Raven On Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 267:09:58
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Raven On is a podcast of all things Game of Thrones, recorded every Tuesday after each episode (and if all goes well, out on Wednesdays). It features Brisbane-based journalists and GoT tragics - general gadfly Natalie Bochenski (@girlclumsy) and the chocolate-voiced mountain god Stuart Layt (@discostu).


  • Who's Raven On S11E4

    02/11/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    SPIDERS! GIANT SPIDERS! RAP MUSIC! MR BIG! It's all happening on this week's episode, as Nat & Stu wrap their hairy legs around toxic Sheffield spiders and irresponsible yet ebullient capitalism. There's a bit of talk about how Stu & Nat feel Jodie Whittaker is travelling as the Doctor, plus a lot of talk about writing their own episode involving starfish. Tune in for more development as we go along!

  • Who's Raven On S11E3

    26/10/2018 Duration: 01h22min

    The Doctor is back in time and hooooooooooo it's complicated. Join Nat & Stu - and special guest Dan Beeston from the Smart Enough to Know Better podcast - as they talk about "Rosa". They are, of course, all very white, and are very aware that they may accidentally offend given the subject matter of the episode - race in America - is just a *teensy* bit incredibly complicated and loaded. There are a few inevitable tangents, and Natalie continues to struggle against the march of time by insisting she is still relevant and "hip with the kids".

  • Who's Raven On S11E2

    17/10/2018 Duration: 45min

    Nat & Stu are coming to you via Skype this week, but that doesn't stop them throwing down some incisive commentary on Doctor's accidental visit to Desolation in "The Ghost Monument". Art Malik has a lot of fun as the organiser of an intergalactic space rally, the TARDIS gets a makeover, and what is "The Timeless Child"? All that and more nitpicking from Nat in this week's podcast.

  • Who's Raven On S11E1

    10/10/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Nat & Stu crash through the train ceiling of charming adventure drama with their first podcast of the new and womanly improved series of Doctor Who. Hear their thoughts on Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor, the change in theming, tone and music, a lowdown on companions, plus special guest Greg from the Smart Enough to Know Better weighs in on that toothy villain. As the Doctor herself says: "Well, this'll be fun!"

  • Who's Raven On: S11 Preview

    04/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    Nat and Stu are back, and it's FANTASTIC! (They hope) Your intrepid Game of Thrones tragics are filling Westeros void by jumping onboard the TARDIS train and doing a podcast about the new season of Doctor Who - you know, the one with the WOMAN! A WOMAN! Can you even imagine, goodness gracious, what on Gallifrey is going on? Anyway, this is a preview/introductory podcast in which Nat and Stu discuss their history with the good Doctor, some thoughts on the impending season, and a fairly good chunk of Game of Thrones chat because they just can't help themselves. Thank you for listening!

  • Raven On - All Sizzle, No Sausage

    21/07/2018 Duration: 01h43min

    Well, stone the crows, if it isn't a wildly out-of-season Raven On episode! Natalie and Stu decided to get together for some old-fashioned banter, as well as introduce Stu's newborn daughter CHLOE GIANTSBANE to the world of amateur podcasting. It's been a year since S7 ended, and who knows how much longer we have until S8 takes GoT out of our lives together, so strap in for some poorly-researched ramblings about anything vaguely related to our favourite folks from Westeros and beyond. There's also, as usual, many tangents onto other subjects, including Nat's forthcoming adventure, and internet culture. Thanks for listening!

  • Raven On S7E7 Full Podcast

    12/09/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    Deja vu, it's another Raven On S7E7 podcast! As promised, this is the full, "Hey they're in the room together" finale rundown that Stu and Nat promised before Nat selfishly went to New York and disrupted the usual schedule. There's a bit of chat about recapping New York-style, then onto the episode itself, Jon Snow's buttocks, and the BOAT SEX between blood relatives. Littlefinger's demise is welcomed and revelled in (almost a little too much), and everybody is thrilled with Jaime's intense face-acting, and eventual decision to ditch Cersei. Nat & Stu are determined at some stage to either start another podcast, or do something else GoT-related while they wait and wait and wait for Season 8. If you have any thoughts, feel free to suggest them!

