We Got Trouble



I got trouble | You got trouble | We all got trouble


  • Relating Long Term (08) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • Relating Long Term (07) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • Moral Children

    23/02/2017 Duration: 37min

    How does morality develop in children? Ava shares one perspective on that important and complex process in this episode of Let's Go Skidooing. I hope you find it informative and useful.

  • Just Don’t Screw Up

    23/02/2017 Duration: 03min

    James has an interesting proposition to share about what the purpose of leadership is. We are most always told that leaders do their leadership thing in the interest of a shared mission. What if the real value of leaders is their ability to help people to avoid screwing up? I think you will likely agree that it is worth a listen.

  • Relating Long Term (06) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • HTM 150 – Your Hidden Power – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    15/02/2017 Duration: 06min

    The How To Matter podcast team has a new speed round for you. This time, they focus on your hidden power. We call it intuition but it is so much more. Listen and learn how to tap into your hidden power.

  • Seeking Leadership

    15/02/2017 Duration: 04min

    James has a new episode of the Leadership Shop podcast just for you. What is a leader? What do leaders do? Do you know leadership when you experience it? James says it is pretty simple. A leader seeks what you seek, helps you succeed.

  • Gurus On Success – Audio TidBits Podcast

    13/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    In this episode of the Leadership Shop Podcast, the Leadership Shop podcast team collaborates to bring you the best from world class success gurus. The ideas and strategies they share equally apply to leadership and how great leaders succeed. Listen and pick out those approaches that will best serve you along your leadership journey.

  • Relating Long Term (05) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • Relating Long Term (04) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • Are You A Proactive Leader? – Audio TidBits Podcast

    08/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    This episode of the Leadership shop Podcast shows you the elements of proactive leadership. It gives you the opportunity to consider your approach to leadership and evaluate the extent to which you are a proactive leader. The members of the podcast team take turns presenting the elements so please listen and decide how your leadership fits with proactive leadership.

  • Relating Long Term (03) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • Little Lawman

    05/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    The Little Lawman is still there, doing what little lawmen have been doing for so very long.

  • Relating Long Term (02) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • Relating Long Term (01) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • Leadership: Managing Chaos

    01/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    In this episode of the Leadership Shop Podcast, James shares a perspective on leadership that may not be altogether obvious. We can reasonably conclude that leadership is primarily the management of chaos. Listen in to see if you agree with James or perhaps your perspective is quite different.

  • HTM 148 – Marriage & The Tie That Binds – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    01/02/2017 Duration: 08min

    Thanks for joining us for this episode of How To Matter. Lisa shares her perspective on The Marriage Triangle. Even though she is talking about marriage, her perspective works equally well for all committed adult relationships. Paul then shares a simple thought. When your life partner asks what you expect, it should be enough to say, " Treat me like I treat you." Listen in and get these perspectives directly from Lisa and Paul. I think you may find them helpful and definitely useful as you make a difference to people who make a difference to you.

  • HTM 147 – Tips For Making A Difference – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    25/01/2017 Duration: 06min

    The How To Matter podcast team has a new approach for sharing ideas about how to matter to people who matter to us, how to make a difference to people who make a difference to us. They are calling it a speed round. Let's listen in to see how a speed round works and to hear the ideas and tips the team has chosen to share.

  • Leaders Shall – Audio TidBits Podcast

    25/01/2017 Duration: 04min

    James has a special episode of the Leadership Shop Podcast for us. Regardless of our take on who is and is not a leader, whatever we think about what separates leaders from others, we can all agree that leaders need to do some things and not do others, need to behave in some ways and not in others. In this episode, James, with help from his associate, shares those things a leader should do, ways in which leaders should behave, how leaders should relate to others.

  • Making Me Do Something Is Leadership? – Audio TidBits Podcast

    18/01/2017 Duration: 02min

    James explores whether leadership has much to do with getting people to do things they would not otherwise do as some "experts" suggest. James concludes that such actions, although frequently effective, have little to do with leadership.

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