We Got Trouble



I got trouble | You got trouble | We all got trouble


  • HTM 158 – Advice, Wisdom & Getting Down To It – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    22/03/2017 Duration: 09min

    The podcast team is having another one of their idea generator sessions. Today they share with us that wisdom and stupidity are linked and that taking care of today’s business today not only is wise but is a good start on making a difference to people who make a difference to us. Please listen in on their conversation.  

  • Life’s Little Lessons Vol. 4 – Audio TidBits Podcast

    21/03/2017 Duration: 12min

    Thank you for choosing to go skidooing with us. We all have learned many of life's little lessons and certainly have found some of them more helpful than others. Daniel has developed a series of skidooing episodes that he thinks represent priority lessons. Those are lessons we should all take to heart. Please listen to this episode and consider whether you agree with Daniel.

  • Toronto, The Food Court & A New York Street – How To Matter

    20/03/2017 Duration: 10min

    The podcast team members come to us from three remote locations to share their insights. Although their focus is not specifically on making a difference to people who make a difference to us, their musings range from having thoughts no one has thought before to the fact that people who gossip about others will sooner or later be gossiping about us.  

  • Adaptive Leadership (001) – Audio TidBits Podcast

    17/03/2017 Duration: 06min

    In this episode of the Leadership Shop Podcast, we are introduced to adaptive leadership. In the past, it was enough for a leader to get the job done as the job is defined. The leader leads and the followers follow. That simple model is no longer enough. The world has become too complex and workers are no longer content to simply follow. Adaptive leadership is not only needed, it is required. Please listen to learn what adaptive leadership is all about. The series has thirteen episodes. This episode is where the discussion starts.

  • HTM 156 – May I Drive You Up The Wall, Please? – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    16/03/2017 Duration: 12min

    Do you wonder how the frustrating elite of the world manage to be so successful at driving everyone up the wall? Are you frequently impressed by their expertise? Do they have a skill set you want to emulate? Perhaps not but if at least knowing more about how they do what they do seems potentially helpful, please listen and learn.

  • Relating Long Term (11) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • HTM 155 – Guidedogs, Philosophy & Life’s Little Lessons – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    12/03/2017 Duration: 23min

    This episode of the How To Matter podcast features guidedogs but is as much about philosophy and little life lessons as about guidedogs. The elite Pilot Dogs are the teachers and we are the students. I invite you to listen and learn about guidedogs while you quietly learn about a few of life’s little lessons we all should take to heart. Please enjoy.

  • Life’s Little Lessons Vol. 3

    11/03/2017 Duration: 17min

    Thank you for choosing to go skidooing with us. We all have learned many of life's little lessons and certainly have found some of them more helpful than others. Daniel has developed a series of skidooing episodes that he thinks represent priority lessons. Those are lessons we should all take to heart. Please listen to this episode and consider whether you agree with Daniel.

  • Relating Long Term (10) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • Keeping On Is The Only Game In Town – Audio TidBits Podcast

    08/03/2017 Duration: 04min

    Things don't always go smoothly? Plans sometimes don't work out? You don't always win? Maybe you should just hang it up. But if that is not your style, this episode of the Skidooing Podcast was made for you.

  • Should You Be Boss?

    08/03/2017 Duration: 01min

    In this episode of the Leadership Shop Podcast, James asks us who should be boss. Importantly, the question is not who is boss since there are a lot of people who are boss but shouldn't be. If you wonder if you should be boss, you will want to listen to this episode to see how James would decide if you are the right person to be boss.

  • HTM 154 – Whose Fault? Anyone But Me. – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    08/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    Who drives you up the wall? Gary joins us today to share his perspective on the fault finders of the world and unfortunately now and then of our world. They would likely find reasons to criticize the tooth fairy. Fault finding is their stock and trade and they always, yes always find something or someone to pick about, someone or something for the focus of their criticism and fault finding. Gary has a pretty simple strategy we can use to be sure we are not tempted into the fault finder's negative world. Please listen. I am sure you will find the picture all too familiar.

  • Life’s Little Lessons Vol. 2 – Audio TidBits Podcast

    06/03/2017 Duration: 16min

    Thank you for choosing to go skidooing with us. We all have learned many of life's little lessons and certainly have found some of them more helpful than others. Daniel has developed a series of skidooing episodes that he thinks represent priority lessons. Those are lessons we should all take to heart. Please listen to this episode and consider whether you agree with Daniel.

  • Which Leadership Strategy Works Best? – Audio TidBits Podcast

    06/03/2017 Duration: 05min

    There are many takes on how to lead and which leadership strategies are most appropriate in which situations. In this episode of the Leadership Shop Podcast, James focuses on Four of the most popular leadership strategies. He also includes a brief quiz to see when and where you might want to use the four strategies. Please listen and then take the quiz.

  • HTM 153 – Rainy Days and Games – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    06/03/2017 Duration: 12min

    This episode of the How To Matter Podcast comes to you from the front porch of the How To Matter headquarters. It is a rainy afternoon and the podcast team is just kicking back and relaxing. They are not much into anything heavy but still have some tips for us about how to make a difference to people who make a difference to us. Even so, the episode is mostly just for fun. Listen and enjoy.

  • Strange Land Revisited

    06/03/2017 Duration: 03min

    Let's revisit the strange land from an earlier episode. It now benefits from or perhaps suffers from convolution reverberation. Listen carefully to make sure you don't miss the creature laughing at us. Perhaps we will visit the strange land again one day but one never knows. For now, here we go.

  • Relating Long Term (09) – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast


    Thanks for joining us for this special episode of the How To Matter podcast. James has developed a series about how to matter with people with whom you have a long term relationship. You are about to hear one of the episodes from the series. If you subscribed to the podcast from HowToMatter.net or from your favorite podcast player, all of the previous episodes in the series are there for you. Please enjoy this episode now.

  • A Leader Not Needed?

    01/03/2017 Duration: 03min

    James asks if a leader may not be needed. Please listen to see if you agree.

  • HTM 152 – Up Tight – Unhappy – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    01/03/2017 Duration: 06min

    Are you up tight and unhappy or perhaps someone you know is suffering from raging stress? If not, you are among the fortunate minority. Most people know someone for whom stress is a serious problem and many are experiencing very high levels of stress in their lives. Peter has developed this episode for the How To Matter podcast you will find interesting and may find helpful, either personally or as you make a difference to someone who makes a difference to you. Please listen.

  • Life’s Little Lessons Vol. 1 – Audio TidBits Podcast

    01/03/2017 Duration: 12min

    Thank you for choosing to go skidooing with us. We all have learned many of life's little lessons and certainly have found some of them more helpful than others. Daniel has developed a series of skidooing episodes that he thinks represent priority lessons. Those are lessons we should all take to heart. Please listen to this episode and consider whether you agree with Daniel.

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