Olga's Way



A Podcast from Olga's Way, includes wonderful audios on Meditation, Self-help, Relaxation, Motivation and much more.


  • Connection and Vulnerability

    12/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    In this thought-provoking episode, we dive deep into the often misunderstood concept of vulnerability. Have you ever considered vulnerability as something negative? You're not alone. Yet, it's time to challenge this perspective. We explore how vulnerability is not about weakness, but about building authentic connections and being courageously true to ourselves. Discover why the opposite of vulnerability isn't strength, but rather, it's building walls - walls that, while seeming protective, actually lead to disconnection and loneliness. We discuss how embracing vulnerability is essential for growing relationships, fostering trust, and developing a genuine sense of belonging. Join us as we unravel the power of being your authentic self, sharing your unique voice, and allowing others to truly see you. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's an invitation to let the idea of vulnerability resonate with you on a deeper level.  Listen now and transform your perspective on vulnerability, connection, and p

  • Turning The Page: Moms and Coaches On Overcoming January's Slump (With Guest Speaker Katelyn Denning)

    05/02/2024 Duration: 01h08s

    Welcome to our latest podcast episode where authenticity and rawness meet! A Tale of Two Coaches. Two friends, two mamas!!!    Join me and my dear friend and colleague, Katelyn Dennind, as we share an unfiltered exploration of January's ups and downs.   In this heartfelt conversation, we, two coaches and mothers, share our raw, real-life experiences - from handling sick kids and mounting workloads to struggling with self-care and dwindling personal energy. We dive deep into the strategies that helped us overcome the January slump, offering insights and reflections that are not only relatable but also empowering. Whether you're a fellow mom, a professional juggling multiple roles, or anyone feeling the post-January blues, this episode promises to be an enlightening journey through the highs and lows of everyday life. Tune in for an episode filled with vulnerability, resilience, and the shared wisdom of two women who've lived it.   Important Links:   ●      Join Reset your Mindset wait list for the May group:

  • Taking A Pause

    29/01/2024 Duration: 31min
  • Its OK To NOT Be OK

    22/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    This week, we're exploring a topic that resonates with everyone at some point in their lives: the resistance to feeling 'not okay.' Key Highlights: ●      Understanding Human Emotions: We discuss why it's perfectly normal to have periods where we don't feel okay and why accepting this can be a game-changer for your mental health and emotional well-being. ●      Personal Insights: I share my recent experiences with fluctuating emotions, from hope and excitement to grief and gratitude, and how these are all part of our rich, human experience. ●      The Trap of Resistance: Learn how resisting our feelings of 'not okeyness' can lead to more suffering and discover strategies to navigate these emotions with more ease and understanding. ●      Embracing Vulnerability: Tips on how to embrace these moments with courage and self-compassion, turning them into opportunities for personal growth and resilience. ●      Your Toolkit for Tough Times: Practical advice and mindfulness techniques to help you through t

  • Embrancing Imbalance

    15/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    In this episode: Olga dives into the concept of balance in life and relationships. She shares a coaching session experience, sparking a discussion on how imbalance is crucial for personal growth. Hear about Olga’s personal journey with IVF and how it shapes her understanding of balance. Learn to recognize your own signs of being off balance and the importance of embracing these moments. Discover how imbalance can lead to creativity, healing, and a new perspective. Tune in as Olga navigates the often misunderstood path of finding balance through embracing life's imbalances. A must-listen for anyone seeking to understand and harness the power of life’s ebbs and flows. Important links:   Join Reset your Mindset for moms: https://witty-hall-166.myflodesk.com If you are a former client of Olga- Consider joining 'The Practice' for ongoing support and community engagement.https://olgaswaycoaching.myflodesk.com/thepractice Book a complimentary discover call: https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-c