  • Raven On Podcast S7E7

    29/08/2017 Duration: 29min

    With Natalie in New York for the big GoT S7 finale, she and Stu catch up via the wonders of VOIP for this intermediary podcast. They discuss the potential fall out from the Jon/Dany Boning Potential reaching 100% likelihood, and Natalie's strong reactions to said boning (so strong she didn't even take time to appreciate gratuitous ass shots). They also chat a bit about the very timely justice that was brought to Littlefinger and the Ice Dragon bringing the Wall down with mighty ice-fire. Or fire-ice. Whatevs. A full podcast will follow in early September once Nat & Stu can get back in the same room and EMOTE their little hearts out. Enjoy this one in the meantime!

  • Raven On Podcast S7E6

    22/08/2017 Duration: 01h16min

    Something's in the frozen water as Nat and Stu get as giggly as helium-sucking schoolgirls in this week's Raven On. But then, this was the episode with man-banter, and zombies, and dragon rescues, and the Night King's epic darts effort, and an ice dragon, and goo-goo eyes, and JON SNOW'S ABS. We can forgive all the time-jump craziness for that, surely? There's a few diversions into Sherlock Holmes territory and the perils of writing song parodies to terrible songs. And a heads up: Natalie will be in New York for the final episode of S7. She and Stu will attempt a brief podcast via Skype which will be uploaded here; but a full podcast debrief will happen once she's back in Brisbane in early September. VALAR PODCASTIS!

  • Raven On S7E5 Podcast

    15/08/2017 Duration: 01h17min

    Stop. For Nat & Stu, it's Hammer Time. Yes, a beloved long-missed character makes his return in this eventful episode that somehow managed to not have a big event. But there was the fall out from the loot train battle of last episode, and the promise of exciting wild men adventures next episode. In between, there was discord at Winterfell, Jaime and Cersei celebrating a little lion in the oven (or is it a fake news pregnancy?), Sam getting shirty at being ignored by the Maesters and not realising it when he does the very same to Gilly, Jorah returning to Dany only to shove off again, Jon being hunky and touching a dragon, and Davos being an all-around top bloke and witty raconteur. You'll be pleased to know Natalie keeps her lengthy divergent ramblings to a minimum this week because there's just so gosh darn much to get through. Enjoy!

  • Raven On Podcast S7E4

    08/08/2017 Duration: 01h20min

    It's a rather screechy start to this week's podcast, as Nat and Stu express their excitement at the EPIC F***ING FINALE of that episode. The Dothraki charge at an unprepared Lannister army! Drogon starting the biggest flame war since Gamergate! Bronn wielding a huge weapon that isn't his personal organ! Drogon shot in the shoulder! Jaime charging at Dany! Jaime falling into the lake! It's almost all too much, except for Stu, who could do it all over again and call it ice-cream. There's also another Stark reunion, Bran behaving strangely, Arya fighting Brienne, Cersei seducing the Iron Bank and Dickon learning about the perils of war. Join Nat & Stu for all that, and the odd Aladdin sing along.

  • Raven On S7E3

    01/08/2017 Duration: 01h14min

    They're back, and they're excited! Dany and Jon finally met in person, and so Nat and Stu - who've been meeting in person now for years - are keen to discuss it. Well, mostly keen to discuss Jon's clifftop brooding and Tyrion's zingers. Our intrepid GoT natterers pay floral tributes to Olenna Tyrell, discuss the crazy geographical criss-crossings of the Greyjoy fleet and Lannister army, and do their best impressions of Emo Bran. There's much more, including some fairly poor-taste humour involving Euron, Cersei, Jaime and a number of orifices. Apologies in advance.

  • Raven On S7E2 Recap

    25/07/2017 Duration: 01h20min

    HOT PIE is back, and to celebrate, here's a steaming hot Raven On recap podcast. Nat & Stu delve deep into the politics of game-playing - from Dany's LARP table in Dragonstone, to Jon's courtly chess in Winterfell. Arya tries to teach an old dog new tricks, and Euron proves he is the new king of Battleship. Plus there's a VERY awkward episode of "Living at Home with Grey Worm and Missandei" which is worth the price of admission alone. And it's free, so yeah, it's worth about that much.

  • Raven On S7E1 Recap

    18/07/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    IT'S FINALLY HERE! Season Seven has arrived, and Stu and Nat couldn't be more excited if you plonked a stark naked Jon Snow in front of them. Well, in front of Nat anyway. This is a fresh, piping Hot Pie podcast served basically unedited to ensure it gets in your earholes fast and furiously, so excuse any errors (and a random Shakespeare soliloquy). Our intrepid hosts discuss Arya's FEROCIOUS FREY FRENZY; Cersei's GIANT WAR ROOM FLOOR MAP; Euron's PROPOSAL; Jon, Sansa and their TOTALLY FINE RELATIONSHIP; the sexfulness that is TORMIENNE, Dany's Dragonstone-coming; and SO MUCH MORE. Gods, it's good to be back. Valar Morghulis!

