We Got Trouble



I got trouble | You got trouble | We all got trouble


  • HTM 146 – Who Do You Want To Change? – How To Matter – Audio TidBits Podcast

    18/01/2017 Duration: 07min

    What do you want to change? Who do you want to change? It would be interesting if we could actually change things and perhaps even more interesting if we could change people. This episode of How To Matter revisits episode 8 where Gary shares his perspective on how much we can actually change. It has a few popping p's that resist fixing but I think you will find the episode worthy of reconsideration. You may find other past episodes enjoyable if you have time to dip into the archives. You can probably do that directly from your podcast player. If not, all past episodes are available on HowToMatter.net. Be well. Doo well. Visit us again on How To Matter.

  • Micah on Life & Learning – Audio TidBits Podcast

    11/01/2017 Duration: 06min

    What have you learned from life and living. If you have a fewminutes, join Micah while he shares a few insights he has picked up over the years. There is a fire in the fireplace and an easy chair where you can sit back and relax while Micah shares his thoughts with us.

  • Climbing The Ladder – Audio TidBits Podcast

    11/01/2017 Duration: 02min

    Are you climbing the ladder of success? If so, you may do well to take a few minutes to hear what James has to share.

  • Producing Leaders? – Audio TidBits Podcast

    07/01/2017 Duration: 02min

    Are you familiar with the idea that leaders produce more leaders? In this podcast, James focuses on that notion and points out that leaders do not produce more leaders any more than summer produces more sun shine.

  • Leaders Of Character – Audio TidBits Podcast

    04/01/2017 Duration: 02min

    We all know that character is a quality well worth cultivating but how that interplays with leadership is somewhat less than obvious. In this podcast, James slices and dices the issue and makes it perfectly clear. If being a leader of character appeals to you, listen and learn how it's done.

  • Dog Smart – Audio TidBits Podcast

    02/01/2017 Duration: 09min

    I am sure you are pretty smart, especially since you have decided to go Skidooing with me. Here is the question? Are you as smart as Gary's guide dog? Take a few minutes to listen and you will find the answer to this world changing question.

  • 101 Leadership Secrets – Audio TidBits Podcast

    28/12/2016 Duration: 16min

    Moving to the head of the line comes through hard work, good luck, and the careful application of intuition and well-developed political horse sense. This is certainly true; and it would also help if you were related to the boss or happened to be the only qualified person on the planet.  Short of this, can you move into a leadership position on your own initiative, understanding that being the boss and being a leader are not necessarily the same and often are not? There are no guarantees; but knowing the 101 secrets of leadership and applying them conscientiously and consistently is a good start. You may not make it to the head of the line but you are sure to start moving up.   Start your journey by thinking about people you know who stand out from the crowd, people who are certifiable class acts, people who everyone sees as leaders. They have three techniques down pat. First, they are originals. Their style and approach with people and situations are their trademarks. Second, they are not on-again, off-aga

  • To Decide or Not Decide – Audio TidBits Podcast

    28/12/2016 Duration: 02min

    James is focusing on decision making and decision makers. There may be an important point in there about leaders and their relationship to decisions, but James is skeptical.

  • Leadership Hunt – Audio TidBits Podcast

    21/12/2016 Duration: 04min

    James gives us a complex notion to ponder as we wonder who is and who is not a leader, what and what is not leadership. As I consider his thought process, I find myself continuing to question whether leadership is something real and identifiable or instead an artificial construct that we like to impose on some people and situations that we do not understand. Why are some people unusually successful while others are not? Why do some groups excel while others do not? What really accounts for the world's winners and losers? I suggest you listen and come to your own conclusion.

  • Leadership May Not Be Real – Audio TidBits Podcast

    14/12/2016 Duration: 05min

    James brings his own take to whether leadership is real or just a clever way of putting a label on some people who happen to be rather talented and particularly lucky. Do you think leadership is a real thing or is it just the way some writers choose to describe people who they think have been unusually successful at doing whatever the writer values? It might go either way. Listen and see what you conclude.

  • Who Does Your Thinking? – Audio TidBits Podcast

    08/12/2016 Duration: 03min

    I doubt that many would disagree with the notion that thinking for yourself is definitely the way to go. Given that popular belief, James raises the question asking if thinking for one's self is a good idea, why do so few people actually do it? If this causes any curiosity, listen to the podcast to hear what else James has to say on the topic.

  • Things Under Control

    30/11/2016 Duration: 03min

    Is everything under control? Sparky hopes not. Listen to the podcast to find out why.

  • Doing To Do – Audio TidBits Podcast

    19/11/2016 Duration: 02min

    Are things piling up and its three steps forward and two steps back day after day? Is your to do list getting way to long to ever get done? Well, James has the perfect plan for you. Tune in and have a listen. Your list is just about to get much shorter.

  • Go Ahead, Quit Before You Are finished – Audio TidBits Podcast

    05/11/2016 Duration: 02min

    James has an important message for you in this episode of Leadership shop. He says it is time to get down to it. If you aren't up to it, it may then be time to learn how doing less than necessary is little better than doing nothing.

  • Change Management

    26/10/2016 Duration: 02min

    I don't often tell you that a particular episode of Leadership Shop is a must listen but this one may very well be. James is talking about change management and comes quickly to the nub of the matter. Change is not optional. The only question is whether or not you are going to play the change game or the game is going to play you, or merely leave you behind.

  • Fail To Win? – Audio TidBits Podcast

    12/10/2016 Duration: 02min

    A quick look at the success literature may give you the impression that making mistakes is the surest path to success. James has an alternative perspective for you in this episode of the Leadership Shop podcast. It is definitely worth a listen and moreover, it is worth well considering the advice James includes. Make mistakes if you cannot avoid them, but never confuse doing it wrong with getting it right, the first time, on time, every time. As someone famous likely said, losing is never as good as winning.

  • I Did Does Not Necessarily Mean You Can – Audio TidBits Podcast

    10/10/2016 Duration: 03min

    James is back with an important success tip. You know what you did, your experience. Others also know about that or can fairly quickly learn. You also have a good notion about "can," what you can do. For that, the path to knowing for others is not quite so transparent. James finishes with a short quiz that helps you get a handle on the "can" side of the did/can coin.

  • Success Is But A Failure Away – Audio TidBits Podcast

    02/10/2016 Duration: 03min

    James has a definite winner for us in this episode of Leadership Shop. He points out that always being successful is not very likely for any of us. At the same time, failure is not something we will find particularly terrific, although it is not altogether avoidable. The key is in finding a place where we can deal with both, always focusing on sticking to the path to success. Sure, it's not simple and even harder to figure out. Listen to the podcast. James does a much better job than I do with explaining the convergence of failure and success.

  • Do You Stack Up?

    26/09/2016 Duration: 03min

    James brings you an old story well worth remembering. Are you moving up the org chart or perhaps you only would like to move up the chart. You may think you will move based on being qualified for the next rung up. Silly you. That's not the way it works. Tune in and James will fill you in on how it really works.

  • Smart Luck

    18/09/2016 Duration: 02min

    James brings us some timely advice just right for getting on with getting on today. We all know about luck and even dumb luck. James lets us know about Smart Luck, the luckiest luck of all.

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