  • Create Your Best Year

    08/01/2024 Duration: 33min

    Join Olga in this inspiring and heartfelt episode of "Create your Best Year." Dive into a journey of self-discovery and goal setting, designed to make this year your best one yet. Despite personal challenges, including her recent experience with IVF, Olga shares powerful insights on how to transform your life by focusing on you. Key Topics: ●      Reviewing the past year: Olga encourages listeners to reflect on the highs and lows of their past year, offering a downloadable PDF with reflective questions. ●      The power of 12-week planning: Drawing from the principles of the book "The 12 Week Year," Olga explains how breaking down goals into 12-week segments can lead to greater focus and accomplishment. ●      Making decisions focused on personal happiness and values. ●      The concept of 'purpose' as a guiding force for the year. ●      Olga's personal journey with IVF and embracing acceptance. ●      The significance of reviewing past relationships, habits, and decisions to shape a better future

  • Change Your Life In 2024

    01/01/2024 Duration: 56min

    In this inspiring first episode of 2024, we delve into transforming your life through conscious decision-making and determination. We explore the power of the compound effect in everyday decisions, the importance of consistency, and overcoming life's inevitable barriers. Key Points:          The Compound Effect of Decision Making: ●      Discover how small, consistent choices lead to significant life changes. ●      Learn practical strategies for better daily decision-making.          Consistency and Overcoming Barriers: ●      Strategies for maintaining consistency in personal growth, even during tough times. ●      The importance of overcoming mental and emotional barriers.          Focusing on One Area of Growth: ●      The power of dedicating your energy to one significant area of personal growth.          Harnessing the Energy of Decision and Determination: ●      Tips for using determination to achieve your goals. ●      Making powerful life decisions with confidence.   

  • Lessons Learned a Year of Growth

    25/12/2023 Duration: 41min

    In today's episode, join me in a reflective journey as I unwrap key lessons from the past year, offering insights and strategies for personal growth and balance in life. I hope these lessons will help you in the upcoming year and inspire you to reflect on the lessons you have learned in your own life.   Some takeaways:   Embracing 'Less is More': Discover how prioritizing and focusing on fewer tasks can lead to enhanced productivity and fulfillment. Overcoming the Fear of Boredom: Learn to leverage boredom as a catalyst for creativity and personal development. Parenting without Screens: Understand the benefits of screen-free parenting in nurturing children's creativity and attention.   Don't miss out on the early bird pricing for my program Reset Your Mindset for Moms, register before December 31st for only $1,200 CAD (regular price is $2,000) and access to my virtual goal setting retreat. Book a free call with me if you have any questions about this program or how to work with me.   Helpful links: Join Res

  • Interrupting Negativity

    18/12/2023 Duration: 32min

    Today's episode is an invitation to interrupt negativity, a critical skill that will allow you to change your thought patterns. With personal reflections and hands-on tips, we will explore practical ways to shift your mindset and enhance your daily life.   Embrace Mindfulness and 'Think Again': Becoming an observer of your own thoughts is a key practice in mindfulness. Every life experience starts with a thought, and sometimes, we need to hit pause, reflect, and 'think again'. This mindful practice helps shift perspectives, enabling you to see life in vibrant colors, rather than shades of gray. Download my FREE Workbook to apply this skill to your own life. Physical Movement and Gratitude as Game Changers: Never underestimate the power of a simple walk or a gratitude list. Physical activity and acknowledging what you're thankful for can dramatically shift your mood and perspective. These are powerful tools to snap out of a funk and see the brighter side of life. The Magic of Social Connections: Remember, iso

  • What Do I Need To Release?

    11/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    In today's episode, we're tackling a big question: What Do I Need to Release? We'll get into real talk about letting go of what's holding us back, while exploring my own stories and my experience coaching high-achieving clients. This episode is all about cutting loose from the mental and emotional burdens that drags us down, so we can find balance and inner peace.   Key Takeaways: Mindful Letting Go: We're looking at how to figure out what's weighing us down and the best ways to let it go. Think about holding something not too tightly, but not too loosely either – finding that comfortable middle ground in life. Power in Self-Reflection: I'll share bits from my own life and coaching experiences to show how taking a good look at ourselves and writing down our thoughts can really change the game in overcoming fears and doubts. Learning to Forgive and Grow: We discuss why it's important to forgive others and ourselves as part of letting go. It's about getting over the past and making room for new opportunitie

  • Unpacking "Imposter Syndrome"