  • Smart Enough to Raven On

    14/07/2017 Duration: 01h30s

    Welcome to a very special extra podcast! Nat and Stu team up for their first ever collab podcast, with Dan & Greg from Smart Enough to Know Better - a podcast of science, comedy and ignorance. Greg runs through his "Jorah is Azor Ahai" theory, while Dan retools a popular SE2KB segment for Westeros. Enjoy the banter!

  • Raven On S6 Recap

    11/07/2017 Duration: 01h50min

    Well folks, this is a long one. Natalie is the middle of a impending-Season-Seven-induced mania, and her obsessions with Jon Snow are starting to take disturbing turns. OK, more disturbing turns. The result is a lot of chatter. A note on times with this one - Nat and Stu spend the first 15 minutes or so chatting about Natalie's recent victory at a GoT trivia night, then there's a few minutes about the aforementioned disturbing elements, before a lengthy diversion into James Bond territory. If you want to skip straight to GoT S6 recap goodness, skip forward to the 35 minute mark. There's SO much to talk about: Dany and her burning escape from Vaes Dothrak and her dragon attack on the Masters at Meereen; Jon Snow coming back to life; Jon Snow reunited with Sansa; the Battle of the Bastards; Jon Snow as King in the North; the flashback that proved R+L = Jon Snow. There's more than Jon Snow, of course, but... yeah. Also Natalie apologises for saying "Toto by Africa" instead of "Africa by Toto". It was due to

  • Raven On S5 Recap

    04/07/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    With S7 now just two weeks away, Natalie and Stu are into the home stretch of season recaps. This week it's Season 5, famous for a little thing called THE FOUL AND UNJUST MURDER OF JON SNOW. Oh yeah... um... spoilers? Join our intrepid Westerosi correspondents and catch up on all the hard-hitting highs and home truths of Hardhome, more best made plans gang agley for Cersei, the Dorne Bros and their pointless (?) storyline, Arya in Braavos, Tyrion and Jorah trying to cosy up to Dany, the return of Drogon - plus a fairly serious chat about THAT Sansa/Ramsay sequence. Along the way there's talk of trivia competitions, Australian cliches, and something called "Thrones and the City"?

  • Raven On S4 Recap

    27/06/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    It's a shocking display from Natalie this week as she completely fails to remember most of the important events/plot points of Season 4. Lucky Stu is here, as usual, to set things right. Oberyn Martell and the Viper/Hound showdown, the Purple Wedding, Tyrion on trial and the deaths of Shae and Tywin, Littlefinger and Sansa head to the Eyrie, Arya and the Hound buddy-adventure through the Riverlands and Vale, Jon Snow & the Night's Watch take on the Wildlings in the ferocious Battle of Castle Black, and f***ing Ollie enters our lives, only to end Ygritte's. It's a corker of a season, so that explains why this podcast is slightly longer than planned. So much banter!

  • Raven On S3 Recap

    20/06/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Clearly nothing much happened in Season 3 of "Game of Thrones", so why Nat & Stu are even bothering..... except of course THE RED WEDDING and JAIME'S HAND and JON AND YGRITTE AND THE CAVE and EVERYTHING ELSE. There's so many storylines and our intrepid Thronecasters fail to cover them all in the depth they deserve, but by crikey they give it a shot. A special big THANK YOU to everyone who's subscribed to Patreon in advance of the upcoming S7. Your $1 per recap payment goes towards things like our Soundcloud subscription, equipment, and much more. It is appreciated. It is KNOWN. If you want to sign up, head to www.patreon.com/girlclumsy

  • Raven On S2 Recap

    13/06/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Join Nat & Stu as they kick off a discussion about Season 2, sometimes forgotten, but always awesome. There's talk of Jaqen H'ghar and Arya's deathly deal, Jon Snow's adventures north of The Wall, the Battle of Blackwater Bay, Melisandre's shadow baby, Robb Stark's seemingly so positive war record, Dany's dreary-ish story arc, and for some reason, a deep dive into what Qarth must be like these days. Thanks to all of you who subscribe to the Patreon account for the Raven On recaps. The recaps will be published free, but your support helps makes them - and bonus content like these podcasts - happen. You can find out more about the Patreon and why you should consider paying just $1 per episode over at www.patreon.com/girlclumsy. Love your work, kittens!

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