into action.   Helpful links: Join reset your mindset: https://olgasway.com/reset-your-mindset/  Instagram: @olgas.way.coaching Visit my Website: https://olgasway.com  Join my weekly Newsletter: https://olgasway.com/newsletter/  Book a FREE Discovery Call: https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min

  • The Five Steps To Create Magic

    30/01/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    Magic does exist and in this episode we will tell you all about it.   In this episode, Carolina Angarita (best selling author, international speaker, CEO and founder of Carolina Angarita) is explaining in detail how to implement five steps into your life that will turn on the magic. These steps include time management techniques as well as mind-blowing thoughts that enhance success. If you are feeling the need for a little motivation, this is for you. Helpful links:   Carolina Angarita: https://caroangaritab.com  Join Reset your Mindset here : https://olgasway.com/reset-your-mindset/  Visit my Website: https://olgasway.com  Join my weekly Newsletter: https://olgasway.com/newsletter/  Book a FREE Discovery Call: https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min

  • What To Do When You Fall Off The Plan

    23/01/2023 Duration: 32min

    Show notes:   This episode will give you the exact steps to follow when you fall of the plan.   Whether your plan was to lose weight, to start a new hobby or to save money, we all tend to quit when we “fail” at making perfect progress.   As humans, we will never be perfect, which is why it’s so important that we learn to fail. That’s right, failure is a skill. It needs to be developed. Listen for more details. Audio clip: your biggest enemy here is gonna be your own mind who's gonna say if you make it okay to fail, you're going to be a constant failure. That's not true. Actual failure means not getting re engaging in your plan might quitting before because you think one mistake was too big to continue. So first thing is to make it okay. Really give yourself permission to come up with a plan. And in fact expect that you know, I used to be an addictions counselor, that was my first job as a therapist. And we did relapse prevention the entire time. And we did relapse not only prevention, but once you if you li

  • Money Anxiety

    16/01/2023 Duration: 34min

    Money anxiety. In this episode I will give you the exact steps I followed to go from being a broke refugee to owning multiple real estate properties.   While there is some strategy involved, my focus point for this episode is to teach you to manage your mind and its relationship with money.    Listen up to gain a new perspective on why you might feel anxious around money, what to do about it and how to begin to have a mindset of abundance.   Being rich isn’t about having money. Being rich is about being thankful for what you have. Helpful Links: Join detox the mind: https://olgasway.vipmembervault.com/products/courses/view/1137021/?preview=admin&preview_access=1137021  Instagram: @olgas.way.coaching Visit my Website: https://olgasway.com  Join my weekly Newsletter: https://olgasway.com/newsletter/  Book a FREE Discovery Call:  https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min

  • Detox Your Mind 101

    09/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    This episode will walk you through some basic steps to stop the mean inner conversation in your head.   Thoughts can be like beautiful flowers or like nasty weeds. Our job is to take care of the garden in which they grow (the mind). Everyone needs to clean the garden from weeds, so our mind is no different. We need to clean the mind on a regular basis in order to ensure that our “weedy” thoughts aren’t taking up all the space in which beautiful flowers can grow.   Grab pen and paper, because in this episode, you will need to take notes.   Let’s detox!   Helpful Links: Join detox the mind: https://olgasway.vipmembervault.com/products/courses/view/1137021/?preview=admin&preview_access=1137021  Instagram : @olgas.way.coaching Visit my Website: https://olgasway.com  Join my weekly Newsletter: https://olgasway.com/newsletter/  Book a FREE Discovery Call: https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min

  • 2002 In Review

    02/01/2023 Duration: 43min

    Show notes: Every year that ends leave us with some pretty significant lessons. It is totally up to us to grab those lessons and bring them forward to the new year. In this episode, I’m walking you through my biggest lessons of 2022.  I will tell you the strategies I use to review my year and how I intentionally choose what to do with those lessons moving forward. Listening to this episode will for sure help you reflect on your own 2022 and the lessons it gave you.   Helpful Links:   Join detox the mind: https://olgasway.vipmembervault.com/products/courses/view/1137021/?preview=admin&preview_access=1137021  Instagram : @olgas.way.coaching Visit my Website: https://olgasway.com  Join my weekly Newsletter: https://olgasway.com/newsletter/  Book a FREE Discovery Call: https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min 

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