    04/12/2023 Duration: 24min

    Today's episode explores a topic that resonates deeply with both professional women and men: Imposter Syndrome. I invite you to only not identify this pervasive feeling of being a fraud, despite evident success; but to work on your own mindset to flip the script. Key Takeaways: Embrace Self-Awareness: Our journey starts with recognizing and acknowledging those imposter feelings. It’s about differentiating between what’s a fact and what’s just a feeling. Remember, awareness is your roadmap to change. Reframe Your Perspective: Challenge those self-doubt narratives. Instead of questioning your belonging, affirm your unique value. Ask yourself, “What unique skills do I bring to the table?” This shift in perspective is crucial in transforming imposter syndrome into a source of empowerment. Normalizing & Overcoming: Understand that imposter syndrome often stems from societal pressures and our responses to success. It’s okay not to have all the answers. Embrace your achievements and your journey. Let's cultiv

  • Pain Is Inevitable, Suffering Is An Option

    28/11/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this episode of "Be the CEO of Your Life" and we're diving deep into a profound concept: pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Remember, you have the power to respond to life's challenges with resilience. Key Takeaways: Feel Your Feelings Fully Allow yourself to fully feel your emotions when facing pain. Give yourself 90 seconds to experience an emotion fully. Embrace it without resistance to move toward healing and growth. Acceptance is Not Approval Accept the reality of pain without approving or liking it. Shift from "what if" to "what is" to process pain effectively and reduce unnecessary suffering. Cultivate Resiliency Through Mindfulness Practice mindfulness to stay present with your emotions. Shift focus from projecting pain into the future to dealing with what's happening now. Choose to transform pain into personal growth and wisdom.   Share this episode and check out our coaching program, Being the CEO of Your Life for a transformative year ahead. Helpful links: Join Detox t

  • How To Deal With Difficult People

    20/11/2023 Duration: 24min

    A very common suggestion is to cut difficult people out of your life, but I think that's not always realistic.    You can't avoid everybody who you find difficult. What if that difficult person is a family member? What if it's a coworker? What if it's your boss? Are you going to forever and ever avoid seeing a relative or not going to work?    In order to properly cope with a difficult person, we have to be ready to apply some self control and to employ our best resources to set limits and be authentic.    In today’s new episode, I will give you some of my ideas as to how you can deal with difficult people in your life. It is possible!    Go to my link in bio to listen.

  • Mom: You Are Not An Octupus

    13/11/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, we dive deep into the common challenges faced by working moms and explore practical strategies to find balance, overcome mom guilt, and prioritize self-care.  Key Takeaways: Prioritize Self-Care: It's not selfish to take time for yourself. In fact, it's essential for your well-being and the well-being of your family. Start by scheduling regular self-care moments into your calendar, and don't be afraid to ask for help or delegate responsibilities when needed. Remember, a well-rested and happy mom is a better mom. Normalize Asking for Help: You don't have to do it all alone. Reach out to your partner, family, or friends for support. Don't assume they know what you need; communicate your needs clearly. Building a network of support is not only beneficial for you but also sets a positive example for others to ask for help when they need it. Overcome Mom Guilt: Mom guilt is a common struggle, but it's not productive. Reframe guilt-inducing thoughts with self-compassion and gratitude. Celebra

  • Developing Leadership Skills to Lead in Your Life

    06/11/2023 Duration: 33min

    Join us for an episode that's a catalyst for transformation. Specially crafted for high-achieving, perfectionist women in leadership roles as well as those struggling with overwhelm, we’re going to unpack strategies that will elevate you to the CEO position in your life, your happiness, and your relationships. Key Takeaways: Prioritize Self-Care: Allocate at least 20 minutes a day for yourself. Use this time to decompress, meditate, or engage in an activity you love. This is not selfish; it’s a vital step in becoming a successful leader in your own life. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and set boundaries where needed. Whether it's at work or home, clearly define what you can tolerate and stick to it. Boundaries are the roadmaps to self-respect and better relationships. Invest in Skill Development: Whether through coaching, therapy, or self-learning, invest in developing your leadership skills. Make it a habit to read, watch or listen to materials that nourish your mindset and skills. If this episode h

  • Empathy In Leadership w Greg Kligman

    30/10/2023 Duration: 57min

    Don't miss this thought-provoking episode where Olga Lacroix and Greg Kligman discuss the transformative power of empathy in leadership. Whether you're at the helm of a corporation, or leading your own life and family this conversation offers invaluable perspectives on being a more empathetic and effective leader.   Key Takeaways: We communicate empathy with LOVE. Greg shares an acronym we can use to be reminded of the different components of empathy: Listening Observing Validating Exploring Implement Empathetic Listening: Upgrade your communication style by practicing empathetic listening. This not only fosters trust but also leads to better decision-making. Olga and Greg discuss its importance and how it varies in different settings. Prioritize Self-Care, Especially for Empaths: As highlighted by Greg, if you’re someone who naturally takes on others’ emotional burdens, don’t neglect self-care. Make it a point to set aside time for yourself to recharge and set boundaries, as this contributes to better lea

  • Blame vs Responsability

    23/10/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, we explore the subtle yet powerful difference between blame and responsibility. Learn how understanding this distinction can transform your personal and professional life, empowering you to move forward with clarity and confidence. From personal anecdotes to actionable steps, we dive deep into the topic of responsibility and how to embrace a growth-mindset. Key Takeaways: Blame vs Responsibility: Blame often disempowers us, leading to feelings of inadequacy. In contrast, taking responsibility empowers us, opening the door for growth and learning. Recognizing the difference can drastically change how we approach challenges. Importance of Responsibility: For high achieving women, particularly those in leadership roles, embracing responsibility fosters growth, strengthens relationships, and establishes trust. It's not about guilt, but about learning, evolving, and setting an example for others. Embrace Responsibility by using one of the actionable steps outlined in the episode. Do a self-audit

  • How To Have Difficult Conversations With People You Love

    16/10/2023 Duration: 27min

    In this episode of "Be the CEO of Your Life," we delve into the art of having difficult conversations with those closest to us. We discuss why it's essential, the consequences of avoiding them, and the steps to approach them constructively. Whether it's a loved one, colleague, or friend, mastering this skill can transform your relationships. Key Takeaways: Recognize the Right Time and Environment: Understand when you're emotionally equipped to handle the conversation. Master the Art of Communication: Use "I" statements to express feelings and avoid blame. Use active listening techniques and non-verbal cues. Follow-Up & Accountability: After the conversation, check in with each other and decide on actionable steps and how to remain accountable. For those looking to dive deeper into self-awareness and improving communication, consider booking a free discovery call to explore how life coaching can assist (https://calendly.com/olgasway/discovery-call-15min). Remember, difficult conversations are a gatew

  • The Three Vision Boards You Have To Have

    09/10/2023 Duration: 25min

    Welcome to a transformative episode of "Be the CEO of Your Life." Dive into the world of vision boards, but not the kind you might have on your wall right now. Discover the secret of creating three targeted vision boards to align with every facet of your desires. Why three? Because a one-size-fits-all approach to your life goals doesn't cut it. Let’s journey together into a perspective shift you've likely never considered before. Key Takeaways: The Power of Personal Affirmations: Crafting your personal affirmations is not just about feel-good quotes. It's about centering your life's peaks and valleys, turning them into empowering statements. These become your grounding mantras, your North Star, guiding you back to your purpose. Three Vision Boards for Holistic Aspirations: What Drives You: This board is your powerhouse, the roadmap that embodies your ambitions, milestones, and long-term objectives. What Inspires You: This board is about capturing the essence of what fuels your soul. It's the catalysts

  • The Confident Introvert with Heidi Weiland

    02/10/2023 Duration: 49min

    In this episode, Olga hosts Heidi, a confidence coach for introverted women, to discuss the challenges and strategies for introverts in social situations. Key Takeaways: Cultural Influence on Introverts: Introverts often struggle with confidence due to societal values that prioritize extroverted characteristics. Recognizing and valuing their unique strengths is essential to building confidence. Understanding Social Anxiety: Introverts may experience social anxiety, but it's essential to avoid labeling oneself and focus on recognizing stress signals in the body. Developing strategies to reduce stress both in the moment and proactively can help. Overthinking: A Common Thread: Both introverts and extroverts can experience overthinking in social situations. It's a common human tendency. Acknowledging and managing overthinking can improve social interactions for all personality types. This episode offers valuable insights for introverts and extroverts alike, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance an

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